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ASRock motherboard refuse booting

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 09 Feb 2025 at 1:04pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: ASRock motherboard refuse booting
Posted By: jaestevan
Subject: ASRock motherboard refuse booting
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2015 at 4:09pm

I just bought a "Asrock 970 Extreme3 r2.0" motherboard and after installing the system with an AMD Phenom X6 and 16GB Kingston DDR3, the system don't respond at all.

No beeps, no leds, no POST, nothing at all. Only the system starts running, the fans flows, but nothing else. I tried with an old graphic card and with half the memory, but the results are always the same.

Any clues on what could be the problem? I installed many computers in the past and never got into this situation.

Any help will be very welcome.

Posted By: Swaseras
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2015 at 1:19am

Check Memory (RAM) capability, find your manufacture, size (gb), speed (mhz).

Pay attentions while checking. Hope this helps a bit. :)

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 06 May 2015 at 12:38am
Just to check, do you have the four or eight pin CPU power cable from your PSU connected to the ATX12V1/V2 connector in the upper left area of the board?

What AMD Phenom X6 CPU model are you using?

Posted By: lilgrass71
Date Posted: 08 May 2015 at 10:54am

I built a rig with an asrock 970 performance, amd 8510, compatable ram and a new graphic card.  The computer ran well for about 2 weeks and now it wont boot just like the original poster.  No beep or anything. Screen has no signal but fans turn on and hdd spins up.  USB has no power as the keyboard lights dont turn on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Posted By: Shadow
Date Posted: 10 May 2015 at 12:03pm

For you guys with start up issues:

1) Remove all the power connectors from the Motherboards
2) Remove the components like Memory and CPU (it would be helpful if you have a spare laying around you could test with too)
3) Check to see if the pins show any signs of damage.
4) If not, carefully reinstall the components
5) Reconnect the power supply clear the CMOS and try to restart the machine

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 17 May 2015 at 1:26pm
Originally posted by Shadow Shadow wrote:

For you guys with start up issues:

1) Remove all the power connectors from the Motherboards
2) Remove the components like Memory and CPU (it would be helpful if you have a spare laying around you could test with too)
3) Check to see if the pins show any signs of damage.
4) If not, carefully reinstall the components
5) Reconnect the power supply clear the CMOS and try to restart the machine

This, additionally remove all front panel connectors from the board leaving only the power switch connected, I have often seen newly built systems fail to boot because someone connected a power or HDD LED line to the reset switch pins, result, fans spin up but no boot. When troubleshooting always operate with the bare minimum of components attached to the board so, disconnect hard disks, CD drives and any other peripherals you may have. Also unplug keyboard and mouse, all you need is the display to see if you are posting. 

Faulty SATA cables can also cause your system to not boot, I had one die on me not too long ago and it cause the entire system to fail to post.  

Posted By: squidrobro
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2015 at 8:17am

Originally posted by lilgrass71 lilgrass71 wrote:

No beep or anything. Screen has no signal but fans turn on and hdd spins up.  USB has no power as the keyboard lights dont turn on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Similar problem here. 

Last change made before problem: 
- Enabled IOMMU + the Dehumidifier function (set to run for 5 minutes) in BIOS

- One reboot: Everything okay
- Shutdown: okay, but immediately the PC booted up again to dehumidify
- Walked away and came back 30 minutes later to find the PC still running and the screen was blank (the usual dehumidifier splash screen was not appearing)
- Performed hard shutdown
- Power up: blank screen

- Fans, CPU and CD drive getting power
- Back panel devices (USB 2.0 and 3.0) not getting power
- Front USB 3.0 ports also dead
- Front USB 2.0 ports have NEVER worked (in fact, every time I connect the USB 2.0 header, it refuses to boot)

Troubleshooting so far:
- Resetting BIOS > no change
- Removed and reinserting CMOS battery > no change
- Removing RAM and booting > no change; did not even get error beeps
- Removing all SATA devices and booting > no change
- no signs of damage on the capacitors

As suggested here, I will try one more time to remove every single device and every single header and then powering up. If that doesn't work, I'm taking all my future business to Asus / Gigabyte / MSI.

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