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No Boot option in Bios

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: Intel Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock Intel Motherboards
Printed Date: 17 Feb 2025 at 9:18am
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: No Boot option in Bios
Posted By: Mark2m
Subject: No Boot option in Bios
Date Posted: 26 May 2023 at 12:56am
This is my first build in 7 years, and first with ASrock. I have Windows 11 residing on M2 . My problem is I also have a SSD drive (old computer)Windows 10 recognized on the new computer with critical software that I cannot copy, port, migrate etc. I cannot find the option on the Bios to choose my SSD to boot. The last info I received via You Tube and this forum is to CSM enable than no information after that.
Can anyone help. Thank you

Posted By: threadzipper1957
Date Posted: 22 Jun 2023 at 8:44pm
2 boot drives will create a conflict, and I suspect your old OS drive, was installed in MBR mode.
When CSM is disabled, the bootmenu, will only show devices that are installed under GPT (UEFI) Mode.
What I would do, is.
Mount only the old M.2, and use default BIOS settings, and see if it boots, if yes, You can maybe upgrade to Windows 11 with the old M.2.
Once this is done, You can replace the M.2 with the new one, and remove all partitions.
If You then add the old drive, it should start Windows 11, and You can clone the old M.2, to the new one
Fore cloning You can use the free version of macrium reflect" rel="nofollow -
It can work under Windows, and I have used it a few times.

Kind Regards

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