parsec wrote:
Questions for you: |
In the first picture I see a Corsair H100i (I think) AIO liquid CPU cooler, and a video card. Is that a Corsair 540 case?
~The Corsair 540 Air, with a H100i Liquid Cooler and EVGA GTX 760
The second picture apparently is of your stripped down test setup?
~This is a picture afterwards, I had re-seated the ram.
So no leakage from the AIO liquid CPU cooler? Leakage is not always a flood, but could be a few drops of fluid.
~No leakage, and it's pretty new The original PSU is the 600W or 1000W unit? You tried the other PSU with the same results of nothing?
~1000 watt Corsair RM1000
You haven't tried the CPU, memory, and original PSU in the Z97 board yet?
~I tried the PSU on a separate motherboard. I don't get the Motherboard Z97x until the 11th(FEB,2016)(I'm getting the z97 on the 10th, but I'm returning it for a refund)
Any idea if the GTX 760 video card still works?
~Yes, I can check it with a pci-e 1.0 and it'll work at 30% capacity, but It doesn't have issues working.(tested with old mobo)
The only response you get from the board is power to the USB ports? Did you happen to try connecting a network cable to the board that is connected to your router, etc, and see if the LEDs next to the network jack flash at all?
~When I say USB, I mean it basically charges things and nothing else. No boot, No power, No post, No Fans, etc. No chance to check network. No network lights.
The board might have gone bad. Electrical components can expire without warning, usually because of heat. AIO coolers can as a side affect cause poor airflow over the CPU VRM heatsinks. Are you running a push or pull configuration through the radiator?
~I remember the hottest day it's ever been and it's never gone above 50 c. It has mostly been 30c and it's been a Cold February. The fans are pushing from the bottom of the radiator up.
It seems you have two intake fans on the front of the case, and the Corsair AIO CPU cooler is pushing air out of the case? Any fan in the top rear fan location?
~Yes, top rear fan.
-It hasn't been mishandled, shaken, or touched after installation and only by the sides of the board after grounding.