Hello everyone, I have a little problem!
If I try to plug my portable USB3.0 hard drive to any of the motherboard's rear USB3.0 port than Windows isn't able to correctly detect the device. Seems like the hard drive gets plugged and unplugged for all the time. USB Pen Drives on the other hand are working just fine on same usb ports. I tried another portable hard drive but problem still the same. USB Keyboard and mouse are totally working!
If I plug the hard drive through http://ftp://europe.asrock.com/Manual/Z170%20Extreme4.pdf#page=13" rel="nofollow - USB_1_2, USB_3_4 http://ftp://europe.asrock.com/Manual/Z170%20Extreme4.pdf#page=13" rel="nofollow - and USB_7_8 it works just fine!
I'm working on a fresh Win10 x64 install, and I only installed following system drivers from http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Z170%20Extreme4/?cat=Download&os=Win1064" rel="nofollow - Z170 Extreme4 Win10 x64 drivers downloads page: Realtek high definition audio driver ver:7614 INF driver ver: Lan driver ver:20.2 Intel Management Engine driver ver: Realtek high definition audio driver versione:7614
I start thinking I'm missing Intel USB3.0 drivers, isn't it? What do you think about? Do you have any precious suggestion?
EDIT: seems like the http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/Z170%20Extreme4/index.it.asp?cat=Download&os=Win1064" rel="nofollow - Windows 10 x64 drivers download page is missing USB drivers. By checking both Win8 and Win7 drivers download pages I see the following drivers: Intel USB3.0 Adaptation Driver versione: Asmedia USB 3.0/3.1 XHCI Driver versione: Intel USB 3.0 driver versione:
Do you think I should give those drivers a try even if the're not listed for Windows 10?