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Deskmini A300 usb header power off on shutdown£

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: HTPC&Gaming Barebone&Others
Forum Description: Question about HTPC&Gaming Barebone&Others
Printed Date: 13 Feb 2025 at 9:34pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Deskmini A300 usb header power off on shutdown£
Posted By: Kurokaze
Subject: Deskmini A300 usb header power off on shutdown£
Date Posted: 13 Mar 2021 at 9:53am

Wondering if anyone has found a way to turn off power to the USB 2.0 header on the A300 motherboard when the system is shut down£ I have the deskmini argb strip connected through this and the strip stays lit when the system is powered off. Enabling deep sleep for s4/s5 in the southbridge in UEFI had no effect; the header stays powered on.

Thanks in advance!

Posted By: ASRock_TSD
Date Posted: 16 Mar 2021 at 4:43pm
Dear Kurokaze,

Thanks for posting!

Please adjust the following settings to disable the USB power once the system shuts down.
Advanced\South Bridge Configuration\Deep Sleep\Enabled in S4 & S5.

Please make sure to press the F10 button to save the changes.

If it does not work, please uncheck the following setting in the Win10.
Control Panel/Hardware and Sound/Power Options/System Settings/Turn on fast startup/uncheck

With thanks,

Posted By: Kurokaze
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2021 at 9:23am
Thanks for the info! Disabling deep sleep in S5 in the southbridge didn£™t work initially but the support team sent me a new BIOS revision (3.70B) which did successfully disable deep sleep in S5. Now the header powers off with the system. Works perfectly!

Really appreciate the help.

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