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UEFI Firmware Issues

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: Intel Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock Intel Motherboards
Printed Date: 09 Feb 2025 at 9:59pm
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Topic: UEFI Firmware Issues
Posted By: vindicator
Subject: UEFI Firmware Issues
Date Posted: 29 May 2015 at 9:46am
Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit

    USB Configuration
      My keyboard is PS2, my mouse is Logitech Unified, and I use an internal memory card reader. I find when I "reboot" and either go to the Boot Menu or UEFI, USB isn't functioning. The mouse cursor won't move and my sd-card isn't getting listed.
      I'll have to press CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot again before USB will function correctly again.
    UEFI Tech Service
      I try to submit a question and am told there is no network connection. Why? DHCP is set, I have onboard ethernet and wireless (though wireless key can't be set in firmware I don't think)
    Secure Boot: Enabled
      It would be nice if we could use our own self-signed keys. For example, I need to compile a kernel module and it won't load if it isn't signed, nor when I sign with my own key.
      I used MOKManager import my key, but doesn't show with "sudo cat /proc/keys" nor "sudo keyctl list %:.system_keyring". "mokutil --list-enrolled" DOES show it along with Canonical's key.
      I'm also "aware" of sbtools but am a bit skittish on giving it a try.
   "Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device"
      "Not Found"
      I got "$ wget -O /boot/efi/shellx64.efi" as well as copied it to "/", "/boot", "/boot/efi/EFI" and "/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/" and STILL get "Not Found".

I swear my computer would start up every now and again while I'm "asleep" even when I didn't have any OS installed yet. I think that is likely because I enabled the "dehumidifier function"

That is all I can think of at the moment, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are other issues I have that are related to UEFI.

Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 29 May 2015 at 11:23pm
Hello vindicator,

these mouse / keyboard issues are the same on Z97Extreme6 sometimes they don´t work correctly in archlinux after reboot or startup.
Maybe asrock UEFI Bios is not as good, as asrock advertises Big smile.
Don´t try flash over ethernet!
If internetconnection breaks during download, you get manyy errors. And don´t forget to adjust favorite downloadservers in another BIOS option. Otherwise it gets his buggy bios-update or driver stuff directly from china^^

Never had so much trouble with a MB/Bios before due to its poor documentation Clap!

For shell from filesystem or /EFI you need to take a v1 shell!
Try one of an arch install iso.
If you plan to reach the shell permanently for experimentation, or boot various kernels/kernel options use gummiboot. Its config is easy.

The asrock Z97 Extreme 6 is my first asrock and UEFI experience. Thanks god i´m an hobbyist.


Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 30 May 2015 at 1:27am
I'm sorry to say, but Linux and its variants are not officially supported on this board, and really any newer ASRock board. You won't see Linux listed in the OS support list in the board's specifications.

The automatic startup vindicator is getting is most likely caused by the Dehumidifier feature, if it is enabled.

UEFI firmware has been used for years, as far back as boards used with Intel Sandy Bridge processors. That of course does not guarantee bugs may exist.

Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 30 May 2015 at 1:48pm
Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

I'm sorry to say, but Linux and its variants are not officially supported on this board, and really any newer ASRock board. You won't see Linux listed in the OS support list in the board's specifications.

I bought the Z97Extreme6 because of good linux / virtualisation user experiences - it works pretty well in these points but asrock documentation and UEFI-Bios is far from good.

The mouse and keyboard issues after startup/reboot are the same on my win7 system. Maybe a USB3/UEFI bug? This mouse and keyboard issue we´re discussing, happen most after reboot in my case. Independend of OS.

I havn´t met this problem in archlinux non uefi installation so far.

With a Windows7 original setup DVD i have no drivers for USB3 controller - mouse and keyboard only work, if your third party drivers are installed. The mouse and keyboard is plugged in the recommended ports.
Another usb mouse/keyboard device work during installation process, if those hot plugged on another usb-port in my case.   

At this point the UEFI-option to download setup drivers to usb fs also sucks pretty well. If internetconnection breaks during download (the wrong downloadserver is choosen) - you get manny errors and UEFI-Bios UI not respond and work any more. You have to make a reset and try again. Thanks god i´m a hobbyist.

