X370 gaming x, cpu temp
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Topic: X370 gaming x, cpu temp
Posted By: Aeratiel
Subject: X370 gaming x, cpu temp
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2019 at 5:37pm
can some one tell me, what temp sensor should i look on for correct cpu temp? i have r5 2600, down below is screenshot from aida64 with temp sensors
Posted By: xhue
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2019 at 7:19am
Hmm, maybe you want to check with hwinfo64 or Ryzen Master, too?
With non-X Ryzens Tctl = Tdie, and in your case 82C is waaay too hot? How does the CPU fan feels to the touch? Or the inside of the case?
AFAIK Ryzens had Tjmax = 75C? If yours is indeed running at 82C maybe it should have tripped thermal shutdown?
Posted By: Aeratiel
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2019 at 12:47pm
It was under fpu stress test, at 4.1ghz cooling with noctua cooler
Posted By: paologab
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2019 at 7:05pm
hi, I've an x470, but I think is similar.
for us, tctrl add a fix offset of +10°C to tdie, it is used fot fan control .
tdie, i.e. 10°C less than tctrl, is the cpu temp.
CPU diode (smbus for me) is always 1°C around tctrl (+ o -, non fixed nor more than that), so I don't know if it's the same of tctrl, with some kind of delay/hysteresis, or is another sensor.
Under stress cpu is throttled to limit the temperature either to 85°C tctrl or 75°C tdie.
The cpu alone temp doesn't works (see also the first sticky post on fans and sensor triggering them).
For you cpu see the table on temperature reporting [URL=here]https://www.guru3d.com/articles-pages/asrock-x470-taichi-review,8.html[/URL]
------------- AMD Ryzen 7 2700X w/Wraith prism x470 Taichi bios 3.50 16gb HX432C16PB3K2/16 (hynix H5AN8G8NCJR-UHC) M.2 970 EVO, SATA SSD, 2 SATA HDD AMD Radeon RX 580 8G OC Linux Kernel 5.4 Manjaro Stable XFCE