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Z170 extreme4 dr.debug 04

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: Intel Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock Intel Motherboards
Printed Date: 19 Feb 2025 at 7:09pm
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Topic: Z170 extreme4 dr.debug 04
Posted By: HappyMan
Subject: Z170 extreme4 dr.debug 04
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2016 at 2:37pm
What is code 04 actually means. I keep getting that code when shutting down and restarting the computer. 
But with the same code motherboard freezes at start when i trying to overclock CPU ( solved by adding the voltage on cpu Vcore). In manual said 01-59 codes all about memory problems. But my memory with defaulth timings and 2133Mhz freq. (without XMP profile load).
BCLK overclocking

sorry for my english

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2016 at 2:41pm
if i select wrong section, please replace in OC section.

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2016 at 3:02pm
Dr. Debug codes are not inherently error codes, it is only an error if the code does not clear.

In other words, the codes indicate processes being performed by the motherboard. When one remains on the display and does not clear and the system halts, fails to post or otherwise is not working then the code displayed indicates the process that failed to complete and will remain on the display till the system is powered off.

Now if the 04 code is showing up and the system is freezing/crashing at that point then 04 would indicate an issue with RAM according to your user manual. If it is just a number that shows up and then goes away again without event then it is simply a process that occurs during the shut down process.


Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 09 Aug 2016 at 11:06pm
I have 3 for ya

1. 04 ? Or 04 at power down and 40 at resume?

2. Are you actually putting the computer into a Sleep state, or shutting it completely down?

3. By chance is the boards BIOS flashed to an early release?

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2016 at 1:13am
04 then 00 at power down, when power up 00 and 19 and so on.
-  shutting it completely (С-states is OFF)
- latest 3.40 BIOS.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2016 at 9:11am
IMHO this may be one of two things at issue.

First, will you provide the Make and Part Number(s) of the memory kit(s) you're using?

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2016 at 2:53pm
TEAM DARK DDR4 3200 CL16-16-16-36 1.35V 4GB x 2 TDKED48G3200HC16ADC01
XMP profile set 3200 CL16-16-16-36 1.35V
but I try to use default freq. 2133 and auto timings (same result)
Memory passed all tests

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2016 at 6:15pm
1st, let's look at ........

Use the Clear CMOS Switch(CLRCBTN) to clear your BIOS if you've been in there mucking around what with attempting different settings please. Probably should do this anyway. Yea, do.
Unplug the PSU from the wall > wait 1min > press the cases Power button down for 15secs > finally hold the CLRCBTN at the back I/O panel in for 5secs. Then reapply power and report back the/any result.

Also try:
BIOS > OC Tweaker > DRAM Configuration > MRC Fast Boot - Set to Disabled and report back please.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2016 at 8:08pm
There is my DRAM setting.

I don?™t see MRC Fast Boot menu item.

Posted By: Boru
Date Posted: 10 Aug 2016 at 8:36pm
DRAM Configuration/ Advanced Setting after ODT.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2016 at 4:42am
Thanks. I find menu item, but after disabling 04 code freez still left.
CMOS clear don't give any resulth.
i noticed that 04 code is appears immediately after code 56.

When system at stock frequency all works fine.  I have 04 code on restart and shutdown without freezes.
But when i try to overclock CPU i have 04 code freez randomly.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2016 at 5:57am
I'm getting thin on options, but .......

Directly under the SATA ports is where your two BIOS chipa and the BIOS Select switch reside.

Over the two BIOS chips is a sticker over each.

1. What CPU is it you're using?

2. What is printed on both stickers covering the BIOS chips?

In asking those two ??'s I'm wanting to verify that your B BIOS(you have two, w/one, the B chip, being a backup) supports your processor BEFORE switching over to it.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 11 Aug 2016 at 1:38pm
CPU is i5 6400
Second bios version is 3.20 (a have updatetd it too)
On second bios chip, the problem still remains.
On both BIOS chips I have stickers with 1.00 or 1.10 numbers(exactly can say only when will be at home)

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 1:46am
sry. i have p2.10 numbers on both stickers.
maby i must try to flash another BIOS(more compatible with my RAM) ?

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 6:00am
Originally posted by HappyMan HappyMan wrote:

sry. i have p2.10 numbers on both stickers.
maby i must try to flash another BIOS(more compatible with my RAM) ?" rel="nofollow - HERE you said you've already flashed the running A BIOS 3.40.

If you did not, then yes. Use the Instant Flash method from within your BIOS in the Tools tab. Do not use the Internet Flash method as it is, IMHO, unreliable and will more easily corrupt your BIOS, rendering your board unusable.

