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C236 WSI mITX & Kaby Lake

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leo_poldX View Drop Down

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    Posted: 25 Sep 2017 at 2:07pm
Originally posted by rabudde rabudde wrote:

- Are all Kaby Lake CPU supported now? (I've G4600T in mind)
look at the customer photo here, he is using a G4620!

Edited by leo_poldX - 25 Sep 2017 at 2:08pm
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Pingumann View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pingumann Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 Aug 2017 at 10:07am
< ="text/">p { margin-bottom: 2.47mm; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }

@Carouser2 ..

Originally posted by Carouser2 Carouser2 wrote:

... Used the g4400 cpu to flash the bios with version P2.10.  All is  working.  I connected the hard drives and booted into Windows 10.  I swapped the g4400 for the e3-1245v6 (Kaby Lake) cpu and all is humming along.

Your description of flashing with the G4400 CPU and then swapping it for a E3-1245V6 made me think.

I am using the Intel i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU on two C236 WSI's. I noticed that the boards had two different bios versions. I had problems with the HMDI Video output on the newer board, and the older V1.0.0 had less setup points than the newer V1.0.1 bios. Going back to the AsRock website, I noticed that there was a new Bios v 2.10. I flashed the first PC with the V2.10 bios, and it rebooted by itself. Now it would not accept my bios password. I then reset the PC and now nothing happens. Totally dead.

Moral of the story; do not flash the V2.10 if you use the Intel i7-6700 CPU! I have to find another CPU just to boot and repair the bios by flashing the older version back.

I suppose an Intel Celeron Processor G3900 (2,80 GHz, 2 MB Intel Smart-Cache) will also work for flashing it and swap the i7-6700 back in. Luckily costs only 33 Euro.

I have noticed that in the CPU's listed by ASRock are all Skylake, except the i5-7500 that is the only Kaby Lake, and even your flashing CPU (G4400) is a Skylake according to the CPU list at Asrock?s CPU Support List (

Maybe I need a Kaby Lake because the bios is already flashed for the Kaby Lake.

I found a cheap "Intel BX80677G3930 CPU - Intel Celeron G3930". As far as I can see they both use the LGA1151 Socket.

What I do not understand is that including support for Kaby Lake makes the bios with V2.10 unusable for Skylake. I see no warning from Asrock that version 2.10 will make a board with the i7 and probably all Skylake CPU's unusable.

BTW, is there a reset on the board like the old days when the bios went astray? I found nothing in the manuals.

--- Desperate Pingumann ---


--- UPDATE 2017.08.09 ---


After various exclusions of attached disks and network cables as well as USB cables, the board booted into bios after the bios was reset.

Resetting is on the MoBo Page6-Pin6 in the manual -- Power cord must be removed, the battery must be removed, power switch pressed for 15-20 seconds to discharge any capacitors on the MoBo, then short out the 5 mm half moons of Pin6.

Then an older V1.0.0 was then flashed in the bios menu Advanced and Instant Flash option ftom a USB stick.

Since this flash botch-up in the first attempt, and the recovery to a previous V1.0.0, I could not leave the issue there. I decided to take the chance to flash the V2.1.0 with a Skylake that was there before. It worked, but it needs time and a few boot-ups before it is stable and running.

So, V2.1.0 also works with Skylake.

-- Alleviated Pingumann -- Cool

Edited by Pingumann - 09 Aug 2017 at 8:17am
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rabudde View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rabudde Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12 Jul 2017 at 5:42pm

as I thought about replacing a Supermicro X10SDV with a C236 WSI, can you please tell me:

- Are all Kaby Lake CPU supported now? (I've G4600T in mind)
- Do 19200E/2400MHz RAM modules run at native speed now or are they throttled in speed?
- As Xeon CPUs (which will run on this board) do support RDIMMs, I want to know if C236 WSI does support RDIMM also?

Edited by rabudde - 12 Jul 2017 at 8:46pm
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Carouser2 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Carouser2 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10 Jun 2017 at 12:46pm
I spent time with AsRock Tech Support diagnosing my issues and we came to the conclusion that the motherboard is toast.  He was happy to RMA the mb except AsRock are not able to post to Australia. I live-chatted  with Amazon explaining my plight and they were happy to send a replacement mb and all paperwork to return the old mb. 

My new c236 wsi arrived from Amazon this week and I assembled everything as before.  Used the g4400 cpu to flash the bios with version P2.10.  All is  working.  I connected the hard drives and booted into Windows 10.  I swapped the g4400 for the e3-1245v6 (Kaby Lake) cpu and all is humming along. It is 4 days now and no issues.  I conducted a few stress tests using prime 95 which exposed deficiencies in the stock cooler and so added the Coolermaster Hyper 212x.  ( had to remove the mb again to install back plate grrrr!!)

