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Asrock z170 gaming k6 Dr debug errors

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: Intel Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock Intel Motherboards
Printed Date: 07 Feb 2025 at 2:02pm
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Topic: Asrock z170 gaming k6 Dr debug errors
Posted By: Filoppi
Subject: Asrock z170 gaming k6 Dr debug errors
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 6:18am
Last night I got a blue screen on my asrock z170 gaming k6 (not the first one, but I think the other ones had different reasons, and they stopped anyway) on win 8.1 while doing some average work, with something like IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL, I restarted, and got two other bluescreens before windows could finish loading: thread expection not handled. So I went into the uefi bios and disabled every c state and cpu slight overclock, I restarted, and before the pc could output any video, it started giving Dr debug codes, I'm getting a few different one (apparently randomly) : d0, 5d, 62, 79, 00, 19, 04, 40. I tried removing the mobo battery and resetting the cmos hundred times, removing the ram and moving it in every possible combination, removing the vga and switching to the second bios... Nothing fixed it, I'm still getting the same errors. It looks like the mobo is broken to me, but I don't want to rma it for nothing.
Do you have any ideas?

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 6:51am

So that we can help, please list all the components inside, and also connected outside(eSATA, USB etc) by model numbers that make up your system when this is happening. Include the PSU and its age and lastly the BIOS revision the motherboard is currently flashed to and running with..

Knowing these will help us help you.

Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 7:20am
I unplugged everything from the mobo (step by step, testing every time) It's just the ram, the cpu, the heatsink and the hdmi monitor. Not even a video card or hard drivers or any usb are connected, so that is not the problem. And the bios is I think 1.90, or anyway, the last stable one, I checked it two days ago, and it was still up to date.
The psu is a new evga 750 g2, which does not seem to be the problem. It's one moth old, just like the mobo.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 7:44am
Originally posted by wardog wardog wrote:

So that we can help, please list all the components inside, and also connected outside(eSATA, USB etc) by model numbers that make up your system when this is happening. Include the PSU and its age and lastly the BIOS revision the motherboard is currently flashed to and running with..

Knowing these will help us help you.

I'll watch and wait for any forthcoming specs.

Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 8:25am
Samsung ssd 870 evo. Logitech mouse and keyboard. Zotac 980ti amp extreme. That is all.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 8:47am
Sheesh! I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here.

What specific model of memory? And please don't respond with "just the ram" .

These things we need to know.

If you were I here, shoe on the other foot so to speak, and you read your posts so far, how much do YOU think you could help if was me the one asking for help???

Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 3:43pm
You are right, I'm sorry, the ram is 2x corsair CMK16GX4M2B3000C15. It was running at 3000hz like it's supposed to, but the cmos reset should have reset it to its default value. I just don't think these things matter, as the pc has been running fine for a month and it just got a me blue screen two days ago, also I removed all of them and it doesn't start anyway.
Buy yeah, it could be the ram, that is not supported by default (it was when I got the pc), I don't think that both modules could have broken at the same time. And I don't think it's the cpu, as I wasn't doing anything special while the pc broke, at least, it's not likely to be the cpu.
Also please notice that the mobo is giving me tons of different error, depending on whether I just reset it or not, and where the ram is, and that sounds very strange to me.

But I'm pretty sure something is broken. tonight I'm going to test another psu.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016 at 5:53pm
Let us know how the PSU swap goes.

If it doesn't, and if you care to, we can spend some diagnostic time here and maybe come to a conclusion what is happening there.

Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2016 at 4:36am
So. I tried another working psu and it gives the exact same error. I'm pretty sure it's the mobo but there is a small chance it could be the ram or the cpu.
The ram could be unsupported by default. When you switch the bios selection, do you also have to flash a new fw for that or do they share the same?
Because I'm sure that the ram default timings use to work on a previous bios version, the I used an xmp and upgraded the bios.
Also, how and why could a cpu break?
I just think it's the mobo. Any ideas?

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2016 at 5:38am
Question for ya.

Were/are the memory and or CPU running at stock speeds and voltages?

I'm not wagging a finger at either, I'm just trying to wrap my head around your issue(s) before deciding which tack to take in helping.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2016 at 7:45am
Items still racing around in my mind concerning this .........