My problem with mouse and keyboard seems to be UEFI related, because these mentionend problem appears on win7uefi and archlinux uefi.

The other half of his problems are UEFI issues - due to buggy not documented asrock UEFI-Bios options.

Maybe someone will install win 10 / win 8.1 / win 7 all in uefi later this year - the user has absolutly no documentation for efi-shell bootloader configuration from asrock. And these osses are/will be ofifcially supported.

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 30 May 2015 at 3:26pm
All of my Windows 8/8.1 installations on my ASRock Z97, Z87, and Z77 boards are UEFI booting, I don't install Windows any other way.

I also have multiple Windows 10 TP UEFI booting installations on two of those PCs, and I haven't had any mouse or keyboard issues with them at all.

I will say this, the original UEFI version for the Z97 Extreme6 did seem to have some USB issues with the keyboard and mouse I was using. Actually I thought the problem was the lack of any USB 2.0 ports on the IO panel. I added a four port USB 2.0 adapter that fits in a PCIe card slot on my PC case, and connects directly to a USB 2.0 header on the board. From then on I've had zero problems with any keyboards or mice. If you have a USB 2.0 port or two on your PC case that connect to the board, give those a try, at least temporarily to see if they help.

If you want to blame UEFI firmware for your problems, fine. Personally, I'm thrilled to no longer be stuck with the limitations of BIOS style firmware, with its 16 bit addressing and 1MB maximum memory usage capability. As long as you have the Compatibility Support Module (CSM) enabled or Secure Boot Disabled, you are running the UEFI firmware in BIOS emulated mode. The first boards that used UEFI firmware did not even have an option to disable CSM, and that was prior to Secure Boot being available. All the UEFI firmware was used for was its ability to provide a GUI interface to the firmware options.

Logitech keyboards and mice are notorious for not working correctly until their drivers are installed in the OS. I'm not just referring to certain options not being available, I mean just plain not working right. Any new OS installation I do, particularly on a new mother board, is done with a wired USB keyboard and mouse. I've even had to use a USB to PS2 adapter on some keyboards (made by Microsoft!) to allow them to function when installing an OS on a brand new board.

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 30 May 2015 at 4:18pm
This problem is by no means restricted to UEFI or Asrock for that matter, I have had this same issue across several different platforms from multiple manufacturers and most of them used the old "classic" BIOS setup. It seems to be related to chipset USB initialization rather than BIOS/UEFI. Generally if CTRL+ALT+DEL fixes its not a huge deal. When I have encountered these issues it has been with new boards, boards that went on to function perfectly for years aside from this issue. I can see how the problem would be annoying for you however given your boot device is affected. I did note however that I encountered the issues on boards that included new USB standards like my first USB 2 boards and my last USB 3 board which was Gigabyte so not an Asrock specific issue at all. 

From my experimentation on the issue I discovered the problem only seems to occur on a restart cycle not from cold boots so I got around it by just ignoring the restart option and using "shut down" then hitting the power button to boot again. This would tend to indicate that the USB ports received a shut down command on the restart and failed to receive a wake command.

I may be thinking of a different issue to the one you are experiencing but it sounds a lot like the issues I have had in the past.

Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 30 May 2015 at 4:50pm
Thanks for your replys,

don´t get me wrong uefi is a pretty good invention - technically you have much more knowledge and experience in this topic.

I like the fast boot times using uefi - maybe this is the biggest advantage for me as user.

But if you test some of the asrock BIOS settings like flash over ethernet or download drivers - advertised features - and they hang up during running, then i get an opinion.

It is the first time, i own a MB that is able to produce a blank screen with wrong powersave options!
Thank god there are two bios chips on this MB so you can switch in this case.

Most of the explained problems here are just normal internet UEFI-Bios issues we are talking about - I just say it is far from good right now.

If there is a costumer service e-mail option, you expect it to work - nothing else. Sorry i´ve blamed several options, it is just funny if the options just don´t work the expected way.

