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First Time Builder Question

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: Intel Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock Intel Motherboards
Printed Date: 11 Feb 2025 at 7:48am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: First Time Builder Question
Posted By: flon_klar
Subject: First Time Builder Question
Date Posted: 12 Oct 2015 at 11:56pm

This is my first build from scratch.  I have a quick and simple question about my H97 Anniversary mobo.  All the connections from the case to the board seem to be laid out simply and easily enough, and almost all the connectors are very clear as to orientation, but I ran into a little confusion when attempting to make the System Panel Header connections.  I have 3 separate 2-pin connectors from the case: HDLED, Reset, and Power.  The connection points on the mobo are not very clear, so I'm not sure as how to connect.  Are the connectors in pairs from top-to-bottom?  Or do the connectors go left-to-right as shown by the brackets in the manual's diagram?  I'm assuming white wires in each pair are common, so the colored wires in each pair should go to + pins, correct?  If anyone can clarify, I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2015 at 12:34am
The picture in the manual is clear IMO, but if you've never used this header before they can be confusing on any mother board.

The pin connections are horizontal, or left to right as you wrote. So the bottom row of five pins has the HDLED connections as the two pins on the left, and the Reset connection are the two pins on the far right. The middle pin is not used.

The top row of four pins has the Power LED as the two pins on the left, and Power Button are the two pins on the right.

The cabling used on a PC case is different between manufactures, but your description of the cables and their wiring sounds correct.

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Posted By: flon_klar
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2015 at 1:34am
Thanks for your response. 
Your diagram shows different information from the diagram I am using.  (I would post a picture, but I seem to be having trouble with that.  Please click on link below to see image.)  However, I will use your information to see if I can resolve my issue.  Thanks." rel="nofollow -

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