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X370 K4 - bad Corsair RAM support before UEFI 2.1

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 07 Feb 2025 at 12:17pm
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Topic: X370 K4 - bad Corsair RAM support before UEFI 2.1
Posted By: Derreck
Subject: X370 K4 - bad Corsair RAM support before UEFI 2.1
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 4:39pm
Hello. I currently assemble my build - and it does boot but I have no display signal. Screen is blank, and I don't see anything. Obviously I can't access my BIOS. I use HDMI since I don't have any other cables.
All fans (CPU and chasis) starts working, and RGB lightning on GPU is working too. Then they turn off so apparently I get a boot loop with my mobo. I checked power cables, and they seem to be fine. I tried to clean up CMOS and use one memory stick instead of two but it didn't help.
Also important notice - Dr Debug shows some strange code ("Ad"). I don't know what that means.

This is what exactly happens with my PC:" rel="nofollow -

My specs:
Ryzen 5 1600
ASRock X370 Gaming K4 
Corsair CMK16GX4M2A2400C16 2x8GB
MSI RX 580 Gaming X 8GB
1TB HDD + 120GB Samsung 850 EVO
FSP Hydro G 750W

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: I bought a new Ram - this time from ADATA (AX4U2400W8G16-SRD), and it works fine.
It allows me to get into BIOS - which was of the version 1.60.
I updated it to a newest available version (2.1) and then I thought about trying to run the mobo with the troubled Corsair memory sticks. Now they work fine too!

Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 10:54pm
" rel="nofollow - making a large assumption here but
seeing as the rx580 is a brand new release do you by chance have another graphics card you can try just to see if its an issue with the rx580 ?
have you tried using ram slots a2 and b2 (these are the defualt choice for two sticks)
have you tried without any hard drives and dvd connected these are not needed to boot to bios for test purpose
now dont be insulted here but a few other tips suggested (not knowing your level of skills)
have you connected the extra cpu power plug to top left side of board ?
double checked the front panel connectors are in the right place ? eg reset/hd led/pwr sw etc etc
tried just one stick in all four different ram slots
tried another hdmi slot on graphics card
made sure the card is in the pcie x16 slot closest to the cpu
connected the cpu fan to the correct cpu fan header

some things to try


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2017 at 11:05pm
" rel="nofollow -
Thanks for the answer! 

Originally posted by datonyb datonyb wrote:

making a large assumption here but 
seeing as the rx580 is a brand new release do you by chance have another graphics card you can try just to see if its an issue with the rx580 ?

Unfortunately I can't as this is my first build in years and all I have is installed inside the chassis.

Originally posted by datonyb datonyb wrote:

have you tried using ram slots a2 and b2 (these are the defualt choice for two sticks)

Yep, I tried. There are interesting results: when I use one stick in A2 or B2 slots Dr Debug shows this strange Error "Ad". When I use A1 or B1 slots Dr Debug shows Error 46 (which means that problem is with the memory)

Originally posted by datonyb datonyb wrote:

have you tried without any hard drives and dvd connected these are not needed to boot to bios for test purpose
have you connected the extra cpu power plug to top left side of board ?
double checked the front panel connectors are in the right place ? eg reset/hd led/pwr sw etc etc
tried just one stick in all four different ram slots
tried another hdmi slot on graphics card
made sure the card is in the pcie x16 slot closest to the cpu
connected the cpu fan to the correct cpu fan header

Yep, tried and rechecked these things. Nothing works.

Honestly, I do think that my problem could be with the memory - this particular model isn't in the QVL list for my motherboard (though there are similar models from the same company). That's sad.
Also I found that my problem is named "Boot loop" - PC starts working then turns off before POST.

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 12:08am
" rel="nofollow - I'm sorry but some of your description is contradictory.

In your first post you wrote, "... and it does boot but I have no display signal.". But in your post above, you wrote, "... PC starts working then turns off before POST".

Can you please sort that out for us? I know things change when you try things like moving the memory, but it is confusing.

If you are seeing Dr Debug POST codes, then POST is running.

Are all your parts new?

Any "Ax" POST code is related to SATA devices. You said you tried all the things datonyb listed, but did that include disconnecting power to your drives?

Your problem could be related to memory compatibility, it's the biggest issue we currently have with Ryzen systems. Memory compatibility is basically random at this point, at least when using models not in the QVL list. Some work great, others not at all.

