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Dual Channel Not Working on my Z97 anniversary

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: Intel Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock Intel Motherboards
Printed Date: 15 Feb 2025 at 5:04am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Dual Channel Not Working on my Z97 anniversary
Posted By: syslog
Subject: Dual Channel Not Working on my Z97 anniversary
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2015 at 12:21am
My Specs:

CPU: Inter(R) Core(TM) i5-4690k
Board: Asrock z97 Anniversary Edition
RAM: HyperX Fury DDR3 1866mhz 4gb x 2 (not a kit) (HX318C10F/4)
GPU: GeForce GTX 750 Ti
OS: Win 7 Professional

So here's the story, when i bought my PC (2 months ago), my budget was very limited. So, i opted to go with a single DDR3 memory module (HyperX Fury 4gb 1866mhz) and planned to buy another later down the road. That happened yesterday, bought 1 exactly like it (even the color "Blue"). But, i wasn't able to place them on both blue slots nor both black. (A1-B1 and A2-B2), neither of them let me boot to bios. However, I am able to boot to bios when i placed the dimms on B1-B2 but not A1-A2. As i see on the bios, it detects that my memory installed is 8gb but on a single channel. Tested both dimms and they are working fine. I am able to boot to bios while using just one dimm. Although, i haven't tested all the dimm slots.

My questions are, i should be able to use them for dual channel, am i right? Or maybe i bought the wrong kind of memory for my board? Does buying a "Kit" matters when wanting to have a dual channel or what i bought is "just right" and there may be something wrong with my board?


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