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Asrock X370 Gaming K4 temperature reporting

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 18 Feb 2025 at 11:42pm
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Topic: Asrock X370 Gaming K4 temperature reporting
Posted By: EpicPants
Subject: Asrock X370 Gaming K4 temperature reporting
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 5:34am
" rel="nofollow - [URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL]Hi all,

I was running through some overclocking options and i realize that the bios/asrock f stream is not following the CPU fan curve that i set up for it.

After some investigation, i realise that the temp recorded by the motherboard/f-stream software/bios is way lower from ryzen master and HWmonitor, which causes my fan to not spin up relative to actual temps? i assume ryzen master and HWmonitor to be accruate as they are showing the same temps.

It varies from 10-25degrees celcius hotter in HWmonitor and ryzen master than as detected by the bios/ f-stream. For example, fstream: 48degresss, HWmonitor 72degree

Anyone else encountering the same issue?


Posted By: EpicPants
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 11:25am
Edited to include more details

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 1:16pm
Originally posted by EpicPants EpicPants wrote:

" rel="nofollow - [URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL]Hi all,

I was running through some overclocking options and i realize that the bios/asrock f stream is not following the CPU fan curve that i set up for it.

After some investigation, i realise that the temp recorded by the motherboard/f-stream software/bios is way lower from ryzen master and HWmonitor, which causes my fan to not spin up relative to actual temps? i assume ryzen master and HWmonitor to be accruate as they are showing the same temps.

It varies from 10-25degrees celcius hotter in HWmonitor and ryzen master than as detected by the bios/ f-stream. For example, fstream: 48degresss, HWmonitor 72degree

Anyone else encountering the same issue?


First, Ryzen 7 series processors report two CPU temperatures, that AMD calls Tdie and Tctl (ctl mean control). Tctl has an offset of +20° C programmed into it relative to Tdie. Some monitoring programs like HWiNFO64 report both Tdie and Tctl, which are consistently 20° C apart.

AMD apparently will use these two temperatures to control the fan speeds of their supplied CPU coolers with the Ryzen 5 series and other Ryzen processors. It's not quite clear why they need to do this yet.

Next, there seems to be a third Ryzen CPU temperature that ASRock supplies from their sensor chip. It is close to Tdie, but does not seem to track it exactly, and appears to be somewhat below Tdie in the short term. It might be another AMD "socket temperature" type of thing, I'm not sure.

If a temperature monitoring program only shows one Ryzen CPU temperature, which do they use? Ryzen Master and HWMonitor seem to use Tctl, and my use of Ryzen Master and HWiNFO64 indicates it is Tctl.

Another thing to consider is, any temperature reading done by a monitoring program is not a continuous analog type of reading. The program reads a temperature in intervals, every second, or three or five seconds. Different monitoring programs have different sampling rates, and may not be synchronized in their sampling rates.

Also if a monitoring program is programmed correctly, it only reads a temperature when nothing else is reading it from the source. If two programs try reading at the same time, that can cause a false reading. So two programs running at the same time can never read a temperature at the same moment. All of this is why you don't see the exact 20° C difference between F-Stream and Ryzen master. Is the temperature you see with Ryzen Master and HWMonitor identical at all times?

If you decide that Ryzen Master is correct, you can compensate for the difference in temperature reading in the fan curves by simply subtracting 20° C from what is shown in the UEFI as the CPU temperature, and using that as base/lowest temperature in the fan curve. Then at 60° C in the fan curve, set the fan speed to 80%. The temperature "number" is really arbitrary anyway, just set the fan speed percentage to be what you want it to be at a specific temperature number

Perhaps ASRock will change what they use to show the CPU temperature in a UEFI update in the future. But if they were to use Tctl, then some users would be asking why their CPU temperature is 43° C at idle, as my Tctl reading currently is. They should be asking AMD, but the mother board always gets blamed first.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: EpicPants
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2017 at 5:12pm
" rel="nofollow - Ah okay. Thanks parsec!
I'm not blaming anyone or anything at all.