A setting in the UEFI/BIOS, AMD Advanced Boot Training, attempts to adjust memory settings to allow the memory to work. That causes starts and stops of the PC, which is startling, I understand that.

It's very difficult to diagnose issues with a limited set of hardware to work with. Which is why we need the best description of the situation as possible.

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Posted By: Mike K
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 12:10am

I just got my board today and am also having the same exact issue.
Ryzen 5 1600
ASRock X370 Gaming K4
Kingston HX426C15FBK2/8
MSI R9 390

My GPU is tried and tested, It's been running in my old system for over a year now, The memory I bought is on the QVL list, and when I first booted it up I got error code 03

I followed the advice from what I could dig up on the error codes and removed and re-seated the CPU. removed both sticks of memory and tried each stick one by one in each memory slot. Sometimes I got error 01 sometimes 03 sometimes different letter coded like IE and Ad.

I think it's highly unlikely that both sticks of memory from the kit are bad and neither will get the board to post in any of the 4 slots.

My GPU is like I said tried and tested I know for a fact it works just fine.

But I get nothing coming up on the screen, during booting the error code pops up, then the board powers down after 15-20 seconds and re-boots again automatically

I have sent a request for support, so If I hear anything from them I'll let you know here since your also having the same exact problem as I am.

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 12:30am
" rel="nofollow -
Sorry for misunderstanding. I meant that I can't get to BIOS and stuck in a boot loop.

Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

Are all your parts new?

Yes, all is brand new.

Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

Any "Ax" POST code is related to SATA devices. You said you tried all the things datonyb listed, but did that include disconnecting power to your drives?

I removed all SATA cables from the mobo and disconnect devices from the PSU.

To help you understand my situation I made a short video. This is how my PC *works*. I removed GPU for testing purposes but it doesn't make a difference: mobo is stuck in a endless loop with or without graphics card. It starts, works for like 30 secs and then turns off on its own.

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 12:37am
Originally posted by Mike K Mike K wrote:

 Sometimes I got error 01 sometimes 03 sometimes different letter coded like IE and Ad.

Yep, that's exactly what I got! (either error 46 or Ad).

I also filed a support ticket so if I can find a solution I'll write here.

Posted By: twf85
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 1:46am
" rel="nofollow - ASRock boards seem to have trouble booting up with certain peripheral headers plugged in. On 3 different boards, unplugging USB3.0 headers resolved similar "no boot screen" issues for me. Worth a try?

EDIT: Probably worth mentioning.. Each time, the problematic attached device was a NZXT front-panel memory card/USB adapter. Either these devices don't last very long, or there's some sort of ASRock + NZXT issue.

EDIT: Guess I should've said, try trimming the fat on your system. Disconnect everything that isn't absolutely necessary to boot up. 1 stick of RAM, boot drive, CPU + cooling solution, and graphics card. Nothing else. Audio header, all USB headers, all connected peripherals in back (including keyboard + mouse); disconnect them all.

If you still can't boot up after that, try swapping the graphics card around. Triple check the connections on your graphics card. Try a different PCIe power source/plug. You may even try disconnecting your boot drive.

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Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 2:09am
Originally posted by twf85 twf85 wrote:

" rel="nofollow - ASRock boards seem to have trouble booting up with certain peripheral headers plugged in. On 3 different boards, unplugging USB3.0 headers resolved similar "no boot screen" issues for me. Worth a try?

Thanks for the suggestions! I removed all my USB headers and disconnected a chassis fan but unfortunately it didn't help.

I don't have any spare GPU or RAM to test so I guess I'm stuck here for now.

Posted By: twf85
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 2:30am
After doing all of that, try clearing the CMOS. I usually disconnect the battery for about 30 seconds. Also, disconnect your 1TB HDD. I once had a Seagate HDD that stalled my boot up time by several minutes. I only discovered it has holding up the system once it finally failed.

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Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 3:22am
Originally posted by twf85 twf85 wrote:

After doing all of that, try clearing the CMOS. I usually disconnect the battery for about 30 seconds. Also, disconnect your 1TB HDD. I once had a Seagate HDD that stalled my boot up time by several minutes. I only discovered it has holding up the system once it finally failed.

Tried these with no luck. I removed CMOS battery for about an hour this morning to be sure but it doesn't help.
I'll buy new RAM tomorrow and I hope it'll fix everything. If not, I'd try to RMA the board.

