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Looking for help to unlock 4th core

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Category: OverClocking(OC) Zone
Forum Name: OC Technical Discussion
Forum Description: OC enthusiast's tech talk
Printed Date: 13 Feb 2025 at 1:17pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Looking for help to unlock 4th core
Posted By: jmmedic66
Subject: Looking for help to unlock 4th core
Date Posted: 25 Dec 2015 at 8:28pm
Hello community

I have an n68c-gs fx motherboard (Bios v02.67c)
My cpu is AMD Athlon II x3 450 (Rana)
Ram i got 2x 2gb ddr2 800mhz

When i go to bios and enable UCC then save & exit the pc shuts down and after few seconds it turns on again and when i get to the windows loading it reboots.I cant get past that,when i disable UCC it boots normaly.Maybe im doing something wrong?From what i have googled this cpu should be able to unlock the 4th core so im looking for help here if i can do it.I didnt touch voltage or anything else in bios cause im not good at that.If anyone knows plz let me know

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 25 Dec 2015 at 11:42pm
Early on in a new fabrication process all manufacturers see high defect rates, these defective parts often get scrapped costing a fortune in materials, time and labor. AMD found a clever way to use the large number of failed parts to appeal to the budget end of the market segment by essentially disabling the bad part of the CPU and calling it a dual or triple core. Fast forward to when the new fabrication process has been fine tuned and perfected and suddenly there are no where near as many defective chips rolling off the production line but the company still needs to meet the demand so they begin crippling fully functional parts to do it. This is where you get lucky and end up with a triple or quad core part for the price of a dual or triple core CPU.

Unfortunately defective parts still happen and often a CPU with locked off cores will not function with the bad core/s unlocked. Basically you are lucky if you can unlock a core, it means your CPU probably started out life with all it's cores functional rather than in the defect bin. I have seen some people get lucky and be able to return their CPU when unlocking fails but, it is cheating to do so as the part functions as advertised. 

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