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Detected ATA/ATAPI devices, problem!

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 17 Feb 2025 at 3:04am
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Topic: Detected ATA/ATAPI devices, problem!
Posted By: wwaarrddy
Subject: Detected ATA/ATAPI devices, problem!
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2017 at 5:14am
" rel="nofollow -
Hi there,
I tried overclocking my FX 8320 CPU with my Extreme 4 Motherboard. However, no matter what OC I select or options I choose, I always get the following message on a black screen with white writing.
"Detected ATA/ATAPI Devices...
The system failed to boot several times before.
You may press F2 or DEL to enter SETUP to reconfigure
Or UEFI will continue to boot after x seconds"
Is this supposed to show everytime I try to OC, it doesn't seem right to me? I've tried lower volts, higher volts, different frequencies but it always comes up.
Is it just telling me that an adjustment has been acknowledged?
I also have 4 x 4GB RAM installed but it is not running in Dual or Quad Channel, only Single.

ASROCK Extreme 4 970
FX 8320
RX480 GB
4 x 4GB Ripjaw RAM (16GB)
500w evga 80+ PSU
2 x Samsung 160GB SSD

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 01 Jun 2017 at 11:00am
Originally posted by wwaarrddy wwaarrddy wrote:

" rel="nofollow -
Hi there,
I tried overclocking my FX 8320 CPU with my Extreme 4 Motherboard. However, no matter what OC I select or options I choose, I always get the following message on a black screen with white writing.
"Detected ATA/ATAPI Devices...
The system failed to boot several times before.
You may press F2 or DEL to enter SETUP to reconfigure
Or UEFI will continue to boot after x seconds"
Is this supposed to show everytime I try to OC, it doesn't seem right to me? I've tried lower volts, higher volts, different frequencies but it always comes up.
Is it just telling me that an adjustment has been acknowledged?
I also have 4 x 4GB RAM installed but it is not running in Dual or Quad Channel, only Single.

ASROCK Extreme 4 970
FX 8320
RX480 GB
4 x 4GB Ripjaw RAM (16GB)
500w evga 80+ PSU
2 x Samsung 160GB SSD

After you see that message, does the PC boot into Windows, with your OC applied? Given the message, it does not seem it does.

That message is normally shown when an OC fails, and the PC cannot start the OS. That message is from the Boot Failure Guard feature. It is not telling you the OC was acknowledged.

Boot Failure Guard (BFG) is an option in the Boot screen in the UEFI/BIOS, enabled by default. It has a related option, Boot Failure Guard Count, which sets the number of times the PC tries to boot before it gives up, displays the message you included above, and resets the UEFI/BIOS options you changed for your OC to the stock/default values.

You should be able to detect the board/PC trying to start three times, which is the usual default setting of the Boot Failure Guard Count option. After the third attempt, you then see that message.

After you see this message, if you do nothing, and the PC continues to boot, what speed is the CPU running at, your OC or stock speed? If what you described is happening, you should not find any OC applied.

You can check the UEFI/BIOS after this happens, which either has reset your OC option settings to their defaults, or leaves them displayed, but booted the PC at the default option settings. If you then saved and exited the UEFI with the OC options unchanged, you would again go through three attempts to boot the PC, which should fail, and you would again see that message. Is this what happens?

If that is correct, your OC is failing every time for some reason.

How are you trying to OC, by manually setting options in the OC Tweaker screen? What options are you adjusting and to what values?

What are you using for a CPU cooler?

Your memory being in single channel mode, what is telling you that? Your CPU is only capable of providing dual channel memory, but you can use two memory DIMMs per channel for a higher capacity per channel.

Is your 16GB of memory from one kit of Ripjaws memory? If it is really running in single channel mode, that could be caused by an incompatibility or running at too high a speed, or not being configured correctly.

What is the full model number of your memory? What is its speed?

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Posted By: wwaarrddy
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2017 at 10:02pm
Hi, thank you for your reply.

The PC does eventually boot into Windows but not at the OC I have set. Sometimes it may be higher than stock, but not what I have set it too. I'm just concerned with the message really and want a proper OC.

Yes that is what happens, I got back into BIOS and my old OC settings are there, so I leave them and save and re-boot and keep getting that same message.

I did a test just now, to see if I could do anything without getting that message, this is what I changed. It was only a small OC.

"Multiplier/Volt charge" - Manual
"CPU frequency multiplier" - x18.0 3600mhz (stock is 3500mhz)
"CPU Voltage" - 1.2875v (this was the default setting, I also tried 1.3v, 1.3250v, 1.35v, 1.3875v and dropped it down to 1.25v too, all came back with the error message in my OP.)
"NB frequency multiplier" - x11.0 2200mhz (default)
"CPU NB volt" - 1.1500v (default)
"HT Bus speed" - Auto (default)
"HT Bus Width" - 16bit (default)

Keep getting the error message on that.

I also used a different method that I copied from someone on YT which was...

"OC Mode" - CPU OC Mode
"Load Optimised CPU OC Setting" - 20% 4200mhz
CPU frequency - 230
CPU volts - 1.400v
NB Frequency multiplier x 10.00 2000mhz
CPU NB Voltage - 1.2000v
HT Bus speed - 2200mhz

Sorry, I hope this makes sense.

