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H97 Anniversary OC Settings Gone - RANT

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Category: OverClocking(OC) Zone
Forum Name: OC Technical Discussion
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Printed Date: 07 Feb 2025 at 8:44am
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Topic: H97 Anniversary OC Settings Gone - RANT
Posted By: Juzzi
Subject: H97 Anniversary OC Settings Gone - RANT
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2015 at 3:52pm
Hi all

Created an account just so I can have my rant because I'm the hell in at the moment. I just built a Gaming PC for my brother in law with a Pentium G3258 CPU and an Asrock H97 Anniversary Motherboard. On BIOS version 1.40, overclocking is available but the Windows 10 installation fails because it's not the latest version. Updating to version 1.50 and OC settings are completely gone.

Now, I get that Intel were #$%#@ and told Asrock to take the Non-K OC in the old BIOS versions out because they didn't like it, but why take out ALL OC settings?! Why take out CPU Ratio?! To my understanding, the Non-K OC setting is an automatic overclock and voltage adjustment for easy overclocking and that's what Intel had a problem with, right? I mean, other manufacturers haven't done this. I recently built a system with the same CPU and an Asus H81M-C board which still had the manual OC settings in the latest BIOS. So what the hell??

I'm forced now to give him the PC with Windows 8.1 and a recommendation to never update the BIOS so that the PC can perform as intended and that he will not be able to get Windows 10 because of it. This whole thing negates the reason why I bought the Pentium G3258 on his behalf which was because of its ridiculous overclocking ability.

Therefore, I shall be returning the Asrock H97 Anniversary and will NEVER buy Asrock's motherboards again. This is highly embarrassing when you tell someone to trust you with their hard earned money and you can't deliver on your promises because of this BS.

EDIT: After doing some research, turns out Intel and Microsoft are the ones responsible for this BS and Asrock are not to blame. Sorry Asrock, rant on you retracted.

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2015 at 4:22pm
I completely understand your frustration but in all fairness ASRock only provided the latest BIOS to allow Windows 10 to install correctly on non-K motherboards in conjunction with unlocked CPUs. The fault here lies with Microsoft and Intel for forcing the removal of overclocking features on B and H series motherboards. There is a workaround to allow for overclocking on a non-K board with windows 10 but it is a little tricky and not entirely above board. Personally I have not made the switch to win 10 because it violates a number of my principals, in fact if linux support was more wide spread for the apps I use I would dump windows and MS as a whole completely. There was a huge upheaval here on the forums when win 10 hit and all the people using the G3258 on non-K boards were unable to run it so ASRock released a BIOS for almost every board effected within the matter of a few weeks. This update corrected the crashing issue in the simplest way possible, remove the offending feature. 

Non-Z boards were never meant to support overclocking, intel more or less forbids it but manufacturers found ways around it. Intel must have petitioned MS to force these workarounds to cause instability with an update. Other manufacturers may have found a fix for this that does not involve removing overclocking but I have seen no evidence of this myself, in almost all cases where I have seen overclocking maintained on windows 10 with a non-Z board the workaround I mentioned above was used to facilitate it. I have a G3258 with a Z97 board and have had no issues with windows 10 during my brief testing period with it. I have since reverted to win 8.1 as I do not like 10.

Posted By: Juzzi
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2015 at 4:35pm
Aah I see what you're saying. I'm going to have a look at this work around and see if I can get it to work. I completely agree with you on Windows 10, privacy is a thing of the past. But for me, with this specifically, I don't want to hand over a PC to someone and then tell them "Here, BUT here's also some restrictions on what you can do because I didn't do enough research." If he wants to run Windows 10 and have an overclock, I want him to be able to do that. And it isn't like Z series boards are cheap, they're quite a bit more expensive which doesn't make it any less frustrating especially considering that H series boards can do what they can do, but just "aren't allowed to." 

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2015 at 4:47pm
I totally agree. If the G3258 didn't exist I would understand Intel's stand point but it does and who wants to spend more on their motherboard than their CPU just to be able to utilize overclocking. With Skylake and Broadwell now on the shelves though I suspect this may become a non issue soon as intel will doubtless shift their sales focus to the newer platform. There is a lot of info out there for the exact issue you are having but I must warn you, there is always the chance that MS will force the "fix" to be repaired with another update at any time they please. This is one of the more major concerns people using the fix have. Non the less it is possible and by all accounts not difficult. It just burns my ..... that it is necessary. Hopefully this nonsense will be abandoned or another, less extreme, fix will be found and implemented by board manufacturers.

