" rel="nofollow - This has been a rather perplexing issue here on the forums (and elsewhere I am sure). We have seen numerous reports of newer GPUs failing to work on older boards. The problem is that while one user reports that their GPU does not work on a Z68 based motherboard (for example) we see another user reporting it worked on an older model without issue (both UEFI). There does not seem to be much rhyme or reason to the issue. Through various threads I have not been able to determine if it is something that can be fixed via a BIOS update or if it is some kind of physical compatibility issue that only effects some boards.
One thing is clear however, GPUs have evolved and something in their design has changed significantly enough that it breaks backward compatibility in some cases. While in one instance a BIOS update fixes this, another remained non functional no matter the BIOS version, updates or settings.
I wish I could give you a clear yes/no answer but it has very much been a case of "try it and find out" thus far. Personally, I wouldn't take the chance unless your place of purchase has a reliable return policy. Your choice of GPU is a sound one, the RX 460 is very capable in non gaming applications and more than adequate for light/casual gaming. It should last you a good few years before you look to upgrade again.
Most of the issues I have seen regarding GPU incompatibility have been Nvidia related but there have been some AMD GPUs too though whether or not the RX 4xx series suffer from the issue is not yet known to me.
My advice would be to contact ASRock directly and inquire or hold out till you can upgrade the rest of your system and avoid the headache. Some slightly older GPUs should work fine with your current setup but do you really want to spend money on an older generation that is less future proof?
Tech Support: http://event.asrock.com/tsd.asp