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Need help with AMD build S.OS

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 08 Feb 2025 at 5:11am
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Topic: Need help with AMD build S.OS
Posted By: x58haze
Subject: Need help with AMD build S.OS
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 6:17am
" rel="nofollow - Hello everyone I'm from Venezuela, so forgive me about my por English
As the title says I'm looking for build a good AMD motherboard, low budge, i have like 480-500$ at moment i dont have a pc, just this pc specs:

V9 Thermaltake Case Black Edition
Videocard: Nvidia GTx 580 1.5 gb EVGA pci 2.0 express
PSU: ThermalTake Tough Power 750 Watts Bronce+80

And my question is do you think that pc parts will fit on this Ryzen build?
Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty AB350 Gaming K4 , 105$ on Newegg
CPU: AMD RYZEN 5 1600 6-Core 3.2 GHz (3.6 GHz Turbo) 219$ on Newegg
Memory:Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory $120 amazon

Or this one
G.SKILL Flare X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2400 120$

The think is seems like this amd ASRock Fatal1ty AB350 doesnt have support for those memory right? And I really wanted to created this topic, to find a better dual channel memory ram of 8 gigas 2x4 or 2x8 gigas that can work pretty good with cpu rizen 1600 :(
So if someone can help me with a better build? that is realiable, and support overclock in the future i will highly appreciate, thanks alot!

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 6:35am
" rel="nofollow - Go to G.Skill and plug in your motherboard:

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Posted By: x58haze
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 7:02am
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

[URL=][/URL]Go to G.Skill and plug in your motherboard:

So seems like G.SKill website has compatibility and it shows me a list of avalaible rams, but when i get a ram from there, to check, on the Ab350 asrock seems like there is not compatibility, should I worried about this? or just trust in G.SKILL web'site compatibility rather than Asrock ? whats more viable? sorry for my english.

And so far from that website of G.SKILL

There 2 types of memory that brings my atention
FORTIS F4-2400C15D-16GFT 2x8GB price on Newegg 107$

And this one
FLARE F4-2400C15D-16GFT 2x8GB price on Newegg 120$

Both memory has the same timing, I dont know why one cost 107 and the flarex 120$, should i go for Flarex? does that mean, that flare is more overclockeable?

Thank you again for your help.

Posted By: x58haze
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 7:40am
I heard that Ryzen 5 1600 performs better with something like 2667 MHz

So was wondering if can overclocking those Flarex or fortis of 2x8gb 2400mhz to 2667 etc. :O

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 7:55am
"Normally" G.Skill ram is not very overclockable but runs very well at its rated speed. The Flare from what I've read is compatible/recommended.

However, you may want to do a forum search to see what other users are using and their experiences.

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Posted By: x58haze
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 8:57am
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

"Normally" G.Skill ram is not very overclockable but runs very well at its rated speed. The Flare from what I've read is compatible/recommended.

However, you may want to do a forum search to see what other users are using and their experiences.

I just check again for the memory VHQL support for this fatality ab350 k4 here in asrock

And These are the memories with VHQL that i found:

Patriot 2x4 GB dual channel 3200 mhz in amazon cost 113$ LOL

Same Patriot 2x4GB dual channel 3200 mhz in NewEGG cost 67$

CORSAIR 2x8GB dual channel 2666 mhz in amazon cost 123$

So far, i never heard before about Patriot Memory Ram are they fine?
Should i spent 67 on that pair from Newegg? or just go safe with Corsair? because of more recognized module ram? thanks, sorry for bother you n.n

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 10:28am
" rel="nofollow - Patriot has been around for a long time but I couldn't find your motherboard on their memory finder page! And the same with Corsair!?

In saying that I've never returned anything to Newegg but they are a reputable company so if the ram you chose doesn't work out return it. If ASRock specifies those modules you listed they have been tested by them and should work. The 3200 Patriots look tempting for $67.00! :) No gurantee they will run at 3200 but worth a shot.

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Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 1:55pm
Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

"Normally" G.Skill ram is not very overclockable......

Awwww.,Now you're full out looking for an azz whooping Tongue

Posted By: clubfoot
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 7:59pm
Originally posted by wardog wardog wrote:

Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

"Normally" G.Skill ram is not very overclockable......

Awwww.,Now you're full out looking for an azz whooping Tongue

LOL,... I didn't say it couldn't, just not crazy Big smile

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Posted By: x58haze
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 9:10pm
Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

[URL=][/URL]Patriot has been around for a long time but I couldn't find your motherboard on their memory finder page! And the same with Corsair!?

In saying that I've never returned anything to Newegg but they are a reputable company so if the ram you chose doesn't work out return it. If ASRock specifies those modules you listed they have been tested by them and should work. The 3200 Patriots look tempting for $67.00! :) No gurantee they will run at 3200 but worth a shot.

Good morning n.n, but actually it really appear in the QVL, lemme post a picture.

But the thing, if you look at the Newegg price 67, some of their picture of the ram, it say designed for intel x99 and 100series plataforms
But even that, seems like this Asrock Fatal1ty AB350 Gaming K4, does have a compatibility with this patriot ram 2x4 gb 3200 mhz, im worried to have to RMA, im from Venezuela, and there is not.. stores here that i can RMA, because this is from Newegg :( or even amazon, it will cost more to rma from Venezuela. xD

Posted By: x58haze
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 9:12pm
Originally posted by wardog wardog wrote:

Originally posted by clubfoot clubfoot wrote:

"Normally" G.Skill ram is not very overclockable......