If there are problems with basic input devices or advertised Bios options it is up to the manufacturer to solve these issues and make a dokumentation to explain the way they work.

Again sorry. It is a great piece of HW, my Z97Extreme6 maybe the best right now availible. Everything that i´ve set up in linux or windows worked in the end. Many things are os related. I just having trouble to get it work the right way for my use case.

Originally posted by Xaltar Xaltar wrote:

From my experimentation on the issue I discovered the problem only seems to occur on a restart cycle not from cold boots so I got around it by just ignoring the restart option and using "shut down" then hitting the power button to boot again. This would tend to indicate that the USB ports received a shut down command on the restart and failed to receive a wake command.

I may be thinking of a different issue to the one you are experiencing but it sounds a lot like the issues I have had in the past.

Good answer

Posted By: vindicator
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2015 at 11:17am
Oh wow, so many replies. Sorry I missed them, but I hadn't received any notifications for some reason. Even looked in junk mail.

Anyway, I reset the firmware and USB worked correctly every time so I changed everything back except for USB (legacy I'm guessing) and it continues to work correctly.

I'm sure I would have flashed through UEFI, in fact I think I did try once I got it, but there was no new updates.
I would think the flash process would entail fully downloading the binary, doing a checksum, then flashing, and the only way issues would occur is if the actual flashing part of the process couldn't complete due to something like a power interruption.

I actually upgraded from the ASRock H55M and it was fine except I've gone to a 4TB drive and think the GPT was causing issues as I switched back and forth between the Ubuntu and Vista partitions.
I can't use Vista anymore since drivers aren't being made for it anymore. Thus my reason to switch to Linux.

I completely agree with the documentation statement.

For me, the logitech usb wireless mouse issue was strictly limited to UEFI (F11 boot-menu, F2 setup).

If anything is any kind of a "deal" big or not, it is a deal nonetheless. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it is broke, fix it. That is the frame of mind that should be used.

Posted By: vindicator
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2015 at 2:01pm
Originally posted by Schlunze Schlunze wrote:

For shell from filesystem or /EFI you need to take a v1 shell!
Try one of an arch install iso.
I forgot to mention that I got my shell from ( showing that it is v1.

I saw a topic somewhere saying that v1 was no longer being maintained and frankly I thought I got the latest (v2).
I also figured that being a newer H97, that it would also use v2. But I also read the newer UEFI will also accept v1 shells.

I see the download options you refer to at (

My overall intent with UEFI is to take control of the keys. I have a device that doesn't have a driver matching the vid/pid so I edit the source module in the kernel and build it.
I sign the module with my own key (generated using openssl), but because my key isn't in any trusted chain the kernel/uefi secure-boot won't let the module get loaded.

I was expecting an easier process of key-control akin to the screenshots from an Asus board (

Ooooohhhh, I'm looking more closely at the URIs on that archlinux page and it looks like it points to the old Intel Tianocore SVN site. But more than that, even though that Tianocore Readme says V1, based on the Arch page, it's actually V2:
V2 =
V1 =
So now I'll be trying the "real supposed" V1.

V2 =
V1 =
(I should have paid attention to what I pasted).

Posted By: vindicator
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2015 at 2:30pm
Nope, still no joy.

Not either of the supposed V1 or V2.
Not with the shell file being copied everywhere I could think of (/,/boot,/boot/efi,/boot/efi/EFI,/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu)
Not using the USB2 internal reader in the front, nor USB3 in the back.
Not with Secure Boot (en/dis)abled.
Not any combination/permutation of any of the above.

Until anyone with the H97 (maybe even the itx version) has success with it, I'm calling this a bug.
Same as I'm calling the tech-support feature inside UEFI having network issues is something I also consider a bug.

EDIT:Similar screenshot found online

Posted By: vindicator
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2015 at 3:00am
I'll also add another EFI issue which may be on the part of the efibootmgr package or the ASRock UEFI and am posting the issue to both parties:
In short, when I manually add a boot entry to any .efi, the bootorder adds a duplicate entry AFTER a reboot.

