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Fatal1ty 970 Performance

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TryHardTex View Drop Down

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    Posted: 29 Apr 2015 at 2:21am
I recently built a new rig with the aforementioned Fatal1ty 970 Performance asrock mobo and FX 8320 blck edt.
I can't find some of the software options it advertises on the mobo box and on the asrock website. (IE Key Master)
It shows key master being accessed via F-Stream utility on the box but the UI for F-stream looks nothing like the version on the software that came in box or the updated software from the asrock site. The versions I've had are useless besides H/W monitor. The O/C utility lacks functionality. I'm having buyers remorse and I guess I'm looking for reasons why I shouldn't return the product for no other reason than I don't feel like I received what was advertised.
I realize these features are most likely screen shots from the Intel mobo software and that's where the market share for your products is heavy but, this mobo was put out in Oct. of 2014. Why hasn't the software and functionality advertised been developed for the AMD products?
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mtrai View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mtrai Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12 May 2015 at 4:12am
Can grab it from here.

Yes I think it should be listed in your MB downloads but while I love my ASRock Fatal1ty 990FX, the driver downloads leaves a lot to be desired.

Some"features" listed are really bios options, though depending on your OS you can use F-stream to make the changes in your OS.

For example updated drivers etron USB are on your Motherboards driver down load page.  Updated Killer Nic is on the latest Intel Fatal1ty board download page.

I just posted and ask about this.

If you like my answer please thanks me in the competition thread:

Edited by mtrai - 12 May 2015 at 4:16am
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Xaltar View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 May 2015 at 1:29pm
This is one of the reasons I am so happy to see Asrock finally set up its own international forums. This gives us all the opportunity to be heard and Asrock the opportunity to see what kinds of problems are common among its user base.
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mtrai View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mtrai Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 May 2015 at 9:19pm
I hoped that I was able to help you...and yes I am glad and hope they continue to have the forums.  As actuall users can help people so much better.

TBH I have both the Asrock Fatal1ty 990FX and Asus Sabertooth 990fx r2 motherboards, I perfer the ASROCK board even though the Sabertooth is considered the gold standard.  I will admit the bios of Sabertooth is better, but I did use some tools and totally open up my asrocks motherboards bios for a while.

OMFG  the options that are there in the UEFI bios...

Edited by mtrai - 17 May 2015 at 9:20pm
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TryHardTex View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TryHardTex Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30 May 2015 at 7:39pm
the application showed up on the mobo utility and driver download page 5/28, I believe. Although, when I attempted to install it I was prompted with a pop up informing me it wasn't supported by my hardware, lol. It's all good though. I wouldn't have kept it installed long or used it. I'm not big on anything I don't need that's not boosting performance. I play mostly fps titles atm and refuse to use peripherals that require me to run software or some bs application for it to function as billed. (Razer is the worst, I can't think of one instance I needed my keyboard settings stored in the cloud for random retrieval, as if I'm going to take my keyboard to somewhere to game and need settings but leave my rig behind) I'm even soured on Logitech devices with the exception of the mice that have storage on board so I only need to run the bloatware once, configure the buttons and then uninstall that mess. Sorry, went off topic a tad.
I really have only grown to like this mobo more and more. It was such a great price bundled with the Cpu and the output I've been able to get, with stability and some creative fan additions, on air has really been impressive, imo.
this is where it's at.
CPU FX-8320 blk edition @ 4.8 ghz - new
Cooler Master Hyper T2 (pulled from an APU build )
Mobo 970 Fata1lty (NB @ 2200/ HT @ 2400) - new
G. Skill ripjawX 2x4g F3-17000 2133's (at 1866 for stability and compatibility atm)(acquired in trade off craigslist for a component acquiring dust)
GPU EVGA GTX 750 ti SC w ACX cooling (pulled from an APU build I parted out)
1Tb HDD (pulled from an APU build I parted out)
EVGA PSU 600w Bronze - new
Corsair Carbide Spec 02 Case - new
my plan is to add a M.2 SSD to the pcie slot on the mb and lose the HDD all together, and backing it up via external storage and update the GPU.
I was having cooling issues till I got creative and added a small but strong fan blowing on the mobo near the I/O panel hitting the socket, moved the rear exhaust in favor of all exhaust blowing out up top (since heat rises and the cpu cooler was blowing up. Also I gutted the bays for HDD/SDDs and added another fan blowing in from the front and another bringing in air from below. (Relocated the HDD up in the bay where a second dvdr drive would go) I'll post some pictures before I sell or change to liquid. This is the second AMD build I've finished and I really enjoyed mixing it up. It's hard to complain since I put about 320$ (cpu/mobo/psu/case) into it and used components from other various builds to round it out. God bless microcenter for comparing prices with newegg and tiger direct 3 times a week and for having bundle sales for builders all the time. I might be able to make some money building, tuning and reselling I once thought... only to realize that most people who like to know what's in the PC they have and know quality components also, know enough to build it themselves.
My next build will be with the goal of not corrupting my OS 20 times getting the right frequency/voltage combo's with the optimal stability and temps. I hate to admit that but to thy own self be true or something.

Edited by TryHardTex - 30 May 2015 at 7:41pm
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