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X370 Fatal1ty Gaming Professional - [BIOS v2.x]

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yoonie View Drop Down

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Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

Originally posted by yoonie yoonie wrote:

Well, I figured it out.  Either I'm misremembering or something changed (probably the former) because I could have sworn that the fan curves responded to tdie temps and not the socket temps but I guess not.

Since the socket temp stays in such a small range that explains why the fan speeds barely change.  As a follow up, in general should I be monitoring the socket or die temps?  AMD said tjmax for R7 is 75C but I'm not sure which reading they're referring to.  This is my first AMD system since the Athlon so I'm still getting used to their terminology.

What version of HWiNFO are you using? Mine looks very different than yours (v5.51-3135).

AMD does not have a CPU socket temperature (thank Gawd!) on Ryzen.  The CPU reports two temperatures Tctl (T control) and Tdie. Tctl has a +20°C offset programmed into the CPU by AMD for their stock CPU coolers, for use with the Ryzen 5 series processors, apparently.

Tdie is being monitored for the fan speeds.

Are you calling the Tctl the socket temperature?

When stress testing using AIDA64, which shows both Tctl and Tdie, I was at ~80C (Tctl) during the test, without any throttling of the CPU speed.

AIDA64 is showing this for the CPU temperature limit (HTC Temperature Limit, Tctl.) Who knows if this is correct?

I reordered some of the reading to make it easy to view at a glance but it's hwinfo 5.51-3135.

I was informed that the 'CPU' reading that things like AIDA64 read from by default are the socket temps as read by a sensor included on all the x370 mobos I've seen- dunno if it's actually standard or just really common.  It's always way lower than tctl/tide (same for me since I have a 1700 but I've seen the same thing w/ socket temps even on 1700x/1800x systems).  Other programs like hwinfo also showed that same generic 'CPU' temp (an older version I tried, I think updates changed this) that was definitely not tctl or tdie even with a 20C offset, and I saw that same with my X370 Gaming 5 before I switched over to Asrock.

Edited by yoonie - 20 Apr 2017 at 9:17pm
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Bill H View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill H Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 8:29am
I have a X370 Pro Gamer/1800x@4.0Ghz - G.Skill F4-3000C14D-16GTZ@3200Mhz
Boot drive Samsung 960PRO SSD 2TB.
Video- two EVGA GTX 1080 Hydro Coppers in SLI.
The motherboard came with Vers 1.40. I updated to 1.50 through windows 10 and and Used quick flash to v1.55., then 1.60.
Got everything running stable. It games pretty good at 4.1Ghz smt off.
When I tried using BIOS v1.93 everything was still stable but CPUID HWMonitor was indicating
a huge voltage fluctuation in CPU VCORE.  From 1.392v to 2.8v. I went back to v1.60 and 
the problem went away. When v2.0 came out it did the same thing with unstable voltages.
I'm hoping that the next BIOS version takes care of the problem.
BTW, to get the overclock and not have such a high voltage(1.44) all of the time, I started using
Voltage offset mode and Load Line Calibration for both CPU and VDDR_SOC voltages.
The Cpu idles at around .608V or less and with load up to 1.44V. VDDR_SOC stays around 1.92V

Is anyone else having problems like mine with the newer BIOS versions or is there a workaround.

Edited by Bill H - 25 Apr 2017 at 12:38pm
X370 Pro Gamer - 1800x@4000 -
EVGA GTX 1080 Hydro Copper SLI -
G.SKILL F4-3000C14D-16GTZ@3200MHz - Single liquid loop
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Bill H View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill H Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 8:31am
I forgot to mention that I am cooling with a single liquid loop.
X370 Pro Gamer - 1800x@4000 -
EVGA GTX 1080 Hydro Copper SLI -
G.SKILL F4-3000C14D-16GTZ@3200MHz - Single liquid loop
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parsec View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote parsec Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 11:39am
Originally posted by Bill H Bill H wrote:

