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Problem with X370 killer SLI Gskill Flare x

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
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Topic: Problem with X370 killer SLI Gskill Flare x
Posted By: Denroth
Subject: Problem with X370 killer SLI Gskill Flare x
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2017 at 10:59pm
Hello everyone

as the title I have a problem with the Rams gskill flare x


and MB X370 killer sli

the system becomes unstable (BDOS) with any frequency of the ram, only  2133MHz seems to work properly.

I tried it with 2400 MHz, 2600MHz, 3200 mhz

I run a memtest with no errors.

I tried with timming / voltages in this table, but nothing seems to work (only 2133MHz)" rel="nofollow -

I updated the BIOS to UEFI version 2.0

any suggestions?

Posted By: qwased
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2017 at 11:40pm
Try bios 1.93a,this is the only version i can set my ram speed to 2933mhz

Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2017 at 11:59pm
" rel="nofollow - timming and voltage?

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 2:38am
Originally posted by Denroth Denroth wrote:

Hello everyone

as the title I have a problem with the Rams gskill flare x


and MB X370 killer sli

the system becomes unstable (BDOS) with any frequency of the ram, only  2133MHz seems to work properly.

I tried it with 2400 MHz, 2600MHz, 3200 mhz

I run a memtest with no errors.

I tried with timming / voltages in this table, but nothing seems to work (only 2133MHz)" rel="nofollow -

I updated the BIOS to UEFI version 2.0

any suggestions?

And this is with the two sticks in mem slots A2 and B2? If not, reset you BIOS after moving them but before booting.

Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 3:03am
yes, A2 - B2

these ram have hynix memories
hynix have many problems with ryzen :(

probably I ask for a reimbursement to amazon

samsun memory is best for ryzen

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 8:52am
Originally posted by Denroth Denroth wrote:

Hello everyone

as the title I have a problem with the Rams gskill flare x


and MB X370 killer sli

the system becomes unstable (BDOS) with any frequency of the ram, only  2133MHz seems to work properly.

I tried it with 2400 MHz, 2600MHz, 3200 mhz

I run a memtest with no errors.

I tried with timming / voltages in this table, but nothing seems to work (only 2133MHz)" rel="nofollow -

I updated the BIOS to UEFI version 2.0

any suggestions?

G.SKILL's RAM Configurator recommends your model of memory with your board:

Your board is also listed in this model's QVL list:" rel="nofollow -

How are you setting the timings? Are you using the XMP profile, or setting the timings manually?

What is the Command Rate (CR) set to? The Ryzen memory controller works better with a CR of 1 at memory speeds above 2133.

Did you try increasing the memory voltage beyond 1.2V? If you over clock your memory beyond 2400, you normally need to increase the memory voltage.

Your memory should work at 2400, but any speed above that is an over clock beyond its specifications. In general and in my experience, G.SKILL memory does not work well if at all beyond its highest rated speed. If lower speed memory models could be easily over clocked to higher speeds, the market for their higher speed products would be small.

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Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 5:04pm
This is why I bought the flare x, but any frequency beyond 2133MHz does go BDOS the system.

I manually set the timming, turned up the voltage to 1.3v, 1.35V, 1.37v

command rate is over T1

I tried all the timming in the table

2400MHz with 15-15-15-15-39, 16-16-16-16-39, 1.35V

but nothing seems to work

thread reddit:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 9:24pm
with  1.93a bios and timming:

16-16-16-16 -39 1.3v vram
It seems to work fine

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 10:53pm
Great, glad it works for you now!

AMD is still providing updates for memory support for Ryzen. There is a new BIOS version for your board, 2.00, that may work even better.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: qwased
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 11:17pm
Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

Great, glad it works for you now!

AMD is still providing updates for memory support for Ryzen. There is a new BIOS version for your board, 2.00, that may work even better.
A lot of 370killer users (includes me)report that 2.00 can't set the ram above 2400mhz  same as 1.70.The only working version is 1.93a 

Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 03 Apr 2017 at 11:17pm
" rel="nofollow - there are no BDOS but the performance is not normal, fps drop  in game and various slowdowns T_T (same with bios 2.0)

I bought these ram (samsung)

in the hope that it helps>.>

Posted By: qwased
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2017 at 12:18am
add more dram voltage,1.35v~1.4v

Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2017 at 4:24am
with 1.35 work -.-"

2400 with 1.2v  SURE

Posted By: twf85
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2017 at 7:23am
This is very unwelcomed news.. My Flare X sticks should arrive tomorrow!