Awwww.,Now you're full out looking for an azz whooping Tongue

Sir Wardog from the Mighty ryze team ,can you also contribuiting in my help :(? i know my English is worst than , haha, but I really need help my budget is 450$, and i wanted to find a good build that has
Ryzen 5 1600, a motherboard that is overclockeable, realiable long period, among a pair of ram ddr4 dual channel 8gb or 16gb that can be overclockeabe too, to have a happy future. Thnk you for your time.

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 9:38pm
" rel="nofollow - Given you are on a budget I would ignore RAM speed altogether. Get the cheapest kit that your board supports and put more of your budget into CPU or motherboard, better yet, pick up a nice new PSU to go with your build. Given you already have some components I am going to guess something happened to the CPU and motherboard you were using before?

RAM speed is only important for gaming if you are using a current high end GPU, otherwise it really makes no difference.

See this post I made here:

I hope this helps.


Posted By: x58haze
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 9:50pm
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by Xaltar Xaltar wrote:

[URL=][/URL]Given you are on a budget I would ignore RAM speed altogether. Get the cheapest kit that your board supports and put more of your budget into CPU or motherboard, better yet, pick up a nice new PSU to go with your build. Given you already have some components I am going to guess something happened to the CPU and motherboard you were using before?

RAM speed is only important for gaming if you are using a current high end GPU, otherwise it really makes no difference.

See this post I made here:

I hope this helps.

Wow xaltar thank you so much, i read the whole post, so just imagine my Gtx 580 nowadays is not even a mid range gpu right? and i was like thinking about in future get or grab a Rx 480, and thats event not a high end gpu as you describe in your post :O, even the Rx 480 with 3200 mz we wouldnt able to see the difference oh i see

So them, dont need to worry about MHZ speed right? but what about Low Timmings thats better right? it will make games run more smooth, with less latency? more responsiveness? like lets say a 2133 mhz or 2400 mhz with timmings 12-12-12 i dont know...

And do you think my PSU thermal take toughtpower 750 watts+bronze 80 is not that good for ryzen? I really dont know so much about Pc components, i always try my best, but im so grateful to be here in this forum, people so nice

But them again, i feel more relaxed with your explanation about speed mhz, but still with a doubt about timings, so can you please, guidance me a little bit? could you try to make a ryzen build for me? that can satisface overclocking in the future? like for a 400$?

Like a Motherboard and CPU,+rams? this is what i can buy for the moment
I've been searching straight foward around 4 days by looking a cheap build but that is like mid range or reliable, so thanks.

Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 10:04pm
to be honest here my thoughts

$67 patriot kit seems a good price (8 gb ram should be fine for the overall level of the pc build, allthough how long until 16gb is mid range i dont know)
and even better if it is listed on the QVL (allthough it might not run on early bios at 3200) it should at least run safely and in time probably will, if not now but in future run at 3200

as for existing PSU
thermaltake 750 bronze 80 ( certainly big enough for the planned system) and bronze 80 cant be that bad
ryzen5 1600 seems to be a very sensible allround cpu choice for most people with some future proofing

so it seems the gtx580 would be the next weak point if not now but in near future depending on what games you wish to play

forgot to mention your 120gb ssd is enough for O/S but new games can be 50-70 gb
so you might want to also think about a 1 or 2 TB hdd for games maybe ?

p.s. your english is very good, certainly better than any other i speak, stop aplogising we can understand you well Smile


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 10:07pm
When it comes to building new systems it is always best to go with a new PSU in case the old one is failing or damaged. That 750w PSU technically should be fine. If you have any issues once you build the system then the PSU would be the first thing to look at replacing. 

As for timings, they won't make much difference with your GTX 580. Tighter timings is something you can play with and tweak anyway. If you do plan on getting an RX 480 down the road then maybe see if you can pick up a 2666 kit that will is certified with your board. It won't likely effect your average FPS much but it will improve your "low" FPS a little. Even then, it won't be a noticeable difference so don't go out and spend 2x the amount for the higher frequency.


Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 10:12pm
agreed xaltar
i was making the assumption the psu is newer than the rest of his old parts though by educated guess on its specs.

i also have a psu tester myself (so im more inclined to use something from my spares) which may explain why i didnt see a reason to buy a new one


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: x58haze
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 10:22pm
" rel="nofollow - Thank you both Guys Datonyb, Xaltar, and the rest of people that helped me :D

So I will try that 67$ memory patriot, that is cheap, and is QLV verified, to be honest, I dont know if, is a good idea to update bios even if I dont have a high end gpu or something, so there i have no idea

Now the Psu suply uhmm how can tell if getting damage or performance issues? by checking the rails voltage and something like that? or if starts to like 12 to 12.5 or 12.0 or 11.9 etc? haha the way I type lol so embharassing hah x.x

But know seems like i will follow your advise, I guess i will by buying the 105$ motherboard the Asrock Fatality, and the cpu 1600 ryzen, and probably the patriot one because is the most cheap supported memory on the Asrock compatibility, also has 3200 mhz which i guess i would use less than 3200 with low timings, to avoid any issues, because i dont know anything about that brand modules. SO thanks alot guys!

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 10:32pm
Happy to help Wink

Let us know how the build goes Thumbs Up


Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 26 Apr 2017 at 10:59pm
as for bios

ii if works now stable, then i may well be inclined to wait until about mid May when the better ryzen bios is released with agesa code 1005
but whatever you choose
use the choice to update in the bios or dos methods
it by far a much safer way


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

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