I have a X370 Pro Gamer/1800x@4.0Ghz - G.Skill F4-3000C14D-16GTZ@3200Mhz
Boot drive Samsung 960PRO SSD 2TB.
Video- two EVGA GTX 1080 Hydro Coppers in SLI.
The motherboard came with Vers 1.40. I updated to 1.50 through windows 10 and and Used quick flash to v1.55., then 1.60.
Got everything running stable. It games pretty good at 4.1Ghz smt off.
When I tried using BIOS v1.93 everything was still stable but CPUID HWMonitor was indicating
a huge voltage fluctuation in CPU VCORE.  From 1.392v to 2.8v. I went back to v1.60 and 
the problem went away. When v2.0 came out it did the same thing with unstable voltages.
I'm hoping that the next BIOS version takes care of the problem.
BTW, to get the overclock and not have such a high voltage(1.44) all of the time, I started using
Voltage offset mode and Load Line Calibration for both CPU and VDDR_SOC voltages.
The Cpu idles at around .608V or less and with load up to 1.44V. VDDR_SOC stays around 1.92V

My problem right now is that I can get mem speeds of 3200Mhz 16-16-16-38 at a CPU speed of 4.0Ghz, But when I overclock to 4.1GHz the mem speed drops to 3000MHz.
I haven't tried 3200MHz mem speed with 1.93D or 2.0 versions of the BIOS because of the
voltage problems with those versions and the possibility of toasting my proc.
Is anyone else having problems like mine with the newer BIOS versions or is there a workaround.

A VDDR_SOC of 1.92V is crazy high, considering the default is 0.900V. I hope that is a mistake in HWMonitor, seems like over twice what it should be, which usually indicates a mistake in the display of that sensor reading. Or is that a typo?

I highly suggest getting a second opinion about your voltages, such as with HWiNFO64. Plus HWiNFO64 will show the VRM temperatures for the CPU and SOC, VRM voltage and power input and output, CPU Tdie and Tctl, a true VCore reading, memory timings and speed, memory temperature if supported by your DIMMs, and much more.

Even your board's F-Stream utility will give you a way to verify that the VDDR_SOC voltage is not that high. That voltage is also shown in the UEFI/BIOS HW Monitoring screen.

If your memory is at 3200 now, you are above average in Ryzen memory speed. Particularly being over clocked about its rated speed. Maybe that's what the super high VDDR_SOC voltage allows. I can't reach 3200 with Ryzen specific memory. Yours is designed for Intel Z170 and Z270 boards, but obviously Samsung B-Die memory chips. I better try mine from my Intel PCs. If you're using the XMP profile and then just setting the memory speed manually, I will expire... Shocked

Offset mode works great for reducing VCore and retaining stability with an OC, I agree. I'm at 3.9GHz with a 1700X, max at just under 1.3V.
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Bill H View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill H Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 11:51am
It is a typo. It should be 1.192v. I verified the CPU v fluctuations with CPUZ. It is definitely not stable using v1.93D and v2.0. 
I went into the BIOS and checked the mem settings. 
XMT on showing 3000mhz 14-14-14-36 1.35v.
My settings 3200Mhz 16-16-16-38 1.40v
I didn't notice it before, but even at CPU 4.0GHz and 3200Mhz mem selected, after boot CPUID verifies
that DRAM Freq is 1599.6 MHz 16-16-16-38-75-1T.
X370 Pro Gamer - 1800x@4000 -
EVGA GTX 1080 Hydro Copper SLI -
G.SKILL F4-3000C14D-16GTZ@3200MHz - Single liquid loop
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Bill H View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill H Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 11:56am
Is there any way to find out if ASRock knows anything about voltage problems in
BIOS versions higher than v1.60?
Duh. I just answered my own question. I will contact support.
X370 Pro Gamer - 1800x@4000 -
EVGA GTX 1080 Hydro Copper SLI -
G.SKILL F4-3000C14D-16GTZ@3200MHz - Single liquid loop
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Bill H View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bill H Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 12:15pm
I wasn't looking for Ryzen compatible memory.
I was looking for compatible chips and the Samsung single rank DIMMS fit my profile.
They run 3000MHz 14-14-14-36 1T at stock speeds, but only need
a bump to 1.40v to go along with a 4GHZ overclock and 16-16-16-38 1T
for the 4.1GHz overclock. I needed to turn off SMT to get the 1800x to 4.1GHz, but
when I'm gaming I don't really need all 16 threads.
X370 Pro Gamer - 1800x@4000 -
EVGA GTX 1080 Hydro Copper SLI -
G.SKILL F4-3000C14D-16GTZ@3200MHz - Single liquid loop
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twf85 View Drop Down

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Originally posted by Conraire Conraire wrote:

As far as the board the topic is about goes, does anyone know if ASRock plans on releasing a new beta bios soon, or updated stable bios?  Or are they waiting for AMD to update agesa code again, which is suppose to happen in May?

