Every electronic component actually generates noise, typically however it is either outside of our hearing range or so low volume you wouldn't notice it. Power circuitry in particular is prone to producing "coil whine" this is perfectly normal, all coil inductors produce it though as Shadow stated, it is typically insulated to dampen the sound. This is particularly common in things like graphics cards and motheboards. The whine is not indicative of a problem nor is it indicative of sub standard parts though sub standard parts are more prone to whine. In an typical scenario you would not hear the whine over the sound of the system fans but in a silent system they become more audible.
In your case the motherboard you are using supports a power brick and a standard 24pin power supply. In such cases when using the brick power supply the power travels through additional circuitry to split the single 19v input into 12v, 5v, 3.3v etc I suspect you will find that this is the source of your coil whine. It is nothing to worry about, however if the noise is overly loud and bothersome, for no other reason than irritation, you may want to try a different power unit. Generally the cleaner the power to the board the less noise it will make as the noise is created by minute fluctuations in power delivery.
Sometimes the whine is unacceptably loud, in these cases most manufacturers will permit an RMA even though the product is functioning as intended. In your case however, given you have already completed an RMA and the replacement is also producing whine I would lean more towards the power adapter being inadequately regulated. See if you can get a laptop power adapter to test with, most people should have access to one. From the specs of the board it needs to be within ~19v (within 10% +/-) at about 60w assuming both RAM slots are populated. Most laptop units should be easily within these specs.