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Wierd behavior after overclock (x370 killer sli)

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 11 Mar 2025 at 7:21pm
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Topic: Wierd behavior after overclock (x370 killer sli)
Posted By: DingoBingo
Subject: Wierd behavior after overclock (x370 killer sli)
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 7:39am
So I started to see how far I can go with my overclocks on my X370 Killer/Sli/ac with a 1700 and when I reach 3.8+ I see wierd posting behavior such as when I press restart on windows it wont post but if I shut it down via PSU and turn it back on it would post. Mind you I have tested 3.8 at 1.3v on AIDA for 30 min and Prime for another 30min and it was stable I also ran Cinebench 5 times in a row still no crash. 

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 8:11am
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Originally posted by DingoBingo DingoBingo wrote:

So I started to see how far I can go with my overclocks on my X370 Killer/Sli/ac with a 1700 and when I reach 3.8+ I see wierd posting behavior such as when I press restart on windows it wont post but if I shut it down via PSU and turn it back on it would post. Mind you I have tested 3.8 at 1.3v on AIDA for 30 min and Prime for another 30min and it was stable I also ran Cinebench 5 times in a row still no crash. 

Do you have, in the UEFI, OC Tweaker screen, the AM4 Advance(d) Boot Training option enabled (Auto)?

If so, set it to disabled.

That could be related to your memory OC, if you have a memory OC.

A VCore of 1.3V is a bit low for 3.8GHz+, unless you have a very good CPU. Hopefully the 1.3V from AIDA64 (I assume) is not the VID. What is the VCore set to in the UEFI, and what VCore mode are you using?

I have the same board, with a 1700X at 3.925GHz, and don't have that behavior.

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Posted By: DingoBingo
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 8:15am
I have my Ram XMPed to 3200 CS16 and it posted and I tested it on Aida with no errors and my Vcore is on auto

Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 7:26pm
overclocking on auto voltage isnt really the done thing

in practice its better to use a fixed/set voltage that is known to work stable with most cpus at that speed ,and then test/try to lower it down gradually as far as your own actual cpu will remain stable

HAVING SAID THAT...that theory was blown out the window last weekend when i asisted my friend overclock his ryzen and it jumped directly into a dead lock at established safe 3.8ghz clock and fixed volts..................yet has remained perfectly super reliable when we just set 3.8 on the slider and left every other dam setting at auto......go figure ryzen !


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2017 at 1:02am
As datonyb be comes close to saying.............

Don't get stuck thinking one voltage. The SOC voltage and IMC voltages contribute to to keeping the Infinity Fabric whole too.

Posted By: nangu
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2017 at 11:54pm
Originally posted by wardog wardog wrote:

As datonyb be comes close to saying.............

Don't get stuck thinking one voltage. The SOC voltage and IMC voltages contribute to to keeping the Infinity Fabric whole too.

I agree with wardog. Your 3200 DDR were stable at CPU stock, it certainly can change when overclocking the Ryzen.

Try upping SoC voltage (max 1.2v) and/or DDR voltage up to 1.4v and retest, or better, leave memory at defaults and start overclocking only the processor, and when you find a stable frequency and voltage, bring in the DDR OC into the equation.


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