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GPU upgrade

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Category: Gaming Zone
Forum Name: Gaming PC Build Advice
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Printed Date: 07 Feb 2025 at 10:40pm
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Topic: GPU upgrade
Posted By: WhiteFox
Subject: GPU upgrade
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2023 at 6:55pm
Can some one give me and idea on which gpu a good to upgrade from my GTX1660, I don't do many games but the ones I do ,do are mostly new one so maybe a future proof gpu like the nvidia geforce rtx 4090 or is there something cheaper and better on the market.

Thanks in Advance

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2023 at 10:09pm
Choosing a GPU comes down largely to budget, system specs and use case.

Pairing an RTX 4090 with a Ryzen 3 1200 would be pointless for example.

There is a wide delta in performance between RTX/Raytracing being enabled and
disabled. Personally, I don't think it's worth the extra cost in 99% of the titles
that support it. A current mid range GPU will get the same performance with it
off as a high end one will with it on. While I do find the tech impressive and
quite exciting the games that use it need to be designed so it can be fully
appreciated. In a fast paced first person shooter it's a total waste of processing
power for example. Things like RPGs and exploration based games where the environment
is something you will take time exploring and appreciating are where it's nice
to have.

The GTX 1660 is still decent for most titles with some lowered quality settings.
I would personally hold out for the next GPU generation, even just for it to cause
current gen GPUs to fall in price a little more.

For anyone other than an enthusiast with money to burn the high end is always a
bad investment. 1 or 2 tiers down is usually where the value is at. So an RTX
4070Ti or RX 6700xt (or 7700xt when available). Sure, the top tier cards are faster
but they will become obsolete at about the same time as the ones I suggested.
The performance delta is not so large that they will become obsolete through
raw FPS deficit. It's far more likely that new technologies will render them all
obsolete as new render techniques become standard etc. This is based on my own
experience over far too many years of gaming


Posted By: WhiteFox
Date Posted: 27 Apr 2023 at 5:26pm
Thanks Xaltar the case is a Thermaltake 900, Mobo is an Asrock z690 taichi with 128gb of ddr5 cpu i9 13900 I have all except the i9, thanks for your help I might wait it out for the 7700xt, i find my 1660 seems to stall sometimes but im not sure if that's internet not being able to cope or the card setting(as you said about lowing them).

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 27 Apr 2023 at 10:15pm
Happy to help

Check reviews on the 7700xt when it's launched and pick up the best value GPU in
that performance range you can get your hands on. The higher end cards could be
worth looking at with your system specs, you should have no bottleneck issues. It
all depends on your budget though. Buyers remorse is often worst on the low and
high end. Low because, well, "for a bit more I could have gotten X" and high because
the next gen drops and suddenly your $1000+ GPU is being outperformed or matched
by a $600 one, at least that's how it often works.

For your current setup, try running some looped benchmarks with analytics and see
if you get the stalls/hangups in a non internet dependent test. If it's your
internet connection it won't matter how powerful your GPU is.

Good luck.


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