If you need instruction for using Instant Flash post back and I'll walk you through it.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 6:17am
Yes I have 3.40 bios version on first chip and 3.20 on second. I
Asked about downgrade (if this possible) to which version?

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 11:01am
No, don't downgrade. The last three BIOSes have had memory compatibility improvements.

Will you download and install CPU-z, start 4 instances of it to show me the SPD and Memory tab of each of the  two sticks please.

And I should say thank you for you patience too. It's not easy diagnosing over hours between forum posts.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 12:47pm
No problem at all for me . Thank you for helping

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 2:09pm
Whoa there. Looks like the BIOS is miscalculating these sticks main 4 timings and maybe CR(Command Rate).

Are you knowledgeable enough to change the timing manually in the BIOS?

If so, let's attempt a mediocre timing by what
tCL - 19
tRCP - 15
tRP - 15
tRAS - 36
CR - 1 (and if there's issues, change CR to 2 and retry)
DRAM Voltage - 1.20 (and if there's issues, add +0.05v making +1.25 and retry. Fail at +1.25v? Bump another +0.05v making +1.30 and retry.)

I'll be back here in 4-6hrs to look for any reply's/results. In a few minutes me and my Wife are driving out into the desert far away from light pollution to view/photograph the Perseid meteor shower.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 7:38pm
I'm Baaaack. And up. For a little while anyways. T'was a long night here staring at the heavens.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 8:23pm
Cool. I can try change timing only In 2-3 hours. I can write process on video (if it helps).

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 9:15pm
Originally posted by HappyMan HappyMan wrote:

What is code 04 actually means. I keep getting that code when shutting down and restarting the computer. 
But with the same code motherboard freezes at start when i trying to overclock CPU ( solved by adding the voltage on cpu Vcore). In manual said 01-59 codes all about memory problems. But my memory with defaulth timings and 2133Mhz freq. (without XMP profile load).
BCLK overclocking

sorry for my english

As Xaltar said, the only time the Dr Debug/POST codes indicate a problem is when the PC is starting, and the PC does not boot/start Windows or whatever your OS is.

The POST codes are displayed on the Dr Debug display as each POST process is run during the entire POST procedure. That is normal. If a POST process fails for some reason, then POST stops, the code of the POST process that failed is displayed, and the OS boot process stops.

If you see a code on the Dr Debug display when the PC is being shutdown, it does not mean anything at all. The POST procedure does not run when a PC is being shutdown, any code displayed at that time does not mean anything.

If your PC boots your OS fine, you do not have any problem with your memory as far as the POST tests can find.

The memory controller is part of your Skylake CPU. If an over clock fails because of too little voltage, any number of things can go wrong in the CPU, including a memory problem.

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Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 12:55am
But CPU pass 2hour prime95 4.5Ghz on 1.27v (if i luck to run without freezes 04). And can freeze with 04 code only at start. And i must set 1.36 just for no freezes PC start. Maby exist a way to increase the voltage only on startup.

wardog, (rc1) timings don't give resulth (

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 2:43am
Happy, please list out the hardware of your box by make and model, and please include the PSUs age and if the PSU is plugged directly into the wall or not.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 10:47am
Too, let's try taking them off XMP and manually setting them at their 3200 SPD timings, for starters.

tCL - 16
tRCP - 16
tRP - 16
tRAS - 36
tRC -52
CR - 1 (and if there's issues, change CR to 2 and retry)
DRAM Voltage - 1.35v

With the above timings made manually, if the sticks are in slots A2 + B2, try shuffling them into A1 + B1 and reply back the results.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 6:32pm
SPU - CHIEFTEC 750w (2 years in use). I don't understand about which wall do you write? :) SPU connected to M/B with 24pin and 8pin connectors.
M/B - Asrock z170 extreme 4 (2 month in use)
CPU - i5 6400 (2month in use)
RAM - 2x4gb model writed already (2month in use)
SSD - intel 330 series 120gb (2year in use)
HDD - 2x500gb toshiba DT01ACA050 (2year in use)
CPU_coller - DeepCool lucifer v2 (2 month in use)
GPU - GA HD 7950 (3 years in use)

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 7:15pm
Originally posted by HappyMan HappyMan wrote:

I don't understand about which wall do you write?

Whether it's plugged directly into the electrical wall outlet, or if it's plugged into a multiple outlet power strip.