My RAM came in 2 packs of 2 x 4GB Kits, bought at seperate times. The 1st kit I've had for 1 year, never in dual channel and I have tried all ports and read the manual for the right ports, nothing worked. Bought the same pack of 2 x 4GB ram so all 4 slots are filled, still single channel. My BIOS and CPUZ are telling me I do not have dual channel and only single channel.

RAM in question is "G-Skill 8GBXL Ripjaws X DDR3 PC12800 1600MHz 8GB"

I am using a Hyper 212 Cooler Master CPU cooler.

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 02 Jun 2017 at 11:47pm
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by wwaarrddy wwaarrddy wrote:

Hi, thank you for your reply.

The PC does eventually boot into Windows but not at the OC I have set. Sometimes it may be higher than stock, but not what I have set it too. I'm just concerned with the message really and want a proper OC.

Yes that is what happens, I got back into BIOS and my old OC settings are there, so I leave them and save and re-boot and keep getting that same message.

I did a test just now, to see if I could do anything without getting that message, this is what I changed. It was only a small OC.

"Multiplier/Volt charge" - Manual
"CPU frequency multiplier" - x18.0 3600mhz (stock is 3500mhz)
"CPU Voltage" - 1.2875v (this was the default setting, I also tried 1.3v, 1.3250v, 1.35v, 1.3875v and dropped it down to 1.25v too, all came back with the error message in my OP.)
"NB frequency multiplier" - x11.0 2200mhz (default)
"CPU NB volt" - 1.1500v (default)
"HT Bus speed" - Auto (default)
"HT Bus Width" - 16bit (default)

Keep getting the error message on that.

I also used a different method that I copied from someone on YT which was...

"OC Mode" - CPU OC Mode
"Load Optimised CPU OC Setting" - 20% 4200mhz
CPU frequency - 230
CPU volts - 1.400v
NB Frequency multiplier x 10.00 2000mhz
CPU NB Voltage - 1.2000v
HT Bus speed - 2200mhz

Sorry, I hope this makes sense.

My RAM came in 2 packs of 2 x 4GB Kits, bought at seperate times. The 1st kit I've had for 1 year, never in dual channel and I have tried all ports and read the manual for the right ports, nothing worked. Bought the same pack of 2 x 4GB ram so all 4 slots are filled, still single channel. My BIOS and CPUZ are telling me I do not have dual channel and only single channel.

RAM in question is "G-Skill 8GBXL Ripjaws X DDR3 PC12800 1600MHz 8GB"

I am using a Hyper 212 Cooler Master CPU cooler.

I checked your memory, F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL, and it should be compatible with your system, so something does not make sense about it not working in dual channel mode. It sounds like you were using or tried one DIMM in the A2 and B2 slots when you had one kit.

What speed is the memory set at? Any speed over 1333 is a memory OC.

The next question is, what BIOS version are you using?

BTW, the Detected ATA/ATAPI Devices... message shown on the screen is not related to the failed OC message from Boot Failure Guard. That is part of the POST process which seems to have completed, since the checking of drives is the last thing that happens in POST.

Clearly, the OC is failing, the board tries to boot I imagine three times if the BFG Count is set to three, and then it boots with default settings. So you are seeing BFG in action.

If your memory is set to 1600, set it to 1333 or all Auto settings in the BIOS. Then try selecting an Optimized CPU OC Setting, the lowest OC available.

I hope your PSU is strong enough, we would need the exact model number to check the +12V rail specs, just being "500W" does not tell the entire story. Plus you are using a power hungry video card. Do you have a four or eight pin CPU power cable connected to the CPU power connector at the top of the board?

We really need to know what BIOS version you have.

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Posted By: wwaarrddy
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2017 at 12:03am
It looks like it is running at 1600mhz, I have not adjusted this ever it was just the default. I will change this right away.

I am using BIOS 2.8, I updated about 3 months ago.

I can't see the model number of the PSU so I've listed what the specs are on the side of the unit below.

AC input - 100-240vac 8/4a 50-60hz
Dc output - +5v| +3.3v| +12v| -12v| +5Vsb|
Max OutputA - 20a| 24A| 40A| 0.3A| 3A|
Combined W 120W| 480W| 3.6W| 15W|
Output power P  500w @ +40degres C

I believe it is an 8 pin connector.

Posted By: wwaarrddy
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2017 at 12:09am
Well I changed the speed of the RAM to 1333, it was on auto before and when I went to boot I got the Detected ATA etc message. So I changed it back to Auto and it booted up without the message.

Posted By: wwaarrddy
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2017 at 10:55pm
Please help me :)

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 12 Jun 2017 at 12:23am
" rel="nofollow - Power down, pull mem(matching by S/N's) out of A1 and B1, leaving two sticks in A2 and B2(matching by S/Ns), clear the BIOS and reboot.

What happens?

Posted By: THISisD00M
Date Posted: 06 Nov 2018 at 4:53am
I have the same problem, all my parts are compatible and i had changed to the bios cpu oc mode to 4375, before i had 4.4 ghz at 1.3875 v all stable for 3 years, after a couple of restarts with the cpu oc mode i got this error, ata/atapi , of course i changed it back to my original oc settings, but they did not seem to solve the problem please help (btw my bios is updated) (i literally do not know why this is happening) and this is ruining my pc performance I demand A NEW PC

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D Patel

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