Assuming you have two sticks of memory as you say yoy've moved them in all combination, two sticks belong in A2 and B2.

Place them in A2 and B2 then go and clear your CMOS via battery and jumper method. There's been enough changes in the BIOS now what with moving them here and there that a CMOS clearing is definitely in order now.

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2016 at 3:06pm
Originally posted by Filoppi Filoppi wrote:

So. I tried another working psu and it gives the exact same error. I'm pretty sure it's the mobo but there is a small chance it could be the ram or the cpu.
The ram could be unsupported by default. When you switch the bios selection, do you also have to flash a new fw for that or do they share the same?
Because I'm sure that the ram default timings use to work on a previous bios version, the I used an xmp and upgraded the bios.
Also, how and why could a cpu break?
I just think it's the mobo. Any ideas?

If you are referring to the Dr Debug codes as errors, they really aren't. They are POST codes for individual processes that run during the entire POST process. If a POST procedure fails, its code will be displayed and will stay displayed until the board is restarted, shutdown, etc. 

A POST code appearing and then changing to another does not indicate errors occurring. That is what we want to see on the Dr Debug display. If the board does not produce the single POST Ok beep, then the code displayed is the process that failed or did not complete.

What is the situation now with starting the board with only the memory and CPU connected to the PC? No video card too please. Can you get into the UEFI/BIOS? If not what code do you see displayed when the codes stop changing on the Dr Debug display?

Do you have a POST beep speaker connected to the board? I imagine you don't. If you have one in another PC, try connecting it to this board.

If you switched to the backup UEFI/BIOS, did you then run the Secure Backup UEFI feature in the Tools screen? That copies the backup BIOS to the main BIOS. When that is done, you then move the BIOS selection switch back to the 'A' position.

If you did the above, or are still running the backup BIOS (switch in the B position), you are using a very early version of the UEFI/BIOS. Whatever came with your board, it will be shown by the stickers on the BIOS chips. If the earlier BIOS version did not work with your memory, that is aggravating your situation now, but is not the cause of the problem itself.

If the PC worked with your memory for days or weeks, then its compatibility is not a question. But Corsair's compatibility list is mainly X99 boards, and only a few Z170 boards, not including yours.

You asked how a CPU could break. How or why does any electronic component break? While I agree it is unlikely the CPU failed unless you had a crazy high VCore for some reason, all it takes is one of the millions of transistors in a CPU or memory chip to fail, and we have problems.

You wrote this previously about your memory, which I don't understand: " could be the ram, that is not supported by default (it was when I got the pc)".

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Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2016 at 5:14pm
The ram is running at default timings and hz as I have reset the bios hundreds of times, and it was compatibile before, so that can't be the problem. The cpu was running with a very low OC, 4.4Ghz, it's a it 6700k,with voltage 1.3 (pretty safe), the rest was default. The vga has been removed and I tried switching to bios b and all the procedures that you listed. I couldn't understand the criteria they were changing with, maybe the ram stick in a different slot (I left a single one it, but tried both).

I have no video output so I can't see the booting or uefi, and all the errors I listed in the first post, are final errors, not phases of the boot, they stay on until I restart.

Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 5:21am
I tried a working identical motherboard and I still get the same error. What could it be?

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 6:33am
Originally posted by Filoppi Filoppi wrote:

I tried a working identical motherboard and I still get the same error. What could it be?

Knowing just that makes this rather simple to diagnose. What parts did you move from the old board over to the "working identical motherboard" ?

It's time, knowing this, to begin testing each of the pieces/parts that you swapped over. Guaranteed, it's one of them.

Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 6:57am
I tried this other mb with just the ram and the processor. I'm getting the same error numbers, depending on whether I has just reset the cmos or not. I don't know if it's the ram or cpu. I'm pretty sure it's not the psu, because I tried a very old one and it seemed to give the same error.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 7:49am
Originally posted by Filoppi Filoppi wrote:

I tried this other mb with just the ram and the processor. I'm getting the same error numbers, depending on whether I has just reset the cmos or not. I don't know if it's the ram or cpu. I'm pretty sure it's not the psu, because I tried a very old one and it seemed to give the same error.

