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DDWRT support!!

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Category: Media&User's Review
Forum Name: Networking Products
Forum Description: ASRock Networking Products
Printed Date: 09 Feb 2025 at 12:38pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: DDWRT support!!
Posted By: xcharlie
Subject: DDWRT support!!
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2017 at 11:03am
" rel="nofollow -
WARNING!! This is BETA version!!

r31571 version

r31544 version

or new?" rel="nofollow -

Anyone tried it?

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2017 at 1:46pm

And thanks for posting the "WARNING!! This is BETA version!!" caution.

Posted By: FireStorm
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2017 at 9:14pm
" rel="nofollow - Hello

I am using the DD-WRT Version (newest)

Actually there is just one reason why I use the DD-WRT Version, because the original firmware has just a stupid REPEATER MODE. It only supports over WDS which is pretty lame as WDS has some security issues so the other router does not have WDS enabled and so I can not use the repeater mode. ANY CHANGE FOR FUTURE???

However, the thing is DD-WRT works smooth BUT and this is the biggest one the speed is just awesome but (VERY) often the internet connection get's lost, Does anyone experience the same issues? The connection between the two routers is stable. With my WLAN Repeater I have even better connection stability then with the G10. So it must be the G10 that has a problem, I just do not know WHAT could it be?

Does anyone has an idea? I am not a pro, maybe I put something wrong in the setup, is someone willing to check over teamviewer?

Posted By: penlo69
Date Posted: 17 Mar 2018 at 7:56am
" rel="nofollow - have tried asking for help at vpn service provider but they have NOT been any help at all.
can you provide instructions on how to set this router which has firmware 2.18 from ASRock, how to do the latest ww-wrt for it
for use with NORD or PIA? preferred would be nord
there response was read these thoudsand posts and articles and YOU FIGURE IT OUT!!!

man  do you call that help???  it's not like the service s FREE!!!

any help would be appreciated   baby steps please

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 17 Mar 2018 at 9:40am
Originally posted by penlo69 penlo69 wrote:

" rel="nofollow - have tried asking for help at vpn service provider but they have NOT been any help at all.
can you provide instructions on how to set this router which has firmware 2.18 from ASRock, how to do the latest ww-wrt for it
for use with NORD or PIA? preferred would be nord
there response was read these thoudsand posts and articles and YOU FIGURE IT OUT!!!

man  do you call that help???  it's not like the service s FREE!!!

any help would be appreciated   baby steps please

This page and the linked instructions look straightforward:

hth anyways

Posted By: iherbak77
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2018 at 3:48am

Please support me with the best method to upgrade to dd-wrt.

What i think
1 - do the 30/30/30 reset
2 - use the router web ui to upload the dd-wrt image the factory-to-ddwrt.bin
3 do the 30/30/30 reset

4 For upcoming dd-wrt firmwares i should use the webugradeddwrt.bin or whatever


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