" rel="nofollow - Now, we get to the more useful bit for the average user, how this information can help you build a balanced gaming system within a particular budget.
As we see in my post above, CPUs need to prepare frames to be rendered and the GPU then makes the frames look pretty. So when you are looking to build a new gaming machine the first thing you need to decide is budget, are you going for the best of the best or simply trying to get the best bang for your buck?
Once you have this ironed out we come to part picking.
The first thing you need to look at is a GPU, this you should choose based on cost and performance reviews at the resolution you will be gaming at. The resolution is a very important detail so don't overlook this. You will want to get the best GPU you can within your budget while leaving enough money to purchase the other parts.
So for the sake of this example we choose a GPU that is shown to provide 150fps in most games @1080p because we plan to use a 144hz 1080p monitor.
Now we move on to the CPU, again we need to do our research but rather than going into that blind we now know that we want a CPU capable of providing at least 150fps @1080p. Now picking one that only just manages the task would be a mistake, CPU bottlenecks result in ugly and often inconvenient stuttering and screen freezes while the CPU tries to catch up to the demands of the GPU. So what we really want here is a CPU that is able to provide 150fps @720p or 200fps at 1080p, this gives us some headroom for either more demanding games or future GPU upgrades. The goal here is to pick the CPU that delivers the closest performance to these numbers possible at the best possible price point.
The rest of the system
Now we have picked the core of the system we move on to the rest of the system, the only thing I will mention here is making sure you pick a solid, brand name PSU that is about 100w more than the recommended wattage for the CPU and GPU you chose but not less than 500w. The rest of the parts will be up to you and your particular needs for the system outside of gaming.
Following these basic guidelines will allow you to get the absolute most for your money in terms of gaming performance without running into immediate bottlenecks with your shiny new hardware.