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 3:45am
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by Derreck Derreck wrote:

Originally posted by twf85 twf85 wrote:

After doing all of that, try clearing the CMOS. I usually disconnect the battery for about 30 seconds. Also, disconnect your 1TB HDD. I once had a Seagate HDD that stalled my boot up time by several minutes. I only discovered it has holding up the system once it finally failed.

Tried these with no luck. I removed CMOS battery for about an hour this morning to be sure but it doesn't help.
I'll buy new RAM tomorrow and I hope it'll fix everything. If not, I'd try to RMA the board.

Did you follow the instructions in your online manual on page 26 and moved the jumper as well? Did you also disconnect all other drives as well as usb devices and usb 3.0 motherboard connections?

2.5 Jumpers Setup
The illustration shows how jumpers are setup. When the jumper cap is placed on
the pins, the jumper is ?�Short?? If no jumper cap is placed on the pins, the jumper
is ?�Open?? The illustration shows a 3-pin jumper whose pin1 and pin2 are ?�Short??
when a jumper cap is placed on these 2 pins.
Clear CMOS Jumper
(C L R MO S1)
(see p.7, No. 18)
CLRMOS1 allows you to clear the data in CMOS. To clear and reset the system
parameters to default setup, please turn off the computer and unplug the power
cord from the power supply. After waiting for 15 seconds, use a jumper cap to
short pin2 and pin3 on CLRMOS1 for 5 seconds. However, please do not clear the
CMOS right after you update the BIOS. If you need to clear the CMOS when you
just finish updating the BIOS, you must boot up the system first, and then shut it
down before you do the clear-CMOS action. Please be noted that the password,
date, time, and user default profile will be cleared only if the CMOS battery is

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 3:55am
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

Did you follow the instructions in your online manual on page 26 and moved the jumper as well? 

No I didn't! Thanks for the tip, I'll try it now

UPDATE: Unfortunately it didn't help.

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 4:14am
Bummer Confused Can you hookup a motherboard speaker? And do you leave it for awhile letting it do its rebooting? Does your monitor (LCD) back light come on at any stage in the rebooting process?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 4:18am
Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

Bummer Confused Can you hookup a motherboard speaker?

I don't have any...

Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

And do you leave it for awhile letting it do its rebooting? Does your monitor (LCD) back light come on at any stage in the rebooting process?

I letted it rebooting for like 10-15 minutes the first time then turned the power off. 
My monitor just says "No signal" all the time (and goes to sleep after a while).

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 4:29am
" rel="nofollow - I have to ask but is the 1X8 pin video card power connected to the power supply? Is the video card FULLY seated? No extra motherboard stand offs left behind/not used?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 4:34am
Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

" rel="nofollow - I have to ask but is the 1X8 pin video card power connected to the power supply? Is the video card FULLY seated? No extra motherboard stand offs left behind/not used?

For the sake of testing I tried to boot with GPU properly installed, with GPU without power cable and without GPU at all. In all these modes my PC is stuck in identical boot loop. I think GPU is not a problem here.

Just rechecked this - all 9 stand offs are on their place.

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 6:57pm
Hello again! I bought a new memory kit - now from ADATA (AX4U2400W8G16-SRD) and it works like a charm. I'm finally able to access BIOS and everything seems to be working fine!

So my advice to anyone who has a problem with the same board (ASRock X370 Gaming K4) - buy ADATA memory instead of Corsair!

Posted By: Mike K
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 7:31pm
Thanks for the update Derreck,

I guess even memory on their QVL list is subject to not working at all because I specifically bought one that was on the list to avoid having a compatibility problem....

Guess I should look for a different kit myself and see If I can get mine up an running too.

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 8:54pm
" rel="nofollow - UPDATE: So I got into BIOS and decided to update it to a newest version (2.1). It was successful.
Then I thought - can the new version bring a compatibility with my old RAM? So I again installed these troubled Corsair memory sticks - and system works!

Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 9:19pm
" rel="nofollow - can you edit the above post to read from
what unsuccessful bios version you upgraded from
(to allow future users to find a better answer in a search ? )

edited to remove confusing bios numbers


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: Derreck
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 9:30pm
Originally posted by datonyb datonyb wrote:

" rel="nofollow - can you edit the above post to read from
what unsuccessful bios version you upgraded from

Yep, I updated the original post.
1.6 version doesn't support Corsair memory - 2.1 supports it.

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 11:22pm
Excellent news! Clap and thank you for updating your post. Can you also edit the thread header and add memory or UEFI version? Enjoy.

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