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Faulty Motherboard ?

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 19 Feb 2025 at 1:11pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Faulty Motherboard ?
Posted By: zHamzz
Subject: Faulty Motherboard ?
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2015 at 8:42pm
I'm having problems with my self built PC. I've had it for almost and year or so.
AsRock FM2A75M Pro4+ 
AMD Athlon x4 760K
Corsair CX430M PSU
CM Hyper TX3 CPU cooler/Just installed CM Seidon 120v V2 - Thought it was an CPU cooling problem
120 Sandisk SSD - Got this replaced cause i thought that was the problem.
2TB raid seagate HD
I usually keep my PC on for long amounts of time, and I find it turned off. However when trying to power It on again all fans and LEDs work as normal, but the HDD light does not flash as it should and their is no display shown after an short while the monitor goes green in a strange way. 
Usually waiting a long time it boots up again and the HDD does flash when it does. 
Any help would be appreciated. 
Thanks in advance

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2015 at 10:25pm
What graphics card are you using? These sort of symptoms usually stem from either a graphics card problem (overheating due to excessive dust build up can cause it) or, less likely, memory that is faulty. 

Welcome to the forums Smile

Posted By: zHamzz
Date Posted: 22 Jul 2015 at 10:41pm


Im using;

I don't think it is an GPU problem, primarily because the HDD activity light does not flash when it does.
Usually when i clear CMOS it boots up. But then eventually the same problem will occur.

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