I can only comment on what I've witnessed. I've followed the releases of BIOS updates for the X370 Fatal1ty Gaming Pro board since the launch of Ryzen, on a daily basis. Due to the high failure rate of the BETA updates, my guess is that we won't be seeing much of those in the future.

Sure, ASRock says we are responsible (for the outcome of updating the BIOS), but I have yet to see one angry thread from someone (who bricked their board) complaining that ASRock wouldn't accept their board for RMA. ASRock is obviously eating the cost of these bricked boards.. Great for our wallets, bad for theirs.

They had a hell of a hill to climb at launch. If you've read up on the rumors and reports concerning AMD and manufacturers, then it's not hard to imagine just how much work ASRock and others have put into making these systems functional; in such a short time period and under extreme pressure. It makes sense that there were frequent updates in the early days, but I think from here on out, it would be logical to expect the frequency between future updates to steadily increase.

Edited by twf85 - 22 Apr 2017 at 1:43am
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cutterjohn View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote cutterjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 6:48am
Two things:
I LET Intel Burn Test run 10 iterations of memory stress testing and hwinfo showed a max VRM of 52C from the IRF whatever it is sensor.  I have 2 of those listed and the VRM temps look inverted however they must be different at the voltages and other measurements DO differ,  Not at all horrible AFAIK.

Apparently the AGESA for P2.00 BIOS IS INDEED and NOT as identified by various means according to ASROCK support.  As to why it show .3, that varies from AMD 'forgot' to update the identifier string to various other reasons.  uCode 111C IS also backing this up as it is SUPPOSED to be the .4a release uCode INCLUDING the FMA3 'fix'.

That said memory support is utter crap for me w/P2.00 and I HALFWAY want to go back to 1.93D HOWEVER I SUSPECT that ASROCK REMOVED it for a VERY GOOD reason. AGESA .5 CANNOT get here FAST enough!

I suppose that I should've mentioned this WAY back in the thread, but I'm using a Corsair Carbide R600C INVERTED ATX case WITH an H110I AIO cooler.  The radiator is mounted in the BOTTOM of the case drawing air INTO the case, the case fans are as default, which IIRC are 2 rear drawing air in, and one front pushing out.  My eVGA 1.1kW PSU is top mounted(inverted) pushing air out.  GPU is an eVGA 1070 FTW(don't ask, I got it SUPER cheap, ty newegg as they screwed me on my ORIGINAL RAM order that I ordered WITH the GPU o.w. I would've ordered a 1080+ for the discount that I got... c'est la vie...)

I'm REALLY LIKING this inverted setup case as it runs pretty damned well cool, however it has DRAWBACKS only 2x 3.5" bays, 2x 5.25" bays and 3x2.5" ('SSD') bays, BUT IF AMD release an HEDT Naples based CPU this thing will be immediately demoted to a local server alongside the 3930k system that it's replacing.  TBH I'm REALLY hoping for HEDT as the paucity of PCIe lanes is already killing me, MUCH more than I had originally thought... really the current chipsets/CPUs are more like midrange Intel and I probably will build a naples based system IF AMD do NOT DO HEDT focused simply because of paucity of PCIe lanes, and dual channel memory.  My original thought this time around for a desktop anyways was to seriously consider using server/workstation parts.

Edited by cutterjohn - 22 Apr 2017 at 7:29am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote cutterjohn Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 04 May 2017 at 11:24pm
There's a 2.20 BIOS listed on the download page.  Changelog is useless, so I'm going to guess bug fixes but that's a relatively big versioning change for simply bugfixes... 'change''log' just says AGESA

I'm also going w/just bugfixes as there were no betas this time around either... the 2.20 is a RELEASE apparently...

I SERIOUSLY wish that these mobo ODMs would take changelogs more seriously.  Not a SINGLE one of them provides ANY USEFUL changelogs which is OK when it's a mature BIOS and is only getting minor changes, e.g. CPU SKU support added, etc.

Edited by cutterjohn - 04 May 2017 at 11:27pm
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