UPDATE: After ASRock tech support, I was able to install Win10 but there's a few things different that I had to do. #1 You should update your UEFI firmware to the newest 2.10 but use the ASRock pinned Forum post called "UEFI Update 2.10 Information". Otherwise you may only get half of the update (it updates both the UEFI firmware to 2.10 and the Intel ME Firmware to The gist of the post is to be patient and let the update reboot the PC and leave it alone and wait even if it seems like it's hanging. If you interrupt it you will not get the current Intel ME firmware. The only place to find out what version of the ME firmware you have is in the UEFI under Advanced > Storage Configuration. #2 You must download and UNZIP and copy to a USB drive the ASRock RAID driver ("SATA Floppy Image", I know, terrible name that doesn't sound like a RAID driver). Then when you get to the Windows Installer point where it asks "Where do you want to install Windows" and you don't see your RAID drive, you can click the button to browse for a driver, and you browse your usb to that driver and after a few minutes of loading, you will see the RAID volume. #3 When installing your OS, you must boot from the UEFI version of your installation boot drive (USB or Optical Drive, i.e. where your OS installer file is on). Upon boot press F11 to bring up the boot window and select your install drive listing that begins with UEFI: _____. #4 After installing Windows, you should run the INF and ME updaters and then the LAN drivers, BUT you shouldn't have any ethernet cable plugged in while updating the LAN drivers (I did and the installer hung the PC. Suspecting the problem, I unplugged the cable and rebooted and then uninstalled the LAN software, rebooted and then installed the LAN software again and then it worked fine.