G3258 Overclock Help
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Topic: G3258 Overclock Help
Posted By: Gamer34
Subject: G3258 Overclock Help
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2015 at 8:48pm
I'm trying to manually overclock a G3258 on a Z97M Anniversary board. I'd like to at least hit 4.4 GHz. Right now I can't get things stable with 4.0 GHz at 1.28v. I had to crack the voltage up to 1.34v in order to get Windows to fully boot at 4.1 GHz. It's possible I have a chip that won't overclock well, but before I give up I want to make sure the motherboard isn't holding me back. There's a lot of settings in the OC menu on auto right now. What settings should I be adjusting or disabling to assure the best overclock?
Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2015 at 9:58pm
Welcome to the forums.
I have a G3258 clocked to 4.2ghz @1,28v. When I first purchased the CPU I had it on a B85 Anniversary and was able to get 4.5ghz @1.43v but anything higher resulted in BSODs, I then put it into a Z97 Extreme 3 and was able to get 4.6ghz @1.45v stable but with better cooling. Now when I say I was able to get 4.X I mean stable with 10 passes of IBT (Intel Burn in Test). You really need aftermarket cooling to get decent numbers out of the G3258, especially more recently produced CPUs. I have noted a trend where early production CPUs tend to overclock better, the closer the production date to the initial release the better. With proper cooling, like a Hyper 212 evo you should be able to hit 4.4ghz at about 1.4-1.45v even on a relatively modest overclocker. I generally run mine at 4.2 purely because that is the maximum I can get whilst still running my CPU cooler on lower, quieter fan settings. The 400mhz extra isn't really noticeable in most situations so I only set it to 4.6 for benchmark runs.
So in short, I doubt your board is holding you back, my B85 Anniversary probably could have hit the same 4.6 @1.45v if I had been using the same cooling solution I have on the Z97 system, a Thermaltake Frio OCK vs an old Arctic Cooling Freezer 12.
Posted By: Gamer34
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2015 at 11:56pm
Okay. There's so many setting I thought maybe something was set to auto that needed to be disabled to reach a higher speed. I'm using the stock cooler right now so maybe I should look into an aftermarket cooler. I see you were using voltages upwards of 1.45. What's the most I should attempt? Everything I've read said to stay near 1.30 and that 1.35 is too much. But there seems to be a lot of conflicting info when it comes to overclocking. As a newbie it makes my head spin.
Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2015 at 12:43am
As you can see from my last post I try to stick to 1.3 or lower for every day use while pushing up to 1.45 for hardcore benchmarking. I wouldn't risk going any higher than 1.45 for stability at higher clocks, I have pushed my G3258 all the way up to 1.7v when I was trying for a 5ghz validation but that was with my PC on the balcony with the CPU fans running at full in -14c weather. Even then I hit 90c within seconds of booting windows and then got a BSOD. If you are looking to break records with OCing then you can take a few risks but if you just want a good stable OC then I would stick to about 1.35 on the high end. I currently hold the number 1 spot for a G3258 and a GTX 960 the Futuremark Firestrike rankings so my extreme seeming voltages were necessary to compete with other heavily overclocked systems. I would never run my PC at 1.45v 24 hours a day
Posted By: Gamer34
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2015 at 8:39pm
I'll leave the record breaking to the pros 
Someone suggested I should be able to achieve a 4.5 GHz overclock with a 1.35V core and VCCIN set to 1.9V and that as long as my temps stay below 85C during the stress test I should be okay. Does that sound right? Also, maybe I missed it, but I can't find a VCCIN setting in the ASRock bios. Does it have a different name?
This was suggested to me because I was able to make it to the starting Windows screen with 4.5 at 1.3V. If I could boot past the bios with that setting then maybe it was possible to make it all the way into Windows with a stable overclock.
Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 02 Nov 2015 at 2:51pm
VCCIN is CPU Input voltage, and that is what ASRock normally calls it.
It should be in the OC Tweaker screen, in the Voltage Configuration section at the bottom of that screen. I checked the manual and did not see a CPU Input Voltage setting. A UEFI update may have added that option, but if you are using the latest version and can't find that option, your board doesn't have it.
CPU Input Voltage should be 0.4V - 0.6V above VCore, according to Intel. So a VCore of 1.20V would mean a CPU Input voltage of ~1.80V. Many people use more, up to 2.0V and possibly more.
The idea that all G3258 processors will "... achieve a 4.5 GHz overclock with a 1.35V core and VCCIN set to 1.9V", is simply wrong. I have two G3258s, one won't OC above 4.2GHz under 1.40V, and the other will do 4.5GHz at ~1.20V. That is on the same board, a Z87 Extreme6.
I recall a thread in another forum where the OP believed all processors were the same, and could not understand why his G3258 would not OC well. He tried a VCore of 1.5V and his 4.5GHz OC still failed.