Then that narrows it down to one or more of the three.

Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 8:29am
How could two ram modules break at the same time? Especially if the psu is not broken?

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 12:54pm
Originally posted by Filoppi Filoppi wrote:

I tried this other mb with just the ram and the processor. I'm getting the same error numbers, depending on whether I has just reset the cmos or not. I don't know if it's the ram or cpu. I'm pretty sure it's not the psu, because I tried a very old one and it seemed to give the same error.

You don't seem to understand how the "error numbers" work.

Each number is for a test done to the board, or the parts in the board, like the CPU, memory, video card, HDDs, and other things.

The same tests are done every time you start or restart the PC. That is called the POST process, Power On Self Test.

The ONLY number that means there is a problem is the number that STAYS on the display. If you see a number, and then it changes to a different number, that means the test for the last number you saw passed fine, no error.

When you see one number on the display that does not change, that is the number of the test that failed, there was an error. That is the only number that matters. That number tells us which test failed.

We then look up the number in the list of POST tests to find which test failed. The numbers are not error numbers, but if we see a number that stays on the display, we know that test number XX failed for some reason.

If you have the small speaker connected to the board, when POST finishes with no errors, you will hear one Beep sound. The PC should then boot after that beep sound, if you have a good Windows installation.

What is the one number you see on the display that stays on the display and does not change?

If you go into the BIOS/UEFI, you will see the POST code A2 or A4. That is NOT a problem. If you can get into the BIOS/UEFI, all the POST tests passed. The A2 or A4 test number will be shown if you are in the BIOS/UEFI, but since you can get into the BIOS, everything is fine. A2 or A4 is the last test done, and usually stays on the display when we use the BIOS.

If we change anything in the BIOS, and/or select Save changes and Exit, the POST tests will be done again.

If we change nothing in the BIOS, and/or select Discard Changes and Exit, we will hear the one Beep that means no errors in the POST tests, and Windows will begin to boot.

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Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 4:36pm
I already know that the number are phases. All the numbers I get are static and are displayed until I restart.

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 4:46pm
Those errors are very random, the only thing I can see causing so many seemingly random errors is the CPU/socket. I would remove the CPU and check it for damage/warping. It isn't very common but if your cooler is mounted with too much pressure warping is a known issue with some cooling solutions. It would also explain why the system was working and then stopped. This is just a guess and because you did not list your full system specs I am assuming an aftermarket cooling solution. 

It could even be as simple as your CPU cooler's retention has come loose on one side and is placing uneven load on the CPU. 


Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 5:23pm
Originally posted by wardog wardog wrote:


So that we can help, please list all the components inside, and also connected outside(eSATA, USB etc) by model numbers that make up your system when this is happening. Include the PSU and its age and lastly the BIOS revision the motherboard is currently flashed to and running with..

Knowing these will help us help you.

I'll reiterate this point I made back on PAGE 1. If you can't or don't want to help us, how the heck can we be expected to help you?

Three pages now and we here are beginning to feel like we're chasing our own tail.

Or at least I am anyways. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken for the others.

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2016 at 5:29pm
Full system specs listed with part numbers for PSU, RAM (which you provided) and GPU are essential for us to be able to help you effectively. You have to understand that some components other than the motherboard may have known issues that could affect the advice we give. Some flash drives for example can cause post errors if connected to the system at power on. 

Without knowing what your system comprises of we are only able to guess at what the problem may be. Other information like how frequently you experience bad power in your region would be helpful. If for example you experienced a power outage or electrical storm at or around the time the PC began to malfunction that could easily be responsible for your issues. We can only help using the information you provide so if that information is incomplete we are forced to use more generalized advice that not only takes more time but may also be entirely irrelevant to your issue.


Posted By: Filoppi
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2016 at 5:04am
i already listed all my components.
the psu is an evga 750 g2, ram is CMK16GX4M2B3000C15 and processor is an intel i7 6700k, everything else is unplugged, not even an usb device or video output is plugged in. i get those errors in every case, i even changed the motherboard (the exact same model), and that it not the problem.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2016 at 10:40am" rel="nofollow -

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