I just have a lack of knowledge regarding such things and would seek enlightenment from others who have more expertise in the field.. if I were to blame anyone it would be myself for my lack of knowledge.

That said, I'm using the 1700 cpu and I read that it does not have the 20degree offset as compared to the 1700x and 1800x. That was the reason for my confusion. Please do correct me if I'm wrong. I see that ASRock uses a different measurement, in that case, would there be an software or something that I could use to adjust my cpu fan speed to the ryzen/HWmonitor temps? I would like it to reflect that instead.

Please help if u can. I really greatly appreciate any sharing of knowledge. I apologise again for my own lack of updatedness

Posted By: StJorge
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2017 at 1:50pm
" rel="nofollow - Hi, you guys tried F-stream ? My cpu is 1700x but how come F-Stream is reporting in EZ OC as "NOT SUPPORTED" ?? 
Went to operation mode, then Performance mode then "Advanced", but it will tell me EZ OC Not supported. How come?

F-stream version is 3.0.132

Posted By: EpicPants
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2017 at 3:57pm
Im using F-stream, but it seems to be reporting another CPU temp than HWmonitor, trying to figure it out too

Posted By: ruspartisan
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2017 at 1:39am
I have the same problem and even created a reddit post:" rel="nofollow -

Motherboard does not read Tdie or Tctl for fan control. It seems it uses a sensor under the socket, which is very slow to react:" rel="nofollow -  . Tdie/Tctl is read by HWINFO, and is fast to react on load (Prime95), and reported temp is very slow, so is the fan curve.

Posted By: EpicPants
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2017 at 5:56am
yeah seems like its normal behavior for this board - i had to set the fan curve very aggressively around the 40-50 degree mark for it to work properly; and its not perfect but its a workaround(a lousy one) i suppose.

Posted By: ruspartisan
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2017 at 6:00am
I've set a more aggressive curve too, but I'm very disappointed with MB's behavior. I've contacted support, but so far they've only told me about Tctl offset, which doesn't apply to R7 1700. I hope it can be fixed with a BIOS update sooner or later, but I'm seriously contemplating changing to ASUS X370 Prime while I can.

I've googled Taichi's reviews, and it seems that it has the same problem: MB reports the wrong temperature, but nobody seem to notice it.

Posted By: EpicPants
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2017 at 2:40pm
" rel="nofollow - The thing I'm wondering though - is there a way to set the fans to run with the actual temp reported in ryzen master? Or is there a way to force change bios to take that temp instead?

Maybe they know of a way around it that's why nobody's saying anything

Posted By: ruspartisan
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2017 at 2:50pm
I've googled many other motherboards from ASRock, Asus, MSI and Gigabyte and HWINFO screenshots for them. It seems, that ALL ASRock AM4 motherboards have problems with temperature reporting, and hardly any motherboards from other manufacturers have. Asus X370 Prime Pro and Crosshair VI are good, MSI 350 Tomahawk is good, Gigabyte X370 Gaming 5 is good. The interesting thin is (but I can't prove it) that temperature reporting for some of the boards was broken, but was fixed with a BIOS update.

Posted By: EpicPants
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2017 at 5:47pm
" rel="nofollow - Do you have a link to anyone saying that? I'm not sure if that can be done with just a bios update. Could u link me please?

Posted By: trailriderdan
Date Posted: 27 Apr 2017 at 6:15am
Originally posted by EpicPants EpicPants wrote:

" rel="nofollow - [URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL]Hi all,

I was running through some overclocking options and i realize that the bios/asrock f stream is not following the CPU fan curve that i set up for it.

After some investigation, i realise that the temp recorded by the motherboard/f-stream software/bios is way lower from ryzen master and HWmonitor, which causes my fan to not spin up relative to actual temps? i assume ryzen master and HWmonitor to be accruate as they are showing the same temps.