I've never had temperature problems with a G3258, but I use big CPU coolers, and its TDP is only 53 Watts.
People new to over clocking are all looking for the magic setting that will make it work. The many other options you have may help a little bit, but will not open the OC flood gates.
Set Power Saving Mode to Disabled. Disable Spread Spectrum. Set CPU Integrated VR Efficiency Mode to Disabled. You can try disabling CPU Integrated VR Faults, which may be set lower on this board due to the small CPU VRM stage with no heat sink.
One thing you can do as a learning experience is to enable the Advanced Turbo and Load Optimized CPU OC Setting options, and select an auto-OC. Then save and exit the UEFI, but go right back into the UEFI again and walk through all the OC Tweaker options to see what options were changed and to what values they were changed to. That will tell you what options are truly important.
You likely will find some options in Advanced, CPU Configuration were changed, as well as the CPU Fan speed control setting in the HW Monitor screen.
Something else you can try is the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility, which you can download here:
https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24075/Intel-Extreme-Tuning-Utility-Intel-XTU-" rel="nofollow - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24075/Intel-Extreme-Tuning-Utility-Intel-XTU-
You run this program to change the main OC settings in the Windows environment. Some people dismiss any software to OC in the OS. All it takes is the ability to change the correct registers that are changed in the UEFI/BIOS. If Intel can't do that, who can?
I've had over clocks done in IXTU that worked, were stable in Windows, and passed the IXTU stress tests. But put them in manually in the UEFI, and the PC would not boot. 
------------- http://valid.x86.fr/48rujh" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: Gamer34
Date Posted: 02 Nov 2015 at 9:24pm
Lots of great info there. Thanks. I'm also going to look into an aftermarket cooler and larger case. I'm using a Fractal Design Core 1000 which is pretty small and doesn't have room for cable management so wires are in front of the fan and potentially blocking airflow. It's also too small to fit most of the coolers I see suggested on various forums. I don't want to keep pushing for a higher overclock until I get that sorted out.
Also, my BIOS is the original version for my board. I see there have been quite a few updates. Is it generally recommended to upgrade before overclocking?
Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2015 at 1:49am
It depends upon what BIOS version your board has now. You can find that in the Main screen of the BIOS, or printed on the sticker on the BIOS chip. That chip is in the lower right side of the board, just below the SATA ports.
If you have at least BIOS 1.40, that should be fine with your CPU. Sometimes updates are added in BIOS versions that are not listed in the description.
Yes, using the latest version is normally suggested when over clocking. If you do update, please use the Instant Flash method, which is the safest and best method IMO. Don't forget a BIOS update will reset all options to their default values, and remove any BIOS profiles you have saved.
------------- http://valid.x86.fr/48rujh" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: modal
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2015 at 12:09pm
I am a newbie and having problems trying to overclock G3258, saw this thread, just figured I could post here to seek advice from the experts here.
My mobo: H81M-ITX BIOS version: 1.40 (Oddly, there is no 1.40 under the ASRock BIOS download webpage)
A-Tuning or Intel Extreme Tuning Utility does not allow me to increase the multiplier beyond the default 32x, increasing the voltage in either software does not effect anything at all. The UEFI BIOS does not seem to have adequate OC options (e.g. no multiplier) to choose either.
Initially I thought the problem was caused by the outdated BIOS, so I downloaded and unzipped 1.90 (Instant Flash) of which the description says "support Intel Pentium G3258", and eventually 1.70 & 1.60, but to no avail as the Instant Flash in BIOS always says "No Image File Detected" (memory stick is FAT32, empty, all devices removed except a USB keyboard, use USB 2.0 port, etc).
Could the experts please offer some advice? Thanks, much appreciated!
Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2015 at 2:59pm
Modal, you will want to update your BIOS to version 2.10.
Ignore 2.20 as that was released purposefully to remove overclocking features due to windows 10 compatibility issues. The bios version you are using does not properly support the G3258, that support was added in bios version 1.90.
All B, H and Q chipset boards had overclocking disabled in the latest BIOS updates because of windows 10 and intel deciding to make the OS BSOD when a non Z motherboard is used for overclocking. If you are using a B/H/Q chipset board and want to overclock you will need the next to latest BIOS not the newest one and will want to avoid using windows 10. The BIOS that removes the feature states "update Microcode 19" so for anyone else reading, avoid this update if you want to retain overclocking on your non Z board.
Make sure you have the "instant flash" download and extract the contents onto a FAT32 medium.
Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 10 Nov 2015 at 3:42pm
The no file found in Instant Flash makes no sense, as long as you have downloaded the BIOS update file designed to work with Instant Flash, there are two others update types. I still suggest using Instant Flash.
It sounds like you have downloaded the correct Instant Flash file version, which you unzipped and then copied the unzipped file to the base folder of the USB flash drive, correct.
