" rel="nofollow - Thanks for your answer!
parsec wrote:
To be 100% clear, it is only at the start up (and restart/reboot??) that the Hyundai monitor stays black. At some point there will be an image on the screen, and you can use the PC normally, is that right?
When connected to the Hyundai monitor, i only get a picture if the board jumps into the BIOS setup screen (like here: https://www.pierschel.com/images/XP941Boot/EFIBIOSBootScreen-Large.png" rel="nofollow - https://www.pierschel.com/images/XP941Boot/EFIBIOSBootScreen-Large.png ).
I never see the first text message with BIOS copyright & Press Fxx-key messages (like here: http://s1.postimg.org/b5pe2z82n/DSC02734.jpg%20" rel="nofollow - http://s1.postimg.org/b5pe2z82n/DSC02734.jpg%20 )
(I also don't see the 2-lines text message which tells me to insert a valid boot media & press ENTER if I only connect an empty hard disk.)
I also don't see Windows 7 booting & Windows 7 Desktop.....
....but I can connect from my Thinkpad because I installed UltraVNC on the new PC when it was connected to the Panasoniv TV ... and then I can work fine with the new PC over VNC - so mainboard, RAM & CPU should be ok.
(First i hoped that after installing Win 7, I would get a picture on the Hyundai, because Win 7 then switches to the higher resolution ... and the Hyundai only has problems with the VGA resolution at startup...but nope)
Windows 7 even offers a Windows update for my Hyundai monitor, if I connect it to the new PC (always with blue LED = on and Screen = black on Hyundai , which means: signal detected) and shows the name of the monitor in the display settings (which means that the Display Data Channel on HDMI/DVI cable works). Windows 7 also detects the correct 1920 x 1200 resolution of the monitor.
And now the strange thing what leads me to the conclusion that the monitor is the problem:
In the first run, I only connected the new PC to the Hyundai. I got no picture. I then simply tried to boot with a Win 7 SETUP DVD with the hope that the setup prog somehow does a better init of the Intel integrated graphics card than the BIOS ... the PC booted the Win 7 DVD ... after some time, the DVD drive stopped.
I then switched of the Hyundai monitor ... switched it on again ... and ... voila: I saw the Windows 7 SETUP screen prompting me for the desired languages of keyboard etc.... (But because I did not yet know tat I have to do some actions because Win 7 Setup can not handle USB 3.0 connected keyboards & mice, I had to stop and switch it off)
I then got a picture of Windows 7 one or two times again doing this switch-Hyundai-off/on trick... but now, this trick does not work any more. Installed Windows 7 boots, Hyundai LED is blue, but screen is black. VNC connection shows Win 7 logon screen.
Maybe the Hyundai - 8 years old - starts to become "defective"... Maybe the capacitors in the Hyundai get old / weak... maybe lower signal level on the Intel iGPU than on the Thinkpad T500 (which has an ATI GPU) ... and both factors together lead to "works with Thinkpad, but not with Intel iGPU...
parsec wrote:
Did you ever use your Z170 PC with that monitor without the 7.00 UEFI installed?
Yes, I only flashed BIOS 1 with 7.00 and did not copy it over to BIOS 2 yet. This still is on lower level (some 3.x if I remember correctly).
--> The error also happens when I boot with the older BIOS 2.
parsec wrote:
I know you've tried different cables when you tried different inputs and outputs, but unless you are always using the same cables throughout your testing, then a cable problem might still be the cause, however unlikely.
Same cable works on Panasonic TV, but not on Hyundai. I used 2 different HDMI cable and 1 Displayport-to-HDMI cable with both.
One DVI cable was used with the Hyundai only (TV has no DVI): T500 works, new PC with Intel iGPU does not.
parsec wrote:
Can you test the Z170 Extreme4 PC with the Lenovo T500 Thinkpad as the monitor?
No, because the T500 has no input for the integrated Laptop LCD (the T500 is used stand-alone and in conjunction with the Hyundai, which works perfect).
parsec wrote:
The more you can test that PC with other "monitors", will add more examples of it working or not working. If you discover the only monitor that has a problem is the Hyundai, then it is probable that it has a compatibility issue with the Intel graphics.
I also think so...
I will try to organize another monitor for testing, but this can not happen before next week.
I also thought about contacting Hyundai, but it seems that "Hyundai IT" stopped selling computer monitors - at least in Europe or Germany.