My ECC ram is enabled and working with the XEON., but not with the g4400 cpu where the ram works, but not the ECC feature.

I had a brand new WD 4TB  Black HDD that was not sounding quite right  and took it to get checked out at the computer shop. The tech replaced it immediately saying it seemed like the platters were out of alignment or something.  Whether this may have been the cause I do not know. So far everything is stable and I am checking everything I can to find if  there was something else that may have caused the initial problem.

Just one last interesting thing that happened.  I was wanting to check the contents on an old hard drive and plugged it  in the mb using SATA 7 input as it is easily accessible compared to the others. Win 10 would not display this HDD even though the BIOS clearly displayed this as a storage device with 4 other drives.  Google led me down various paths all not being fruitful. After may days, and hours thinking about this, I plugged the sata cable into the next available port in the order sequence on the motherboard and it immediately worked. I thought sata ports were just like usb ports.  Anyhow, in case someone has this issue.

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Lynxphp View Drop Down

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Thank you for the insights Xaltar. I wasn't aware about the compatibility list not guaranteeing that ECC mode would work.

So... I got the 16 gb stick today. I just tried it. The system posted... I got into the BIOS, and.... no ECC!!!! :(
Really frustrating, as to swap the ram i have to remove my drive bays, remove the CPU cooler, swap the ram, and put everything back!
I am returning the stick. I'll mail asrock support and tell them i've tried with another stick which doesn't work in ECC mode.

@mafrosis Did you contact asrock regarding the issue?
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Xaltar View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 May 2017 at 11:09pm
I'm afraid the only way to know is to try. Given the 8gb didn't work there is a good chance the 16 won't either. If it's a good deal I would give it a shot, especially if you need the extra capacity. 

The compatibility list only means that the RAM will "work" with the board, it doesn't necessarily mean that ECC will. I wish all these lists and details were made clearer and easier to make sense of. 

If you do decide to pull the trigger on the RAM, let us know how it turns out Thumbs Up
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Lynxphp View Drop Down

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Thanks for the precisions Xaltar, it helps understanding the problem.

About that: I can now buy on sale a 16Gb (KVR21E15D8/16) stick of the "same" RAM i have an 8Gb (KVR21E15D8/8) stick of. Based on what you are saying, is there a chance that the 16Gb stick will work in ECC mode, even if the 8Gb doesn't? Worse case scenario, i could return it for a small fee..

Here's a link to kingston's compatibility list:
Both the 8Gb and 16Gb are listed as compatible.

Edited by Lynxphp - 28 May 2017 at 10:14pm
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Xaltar View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 May 2017 at 7:53pm
Issues like these can be very tricky to pin down, often even trickier to reproduce. All I can tell you guys is to hang in there. Follow up with Tech Support now and then and see if they have made any progress. 

When dealing with compatibility issues with a particular piece of hardware it can be very challenging to replicate a user's issue. RAM in particular can be almost impossible when you consider that the same RAM kit (identical model number) rolled off the production line just months apart can have different memory chips on it, Hynix/Samsung for example. The criteria for that model will be capacity, timings, frequency and voltage so the memory manufacturer is free to use whatever memory chips meet the requirements. Issues like this may occur on one, lets say a Samsung based kit, but not on the other because of this.

I know this doesn't help with your issues, I wish I could help more but sadly this is not something I can assist with as it likely requires Tech Support to make some BIOS level tweaks.

Good luck and please let us know how it works out for you.
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Lynxphp View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lynxphp Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 May 2017 at 6:14pm
@Carouser2 sorry to hear your story. Hope you could find some knowledgeable folks to help you out.

@mafrosis Thank you! What RAM do you have? Exactly the same one as i do? If you ever get to it, i would be interested in seeing your build on pcpartpicker!
I never got a reply from asrock Europe. So I tried asrock US (with a vpn, eventhough i'm not sure that was necessary) and got a response within hours... I explained them my problem, they tried to replicate it, but didn't have the same RAM. What they already confirmed is that they could get ECC to work on the G4560. The guy i was i contact with relayed my problem to "HQ", whereever that is. It's been two almost two weeks now, and i've asked the guy i am in contact with about news. On tuesday, he said he asked HQ and would contact me as soon as he had news. I haven't heard from him yet.

I can only encourage you to contact asrock support (US support, that is)! Please do! The more we are, the more seriously they will take the problem.
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mafrosis View Drop Down

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@lynxphp did you ever get anywhere with this? I built basically the same setup (nice work on pcpartpicker btw) - and my BIOS shows "ECC feature: disabled" too.
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