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X370 Pro Gaming TestBetaBIOS 5.24 missing options

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sdtyler78 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote sdtyler78 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04 Jul 2019 at 6:57am
to bad none of the newer bioses since 2.30 support windows 7 , kinda funny all of a sudden from 2.40 windows 7 crashes alot of pci.sys error
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PinetreeRoad View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote PinetreeRoad Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12 Jul 2019 at 12:47am
I finally got some free time to play with my BIOS this week. I am experiencing lots of issues with the latest 5.30 BIOS. I understand if AMD is removing options, but ASRock needs to take the initiative and better optimize BIOSes for their boards.

RAM overclocking has been gimped. BGS Alt was added but everything else relating to RAM OCing is now removed. Core/Thread enable has been gimped. Ie: 3+3, 4+0 core options don't exist. The list goes on. This BIOS update is a HUGE downgrade in general. It should have never been released as "stable" in this state. If AMD removed stuff, talk to them about adding it back. This is unacceptable. The release BIOS for this board had more functionality on day 1 of Ryzen 1st gen, than it does on release of Ryzen 3rd gen. I am updating my BIOS for security reasons, and I shouldn't be punished for keeping my system up-to date. It's 2019, updating firmware/software shouldn't be a big deal anymore.

There is a list of features that are listed on my boards Specs that are no longer available in BIOS. Basic features like "Hyper BCLK Engine II" are missing.

I updated to the 5.30 BIOS on Tuesday, and immediately after applying the BIOS update Windows could not boot due to "NTLDR is missing". I was eventually able to get Windows to boot, but SFC was still finding files it was unable to repair. After hours of troubleshooting I realized that I could not repair Windows and was forced to completely reinstall Windows yesterday. If this long post didn't make it clear, I'm still pretty mad about it.

This is supposed to be a high end board. With the release of the latest BIOS it might as well be a B350 board now. I don't know who you need to talk to about this, but somebody need to get on it. This is the last straw for me, this board has been nothing but a pain in my ass since I got it. While reinstalling Windows I came to the conclusion that I will never buy another ASRock product because this "high end" board still feels half baked. Isn't this board supposed to be one of your best products? If this is one of ASRock's best I can't imagine your worst. It's been years and this board is still filled with BIOS bugs. Like if you don't apply XMP then reboot before changing CPU multipliers the board will fail to boot. That is just one bug that has existed since day 1. Clear CMOS doesn't actually clear the CMOS anymore, it partially clears it. WTF is going on with this board?
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xhue View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote xhue Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12 Jul 2019 at 2:43am
OK, I know the following won't make you all happy but I feel like saying it anyway.

Most users will find it hard to believe, but it was the same story when Zen launched. It was exactly the same story when Zen+ launched, along with the 400-series chipsets. Guess what is different now?

Most of you don't know me on this forum, but let me tell you this - I've been there myself. I've raged more than the most of you combined. I learned 1 thing - patience.

You won't get flawwless BIOS, mobos, chipsets and CPU from day 1. The technical challenges for the engineers are enormous and the marketing push for early launch isn't helping either.

Bottm line is patience. You will get there sooner or later.
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Tupeie View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Tupeie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 Sep 2019 at 9:34am
Most likely microsoft holding amd/asrock by the nut's to make everyone one hop on malware10
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