Good luck with the fix, the H97 Anniversary is a solid board and should suit your friend's needs well if you manage to get around the OC block.

Posted By: Juzzi
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2015 at 5:03pm
Ok I've done a bit more research on the issue and I see it's almost completely Microsoft and Intel being ****s. Seems Gigabyte have issued a bios update removing the block so doesn't seem like all manufacturers are complying. I'm just going to give him a choice: either wait it out and see if Asrock ever unblocks it and live with Windows 8.1 for now or fork out extra cash for a Z series board. I'll recommend the former even though it isn't ideal. Anyways, thank you for your input Thumbs Up

Posted By: Juzzi
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2015 at 6:08pm
There's just one more thing I had to add after this. It's so ironic, I just had to laugh. There's a reason the H97 Anniversary had the word "Anniversary" in its name. The G3258 is named the 20th Anniversary chip, so Asrock specifically made this board for this CPU. If you hit "P" in the boot screen, a special Anniversary Boost screen pops up with options to "Boost" the processor to 3.8Ghz, 4.0Ghz and 4.2Ghz. And then Intel went and shot them in the back... Gosh

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2015 at 12:47am
Originally posted by Juzzi Juzzi wrote:

Ok I've done a bit more research on the issue and I see it's almost completely Microsoft and Intel being ****s. Seems Gigabyte have issued a bios update removing the block so doesn't seem like all manufacturers are complying. I'm just going to give him a choice: either wait it out and see if Asrock ever unblocks it and live with Windows 8.1 for now or fork out extra cash for a Z series board. I'll recommend the former even though it isn't ideal. Anyways, thank you for your input Thumbs Up

I find it hard to believe that other mother board manufactures, or even just one, still allows over clocking on the newer, non-Z chipsets. If that is true, IMO it is only a matter of time before that changes.

The usual customer - supplier interaction (Intel the supplier of chipsets, board manufactures the customer) is the customer has the upper hand. They must be satisfied by the behavior of the supplier. The adage of "the customer is always right" is an example of that.

In business to business situations, the reality is not that simple. Sales of products include legal contracts that both the supplier and customer are bound to abide by. I don't have personal knowledge of these contracts, but it is generally known Intel only allows over clocking features to be available with their 'Z' chipsets. Is that rule (legality?) included in the sales contracts? It seems to be.

In another break of the customer - supplier model, ignoring the rules of a sales contract might result in the supplier withholding current and/or future products from the customer. Such as, no 100 series chipsets, or more subtle but significant things like no processor microcode updates during the product development cycle. Imagine the affect that would have on a mother board manufacture.

The unknown (to us) story of what happened between Intel and the mother board manufactures, with the non-Z OC feature would be very interesting to know. It almost seems as if the mother board manufactures were defiant against Intel about the non-Z OC feature. Intel had to be aware of this from day one, and it took a long time before the UEFI/BIOS updates that turned off non-Z OC were posted on the board's download pages. Is it a coincidence that those update appeared not long before the release of Skylake processors and the 100 series chipsets?

We also have the unprecedented (as far as I know) move of Intel's collaboration with Microsoft with the Windows update to lock out over clocking on some boards. That the board/OS combination became unusable after the update, which had to be known to occur by both parties before the update was released, is simply incredible IMO.

Was this update meant to only be the final removal of the non-Z OC capability? Or is it also a punishment for the board manufactures, whom immediately received the wrath of those affected by it? I know MSoft has been beat up by... victims of this update too, and I had to laugh at the responses of the moderators of those forums, that seemed to have no idea what happened or why. They quite likely had no idea.

I wonder if someday we will learn of the details of this saga. The PC press has been useless in telling this story as far as I know. That may be another story in itself. Ermm

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Posted By: mikest61
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2015 at 1:35am
Ok I?™m stuck with this same problem ...  I upgraded my bios to  1.50  to fix the boot issue (microcode 19) with g3258 on windows 10.  I am past the 1 month timeframe to do a rollback but I do have win 7 install discs.   Can I downgrade my bios from 1.50 to 1.40 and re-install win 7 from discs?  Will this give me back the ability to OC my 3258?

What are you opinions on this approach?

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