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 9:02pm

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 10:10pm
Originally posted by HappyMan HappyMan wrote:

But CPU pass 2hour prime95 4.5Ghz on 1.27v (if i luck to run without freezes 04). And can freeze with 04 code only at start. And i must set 1.36 just for no freezes PC start. Maby exist a way to increase the voltage only on startup.

wardog, (rc1) timings don't give resulth (

Originally posted by HappyMan HappyMan wrote:

SPU - CHIEFTEC 750w (2 years in use). I don't understand about which wall do you write? :) SPU connected to M/B with 24pin and 8pin connectors.
M/B - Asrock z170 extreme 4 (2 month in use)
CPU - i5 6400 (2month in use)
RAM - 2x4gb model writed already (2month in use)
SSD - intel 330 series 120gb (2year in use)
HDD - 2x500gb toshiba DT01ACA050 (2year in use)
CPU_coller - DeepCool lucifer v2 (2 month in use)
GPU - GA HD 7950 (3 years in use)

Is this right? You have a 4.5GHz over clock on an i5-6400 CPU? That is this processor:" rel="nofollow -

That is not an Intel 'K' processor, so any over clock must be done with a BCLK over clock. That is fine if it is true... for the CPU. But for memory, which can also be used at a different BCLK, any random BCLK value might not work.

How are you over clocking an i5-6400 processor to 4.5GHz? What BCLK are you using, and what core multipliers?

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Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 11:25pm
bclk value is 166.7500 x 27 mult. 

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 14 Aug 2016 at 12:52am
Originally posted by HappyMan HappyMan wrote:

bclk value is 166.7500 x 27 mult. 

That is what I thought, it makes sense now. You did say you were BCLK over clocking in your first post, so sorry for the question. I also see that now in your DRAM Configuration screen shots.

It's a great accomplishment to reach your OC with a BCLK over clock on the CPU, you should be happy with that. But using that BCLK can also affect memory stability.

Please understand that a memory OC, just like a CPU OC, is not guaranteed to work. It depends on how good the memory controller (IMC) is, which is part of the CPU. The maximum speed of your memory is an OC, and Intel only guarantees a memory speed of 2133 for Skylake processors.

I see that you are using the A1 and B1 memory slots. At least that's what I see in your Timing Configurator and AIDA64 screen shots. Your memory is single sided (SS), 4GB DIMMs, which should be used in the A2 and B2 memory slots. Those are the best memory slots to use for the two SS DIMMs that you are using. That is shown in your board's manual, and all ASRock Z170 board manuals.

I highly suggest that you move your memory to the A2 and B2 slots, if it is not there now. Before you do that, save your UEFI/BIOS settings in a profile (I'm sure you do this now, just saying.) When you move the memory to the A2 and B2 slots, clear the CMOS/UEFI with the jumper on the board, or the clr CMOS button on the board's IO panel. That is the best procedure any time you change the memory to different slots.

Using the Command Rate (CR) of 1T is not easy with high speed DDR4 memory. Please try using 2T for a while, and see if you still get the 04 POST code when you start the PC.

I doubt that the XMP profile is doing anything for you, since you are using a BCLK OC. You can set many of the main XMP setting using the DRAM Tweaker feature in DRAM Configuration. I've had worse results using the XMP profile than setting the memory options manually, and using DRAM Tweaker.

What are the VCCSA and VCCIO voltages you have now, shown in the OC Tweaker, Voltage Configuration screen? Adjusting VCCSA can help the most with high speed DDR4 memory.

You may also need to set the DRAM voltage above 1.35V, but my ASRock Z170 board sets the DRAM Voltage a little higher than the DRAM Voltage option setting. What do you see as the DRAM voltage in the H/W Monitoring screen? That should also show the VCCSA and VCCIO voltages.

Your Chieftec PSU seems to be a multiple 12V rail PSU, which means you need to be careful balancing the load on the different rails. There are many Chieftec 750W PSUs, so we don't know which one you really have. Is it this one:" rel="nofollow -

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Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 14 Aug 2016 at 1:30am
Chieftec A-80 CTG-750C

Posted By: HappyMan
Date Posted: 14 Aug 2016 at 3:29am
i'm drop down BCLK a little (to 163) and replace ram module to A2 and B2 slots.
Look like i get stable system.
set ram timings to with 1.31V
all on screen
2hour prime 95 - pass
20loop LinX - pass
no 04 code freeze
Maby need correcting somethings for get more CPU freq ?

anyway the main point is (like parsec said)- "The memory controller is part of your Skylake CPU. If an over clock fails because of too little voltage, any number of things can go wrong in the CPU, including a memory problem"

Any manipulation with memory freq and timings don't resolve 04 freezes for me.  Only Vcore voltage.

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