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A300 suddenly can't use Windows

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menting View Drop Down

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    Posted: 09 May 2020 at 11:33am

I'm wondering if there is anyone that can help me with my A300
I tried pretty much everything I can think of, and I tried some of the fixes on this forum, but it didn't help with my problem.

My system is as below
AMD 3400G
2x16 Micron 2400Mhz DDR
240 Gigabyte SSD
Windows 10 Pro

The system was working fine for about 3 months
Then it started having issues where after idling for a while, the system would freeze. A hard reboot would not help, as the screen would still be dark, and HDMI will show as not detected. Pulling the power cord out then plugging it back in would work randomly.
After a few more days, even pulling the plug then plugging it back in would not work.

Since I originally had set it up to ultrafast boot, I had to clear the CMOS to get it back to being able to boot into bios.
After doing that, I noticed that only the front USB would work. The 2 rear USB stopped working. Plugging in a optical mouse or USB drive would not show it as powered on the rear USB ports.
the USB-C did not work either, i attached a USB-C hub, and the hub would light up, but plugging in keyboard/mouse/usb drive still did not have those devices light up.
So I had to use an USB port extender on the front port in order to plug the keyboard/mouse/usb drive in order to install.
I thought that would be the end of my problems, but that is not all. Installing Windows 10 took about 20 minutes, which was strange for a SSD. And after installing and rebooting, the screen goes dark, and HDMI shows as not detected. Just like before
Pulling the plug and plugging it back in would let it show the Windows circle, but it would then either
1. Freeze. This happens about 70% of the time
2. BSOD. This happens about 25% of the time.
3. 1 time it successfully went to the setup menu. However the mouse and keyboard lags so much that it felt the CPU was running at 100%. I was able to complete the setup after about 20 minutes, but even in the normal windows desktop, it would still lag like that (in hindsight I should have tried to look at the CPU usage)

I tried to install Ubuntu just to see if that would be better, and that looks to work fine (even though the rear USB ports and the USB-C port still did not work). By fine I mean I installed it, and it was usable for the short 5 minutes I used it before wiping the drive to try to install Windows 10 again.

I tried to disable Cool & Quiet, and also tried to disable to Virtualization options in the bios, as some mentioned they had similar issues with that enabled, but that didn't help.

At this point, it looks like it's either a CPU or the A300 motherboard issue, but I do not have a spare CPU or motherboard to do more debugging.
I would usually think that it's a motherboard issue, since the USB ports are broken, but I think that since the A300 doesn't really use a chipset, but merely connects the CPU ports out, it could also be a CPU issue, right?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
My next steps are
1. try to reseat the CPU
2. Put the SSD in my other computer and try to scan for problems (doubt this will find anything, since Ubuntu was fine)
3. Try just 1 stick of memory
4. See if I have another SSD to try to install

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Hammerfest View Drop Down

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If NVMe, there are many other posts here regarding, its an issue with outdated AGESA/Module in the boards BIOS and 3x00G Zen+ APU's (at least I havent seen any issues with 2x00G Zen APU's) and you need to open a ticket with ASRock support
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menting View Drop Down

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thanks for the reply.
It's a regular SATA SSD.
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ASRock_TSD View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ASRock_TSD Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23 Jun 2020 at 5:51pm
Dear Menting,

Thank you for choosing ASRock.

Regarding your case, we provide some suggestion to try.
1. Clear CMOS to load BIOS default.
2. Change the SATA cable and SATA port to try.
3. Only install one stick memory at each memory slot to try.

Thank you!
Yours truly,
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