Did you put the USB flash drive in one of the USB 2.0 ports on your board's IO panel on the back of the PC?
Do not use any USB hubs or any other USB ports, including USB 3.0 ports.
Otherwise, are you aware that H81 chipset boards do not allow over clocking of any processor?
Only Intel 'Z' chipset boards allow over clocking.
A while ago ASRock and other manufactures had a "non-Z" OC feature in a BIOS update for some of their boards. That allowed those boards to OC processors, which they had never been able to do before. That was removed later with a BIOS update, as Intel considers that "illegal". There is even a Windows update that also removes that capability on non-Z chipset boards, like your H81.
If you happen to be able to OC with your board (see below), do not apply any BIOS version beyond version 2.00, just to be safe. 2.01 and 2.10 may be fine, 2.20 definitely not. The 2.20 BIOS has the non-Z OC feature override microcode. Once applied, it can't be changed without a modified BIOS file, if that would even work.
You should also shut off automatic Windows updates, and find the update code so you won't ever apply it. I don't recall the code, sorry to say. No idea what version of Windows you use, but it is possible that update has already been applied.
In the OC Tweaker screen, do you have an option for Turbo Boost? Yes I know the G3258 does not have Turbo according to the specs, and it doesn't. That does not matter, trust me.
If you have a Turbo Boost option in the BIOS, Enable it. Without Turbo being Enabled, you cannot OC a G3258 on any board. If you have that option now, no need for a BIOS update.
If you do not have a Turbo Boost option in your BIOS, you cannot OC any processor, period, end of story, sorry to say.
Sometimes a board will have a BIOS version from the factory that was not released publicly. Nothing to worry about.
------------- http://valid.x86.fr/48rujh" rel="nofollow">
Posted By: modal
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2015 at 11:11pm
Many thanks for the fast replies, gentlemen.
I am very sorry, a short while ago I found that I incorrectly identified my motherboard.
My motherboard is in fact H81M-ITX/WiFi, not H81M-ITX. My sincere apologies to all posters who replied!
The suffix "WiFi" really matters! I downloaded the wrong BIOS (of H81M-ITX without WiFi), so that is the reason why the BIOS Instant Flash always showed "Image File Not Detected" because my motherboard is H81M-ITX with WiFi, am I right?
Obviously I have the latest BIOS ver. 1.40 (8/6/2015),
which has implemented "Update Microcode 19", and this update prevents
overclocking Pentium G3258, yes? So if I want to overclock
my Pentium G3258, what I need to do first is to downgrade my BIOS from 1.40 to 1.30 (9/12/2014)? My OS is Win 8.1.
http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/H81M-ITXWiFi/?cat=Download&os=BIOS" rel="nofollow - http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/H81M-ITXWiFi/?cat=Download&os=BIOS
I am rushing to work now, don't have time to work on the BIOS this morning. Would like to gather more info before doing so in the near future. Advice is much appreciated, thanks so much again, needless to say: a great ASRock forum here!
Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 11 Nov 2015 at 11:27pm
If that board ever supported non-Z overclocking then yes you would need to revert to the earlier BIOS. From what I have been seeing it seems that the downgrade method has worked for some people but any time there is a microcode update there is always a chance that the change is permanent without a custom BIOS as Parsec mentioned. If the downgrade does not work then I am afraid you are out of luck as ASRock is not allowed to provide you with a modified BIOS to enable non-Z overclocking as per their agreement with intel.
Posted By: modal
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2015 at 9:19am
I have successfully downgraded the BIOS ver. 1.40 to 1.30 using Instant Flash in the UEFI.
I am happy to report that
OC is available for Pentium G3258 on my motherboard H81M-ITX/WiFi with the BIOS ver. 1.30, and OC is now working.
parsec, with BIOS ver. 1.30, I do not see the Turbo Boost option on OC Tweaker screen, however I did see this option available on BIOS ver. 1.40.
Instead of the Turbo Boost option, the 1st feature that comes with BIOS ver. 1.30 is Non-Z OC, there are 5 different options: Disabled, 3.8GHz, 4.0GHz, 4.2GHz, 4.4Ghz. I have tried 3.8GHz & 4.0GHz, A-Tuning and CPU-Z clearly show these OC'ed core speeds with small temperature difference on CPU (50~55C). Also, the core speed varies (with the OC'ed core speed as max) as seen on both software, perhaps it is because I enabled the Intel Speedstep option in UEFI.
On the System Info screen of A-Tuning, Vcore Volt. & Vcore Override Volt. are both about 1.200 V. CPU Input Volt. is 1.720+ V.
Interestingly, I am not able to change the core speed by using software A-Tuning, so far I can only OC in UEFI BIOS.
Thanks everyone for providing helpful advice.
Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2015 at 2:28pm
Thanks for letting us know that downgrading the BIOS allowed OCing on your board again