Posted By: vindicator
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2015 at 3:27am
I'll also add that I WAS able to get into the shell using efibootmgr... BUT it was only with the v1 shell version. Trying v2 would just cause the screen to flash and return back to the boot menu.
I don't remember exactly what it said, but I think the v1 shell said:
Shell version 2.31
Running version 1.1

Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2015 at 9:53pm
Originally posted by vindicator vindicator wrote:

Nope, still no joy.

Not either of the supposed V1 or V2.
Not with the shell file being copied everywhere I could think of (/,/boot,/boot/efi,/boot/efi/EFI,/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu)
Not using the USB2 internal reader in the front, nor USB3 in the back.
Not with Secure Boot (en/dis)abled.
Not any combination/permutation of any of the above.

Until anyone with the H97 (maybe even the itx version) has success with it, I'm calling this a bug.
Same as I'm calling the tech-support feature inside UEFI having network issues is something I also consider a bug.

EDIT:Similar screenshot found online

Strange, V1 works with my Z97Extreme6, i´ll check i it again and let u know.

Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2015 at 10:29pm
Originally posted by vindicator vindicator wrote:

Ooooohhhh, I'm looking more closely at the URIs on that archlinux page and it looks like it points to the old Intel Tianocore SVN site. But more than that, even though that Tianocore Readme says V1, based on the Arch page, it's actually V2:
V2 =
V1 =

These two are not working on my Z97Extreme6 too.
i´ve copied my shellx64_v1.efi from an arch iso, maybe it was a lucky shot. I can mail the file if you want.

I have just tried with gummiboot so far, but it looks like we can only use v1, with v2 i have the same in gummiboot - entry is started - fallback to gummiboot.

I´ve not tried to enable secure boot, but it looks like you have much trouble to get it up and running. Good luck, maybe some other pro here can help you with this secure boot issues.


Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2015 at 11:37pm
Originally posted by vindicator vindicator wrote:

I'm sure I would have flashed through UEFI, in fact I think I did try once I got it, but there was no new updates.
I would think the flash process would entail fully downloading the binary, doing a checksum, then flashing, and the only way issues would occur is if the actual flashing part of the process couldn't complete due to something like a power interruption.


If anything is any kind of a "deal" big or not, it is a deal nonetheless. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it is broke, fix it. That is the frame of mind that should be used.

Hope it works that way!
I think my internetconnection broke during BIOS Download, then a blackscreen with many lines of errors appeared. It wasn´t during the flash process, because the BIOS worked after reset Big smile and i gave it another try right after this issue. The second time it worked without errors.

Posted By: vindicator
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2015 at 12:12am
Ugh, I edited my post with those links because I copied/pasted wrong and didn't pay attention to it.
I did get it working with v1.

Also noticed that these forums send notifications under the domain "". That just can't be right and I'm not about to add that to my safe

Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2015 at 12:57am
Yeah seen that.

Tell me, why do you like to use secureboot?
Seen that rod-link. But i was to lazy to read it so far.

Posted By: vindicator
Date Posted: 04 Jun 2015 at 3:12pm
For me, I want to make use of everything I have.
Some people may get a car with heated seats and never use it.

I know secureboot has the intent of making the system more "secure", but for a hacker/hobbyist, it sure is a PITA.
I just got worse and worse for me.
My intent is to compile a kernel driver, but then it would need to be signed and I won't even go through the many things I've done to try to get the stupid thing to work.
I thought simply disabling secureboot would be enough, but apparently not.

I'm now at the stage where I'm building the ubuntu kernel myself, but am encountering what I believe is also a bug because I want to use my own keys I made for myself with openssl, but the stupid Makefile/rules are overwriting them even though I supplied them.

Frankly it sounds like all these years that have passed since I first heard about UEFI and have been watching Ubuntu and other *nix dists, they just haven't gotten far and are full of bugs.

For anyone who would like to complain about Windows, I say spend a day hacking around in *nix. It'll likely be mostly fine for the general user, but for someone who gets deep and dirty, it is one ugly mess.

Posted By: Schlunze
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2015 at 1:04am
Looks like no one can help you here

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