It varies from 10-25degrees celcius hotter in HWmonitor and ryzen master than as detected by the bios/ f-stream. For example, fstream: 48degresss, HWmonitor 72degree

Anyone else encountering the same issue?


Same problem with my X370 killer ac. I had to set my fan curves to be more aggressive but it's not an ideal solution. The temperature the mobo watches for fan speed is not only lower than the temperature you mention in HWmonitor and Ryzen master, but also takes a lot longer to heat up. When you first start prime95 or other stressing program the gap is big and narrows over time. I hope this is fixable with a bios update.

Originally posted by ruspartisan ruspartisan wrote:

I have the same problem and even created a reddit post:" rel="nofollow -

Motherboard does not read Tdie or Tctl for fan control. It seems it uses a sensor under the socket, which is very slow to react:" rel="nofollow -  . Tdie/Tctl is read by HWINFO, and is fast to react on load (Prime95), and reported temp is very slow, so is the fan curve.

The graph you posted, and the other graph in the reddit thread is a really good visualization of what's going on.

Posted By: ruspartisan
Date Posted: 27 Apr 2017 at 4:31pm
I've created yet another thread on reddit" rel="nofollow - , becaue I've discovered that ALL ASRock motherboards seem to have this problem, and none of others manufacturers have it. (see the album in the post: MSI and Gigabyte are fine, ASUS seems to be fine too).

Posted By: berner
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2017 at 2:08am
yeah  there should be a way to control the fans with Tdie.
When i tried a overclock with 1.4V the Cpu reached 80° and started throttling before my fans got over 50% cause the CPU temp of the mainboard was still at 50°.

Posted By: ASRock_TSD
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2017 at 7:28pm
Dear EpicPants,

Greetings, this is ASRock TSD.

About this symptom is due to our CPU temperature is read from SIO.

But we do not know where the CPU temperature reading location with third-party utility, it may cause the CPU temperature would not display the same.

So, we would suggest user to observe the CPU temperature by our official F-Stream Tuning Utility directly.


All the best,

Posted By: ruspartisan
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2017 at 7:30pm
F-Stream untility reports incorrect temperature too. I assume, that correct temperature is the one displayed by Ryzen Master, developed by AMD, and F-Stream does not match those readings.

Posted By: hrtlik
Date Posted: 16 Jun 2017 at 3:33am
My ASRock Fatality K4 with Ryzen 1700 also misreads CPU temperature.
The interesting thing is that on low temperatures the reading is correct - 50C in Ryzen Master = 50C reported by motherboard.
But on the higher temps like 70C the readings are off. 70C master = 60C reported by motherboard.
The most curious case is when I put Prime95 on one thread the readings are off by 15C. Ryzen reports 70C in that case but motherboard only 55C.

I hope it gets fixed.

Posted By: Chocula
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2017 at 1:35pm
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by ASRock_TSD ASRock_TSD wrote:

Dear EpicPants,

Greetings, this is ASRock TSD.

About this symptom is due to our CPU temperature is read from SIO.

But we do not know where the CPU temperature reading location with third-party utility, it may cause the CPU temperature would not display the same.

So, we would suggest user to observe the CPU temperature by our official F-Stream Tuning Utility directly.


All the best,

Hi there,

Are there any plans to fix this in an upcoming BIOS update? I have a 1700x and I was not able to OC it at all. After weeks of buying a separate new mobo, cpu, gpu, and ram to rule out the source of my instability, I finally found the reason and it's because my comp was shutting down due to "high temperatures" to protect it from any damage.

My Kraken x62 was reading 109c!!! but in reality, the temp was actually only 60c on both Aida64 sensors and HwMonitor during stress testing...thus I can't overclock my 1700x at all. Please let me know soon. I might have to go with another mobo from another company soon if this is the case. Thanks.

Posted By: crusheddiamond
Date Posted: 26 Jun 2017 at 10:45pm
" rel="nofollow - Tech support, sales and mods on this forums have stated that this board is EOL and will receive less bios updates over time.

A disappointment to say the least.

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