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Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2017 at 7:03pm
I hope you have taken a 3000+ MHz version (samsung memory)

if you took the 2400MHz version will have a lot of problems (Hynix memories)

Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2017 at 9:43pm
RMA flare x

buy  GSkill RipV K2F4-3200C15D-16GVR

settings: 2933mhz 14-14-14-14-30 Vsoc: 1.1v Vram:1.35v  STABLE" rel="nofollow -

@twf85 View Drop Down if 2400mhz version(flare x) RMA instant

Posted By: twf85
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2017 at 4:45am
Originally posted by Denroth Denroth wrote:

RMA flare x

buy  GSkill RipV K2F4-3200C15D-16GVR

settings: 2933mhz 14-14-14-14-30 Vsoc: 1.1v Vram:1.35v  STABLE" rel="nofollow -

@twf85 View Drop Down if 2400mhz version(flare x) RMA instant

I got these," rel="nofollow - F4-3200C14D-16GFX . I have not researched who made the mem chips though.

EDIT: Booted with no problems @ 3200. Voltage set @ 1.35 and the rest of the settings on Auto.

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Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2017 at 12:13pm
Originally posted by twf85 twf85 wrote:

Originally posted by Denroth Denroth wrote:

RMA flare x

buy  GSkill RipV K2F4-3200C15D-16GVR

settings: 2933mhz 14-14-14-14-30 Vsoc: 1.1v Vram:1.35v  STABLE" rel="nofollow -

@twf85 View Drop Down if 2400mhz version(flare x) RMA instant

I got these," rel="nofollow - F4-3200C14D-16GFX . I have not researched who made the mem chips though.

EDIT: Booted with no problems @ 3200. Voltage set @ 1.35 and the rest of the settings on Auto.

The G.SKILL FlareX kit you (and I) have uses Samsung memory chips:

As you can see, one person's experience does not mean that everyone else will have the same one. I've learned that my one little experience with something is not enough for the basis of a general conclusion. What we are told vs what we could see if we had a PC in front of us can be very different things.

Even though G.SKILL has XMP data in this model, this model specifically made for Ryzen, it still does not seem to work correctly. You did the right thing in the way you configured your memory.

Granted, Ryzen systems are still struggling with memory compatibility, which I hope will cause the memory manufactures to get their act together.

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Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2017 at 12:18pm
Go to:" rel="nofollow -

Grab the Trial of Thaiphoon Burner and it will tell you if you have the vaulted Samsung b-die IC's.

I have the Lifetime License and over the many many years it has proven itself invaluable.

edit Samsing to Samsung

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2017 at 12:21pm
Originally posted by qwased qwased wrote:

add more dram voltage,1.35v~1.4v

This is incorrect. Adding vDIMM on Ryzen is not the voltage you want/need to change Wink

Posted By: Denroth
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2017 at 7:05pm
i use Thaiphoon Burner :)

the Flare x 2400MHz, have Hynix memories
a lot of instability and BDOS

your Flare x 3200 mhz have memories samsung b-die (same of my gskill RJ K2)

my current overclock (stable)

Timming 3200MHz 16-18-18-36 1.35vram 1.1vSoc" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: twf85
Date Posted: 06 Apr 2017 at 5:06am
Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

The G.SKILL FlareX kit you (and I) have

Are you noticing any odd behavior? My boot times with the" rel="nofollow - RipJaws 4 sticks  delivered a boot time of approximately 13 seconds. These Flare sticks increased the boot time to 20 seconds, and I cannot run Restart to UEFI unless I dial them down to 2400. I am running the latest stable BIOS (v1.6) on the X370 Fatal1ty Gaming Pro.

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Posted By: Voided76
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2017 at 11:42pm
" rel="nofollow - Do you guys know if there's a big difference timing wise between the RGB (gtzr) sets and the flarex sets? has anyone looked at them closely  (like under typhoon hint hint)
my RGB kit is single rank samsung but still only does 14-14-14-34 2933.

I've got the Killer SLI/ac

it did 3200 for about a half a day then stopped posting after a system restart.  

after fiddling with it for a half an hour trying to find out how to get it compatible it more or less bricked my ram.  the LED's went wacko,  all the info wiped from the chips,  trying to even select XMP via bios ect would blackscreen hang the computer because it wouldn't read anything.

I managed to get it to boot loosey goosey 2133 to windows looked up the GTZR data in thaiphoon and reflashed my ram and it works,  but the LED's are still shot and it doesn't come up as G.skill anymore.

but it works.  lmfao.  I'm so ghetto.
Can I get a look at your guys' ramspecs via a .thp?

These g.skill chips are getting ready to get RMA'd,  but my next pair if I can properly but the flareX timings in them would be sick as hell if it means surefire 3200mhz compatibility.  I'm already making 1750 in cinebench on a 1700 with tight timed 2933.

just a touch more memory juice is all I need :mrgreen:

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