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GSkill Trident Z RGB / RGB not functional

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 11 Feb 2025 at 11:40pm
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Topic: GSkill Trident Z RGB / RGB not functional
Posted By: Jhelms
Subject: GSkill Trident Z RGB / RGB not functional
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 4:31am
" rel="nofollow - Glad to be here :)

Here is the current mess:

With my mobo (AB350M Pro 4) You can access and modify the colors on GSkills Trident Z ram only in slots 1 and 3. However slots 1 and 3 limit the ram speed to around 2133. In the proper slots 2 and 4, I can easily run XMP speeds of 3200 at CL14. However, when in slots 2 and 4, RGB cannot be detected, in this no RGB adjustment. Ram is stuck on rainbows and unicorn farts for colors.

Asking GSkill - it seems something has to be implemented in the bios for it to work properly. But they also throw out the excuse they are in beta firmware (4-5 months since an update)

ASRock, do you know of any fixes or workarounds to get RGB ram to be detected in slots 2 and 4? I have not tried the new 3.10 bios yet but high level notes did not mention a fix.

Appreciate any feedback in advance - love my mobo!

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 4:43am
Originally posted by Jhelms Jhelms wrote:

" rel="nofollow - Glad to be here :)

Here is the current mess:

With my mobo (AB350M Pro 4) You can access and modify the colors on GSkills Trident Z ram only in slots 1 and 3. However slots 1 and 3 limit the ram speed to around 2133. In the proper slots 2 and 4, I can easily run XMP speeds of 3200 at CL14. However, when in slots 2 and 4, RGB cannot be detected, in this no RGB adjustment. Ram is stuck on rainbows and unicorn farts for colors.

Asking GSkill - it seems something has to be implemented in the bios for it to work properly. But they also throw out the excuse they are in beta firmware (4-5 months since an update)

ASRock, do you know of any fixes or workarounds to get RGB ram to be detected in slots 2 and 4? I have not tried the new 3.10 bios yet but high level notes did not mention a fix.

Appreciate any feedback in advance - love my mobo!

Can I ask for the specific G.Skill Kit PN?

Having that I'll contact an insider that reacts fast to my inquiries.

Posted By: Jhelms
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 4:52am
You sir, ROCK :) Even if the answer comes back bad.



G.SKILL TridentZ RGB Series 16GB (2 x 8GB)

Samsung B-die. Runs like a bat outta hell - great ram. Just no RGB functionality in A2 / B2. I have read of a lot of others with the same issue.

Sincere apologies - my own memory is bad... Proper terms are:

A1 and B1, RGB can be controlled perfectly but very slow speeds

A2 and B2 RGB runs full XMP easily however GSkill RGB software cannot see or detect the ram modules installed - they claim Bios conflict.

Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 5:05am
so its either full play with colours and paterns and slow pc speed

or fast pc speed and LGBT RAINBOW SUPPORTER ?

be gay and happy at 3200 for the time being Smile


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 9:56am
Jhelms, are you running any other RGB controller software?

Originally posted by datonyb datonyb wrote:

be gay and happy at 3200 for the time being Smile

hahaha You Sir are one unhinged dude.

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 10:39am
" rel="nofollow - Sounds like the typical conflict between RGB control software on a connected device, and the RGB control of the board.

Don't you just love no RGB standards? ASRock at one time said they use the same as Asus, AURA. If that is still true, I don't know.

Did you ask about this in G.SKILL's forum?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: ket
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 7:33pm
This is why I do not like RGB. If someone wants RGB thats what LED strips, fans, and cathode lights are for. I prefer my hardware to not have LEDs and the time and money that would otherwise be spent on implementing such useless features be put in to using better quality comonents on the hardware itself.

Specific to your problem, if your mainboard has the ability to set RGB stuff within the UEFI try using that and uninstalling any G.Skill software. You could also try disabling RGB LED things in the UEFI and just using any supplied software for those pieces of hardware. One of those approaches tends to work in 90%~ of cases I've encountered.

Posted By: Jhelms
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2017 at 11:18pm
I would rather they just put a damn small hard-wire on each ram module and let RGB be controlled that way vs trying to do it as they do within the ram profile.

Like I said, works perfectly in one set of slots, but not the other. Something is blocking the software from seeing the sticks in A2 and B2. Frustrating part is, the modules do not hold their settings. So I cannot program them how I like in A1/B1 and then switch. Once powered down, they loose their settings.

LOL I am flying the rainbow colors at 3200 but rather not!

For other RGB software currently installed, I use Sapphire trixx - but once set, I do not have to start or run it as it keeps the profile. I also run corsairs program for my cooler. To note, prior to installing either of those with this new build, I did try GSkills software first and same thing. Works fine in A1/B1 just not A2/B2.  So it does not appear to be an RGB conflict at this time.

Again, I am not the only one or first one with the issue. Seems more common than one can imagine. I am only seeking help here as GSkill seems to put it partially on mobo manufacturers and their bios - and then they cover themselves with the whole "this is only beta software". In short, they are selling a production product that really should be in early beta or even alpha testing determined by the number of issues that are coming up.

Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 13 Sep 2017 at 4:17am
Originally posted by wardog wardog wrote:

Jhelms, are you running any other RGB controller software?

Originally posted by datonyb datonyb wrote:

be gay and happy at 3200 for the time being Smile

hahaha You Sir are one unhinged dude.

its british humour im afraid mate

and at its worse, i work contruction sites ...................
' we think it ,we say it '


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2017 at 12:16pm
Originally posted by Jhelms Jhelms wrote:

You sir, ROCK :) Even if the answer comes back bad.

Well, it's not a BIOS conflict.

I got an email back with an attached pic using G.Skills F4-3200C14Q2-128GTZR, albeit only two 16GB sticks from the 128GB Kit, RGB working on the AB350M Pro4, BIOS 3.00, mem in slots A2 and B2

Do you have an RGB HS/F installed too? Is it connected to the proper RGB Fan Header?

Please refer to the screen as below. Note: AB350M Pro4, BIOS P3.00

Posted By: ket
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2017 at 9:44pm
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by Jhelms Jhelms wrote:

I would rather they just put a damn small hard-wire on each ram module and let RGB be controlled that way vs trying to do it as they do within the ram profile.

Like I said, works perfectly in one set of slots, but not the other. Something is blocking the software from seeing the sticks in A2 and B2. Frustrating part is, the modules do not hold their settings. So I cannot program them how I like in A1/B1 and then switch. Once powered down, they loose their settings.

LOL I am flying the rainbow colors at 3200 but rather not!

For other RGB software currently installed, I use Sapphire trixx - but once set, I do not have to start or run it as it keeps the profile. I also run corsairs program for my cooler. To note, prior to installing either of those with this new build, I did try GSkills software first and same thing. Works fine in A1/B1 just not A2/B2.  So it does not appear to be an RGB conflict at this time.

Again, I am not the only one or first one with the issue. Seems more common than one can imagine. I am only seeking help here as GSkill seems to put it partially on mobo manufacturers and their bios - and then they cover themselves with the whole "this is only beta software". In short, they are selling a production product that really should be in early beta or even alpha testing determined by the number of issues that are coming up.

I'm sure you have checked this already but you have looked at all of the connections to make sure everything is plugged in where it should be right?

I think this issue needs to be laid at G.Skills door really, by their own admittance their software is in beta stages so clearly there are some bugs to iron out and they should be looking at their own software more. Its possible the firmware on your memory sticks might even have a problem in which case you would need to exchange them.

EDIT - Just seen Wardogs post, for me that pretty much suggests a issue with the firmware on your memory sticks. Still might not be, but would appear to be the possible culprit at this juncture.

Posted By: Jhelms
Date Posted: 14 Sep 2017 at 10:26pm
They do function but the software will not control them - ask the person to load GSkills RGB software and turn the sticks to say, solid white in those slots and take a photo. They appear to be in the default pattern in that photo.

I do not have anything hooked to the RGB header on the mobo. I have tried it with RGB on and off in the bios as well. And I am on 3.00

Every time I launch the software to control the sticks in A2 B2, I get the below error. Slots A1 and B1 are no problem at all. Wish I could convey the amount of troubleshooting from a fresh windows install with no other RGB software to trying everything I can find. GSkill simply says it is in the bios and they are working with manufacturers. Also of course, the beta statement.

Posted By: Jhelms
Date Posted: 15 Sep 2017 at 4:27am
Just some other critical system details that may help in case of another conflict:

System Specs:
- Win 10 64 Pro
- Ryzen 1700 / H100i V2 cooler
- AB350M Pro 4 (this is the 1.01 rev of this mobo, not the original release if that matters)
- 2x8gb Trident Z RGB f4-3200c14d-16gtzr
- Samsung 512gb 960 pro nVME drive

The rest is rather trivial such as fans, case, psu and so forth. The addition of the nVME drive makes me wonder a little if that is part of this fail equation.

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 15 Sep 2017 at 4:50am
Will do.

Nice rig. Very nice Rig !

Posted By: Jhelms
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2017 at 1:54am
Checking in boss :)

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2017 at 8:54am
Originally posted by Jhelms Jhelms wrote:

Checking in boss :)

To be honest I forgot plum about your second request of actually changing color.

I just now fired off email, with a link here to this Thread.

Again, I'm truly sorry for my forgetting. Please accept my sincerest apology for my having done so.

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2017 at 10:14am
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by Jhelms Jhelms wrote:

I would rather they just put a damn small hard-wire on each ram module and let RGB be controlled that way vs trying to do it as they do within the ram profile.

Like I said, works perfectly in one set of slots, but not the other. Something is blocking the software from seeing the sticks in A2 and B2. Frustrating part is, the modules do not hold their settings. So I cannot program them how I like in A1/B1 and then switch. Once powered down, they loose their settings.

LOL I am flying the rainbow colors at 3200 but rather not!

For other RGB software currently installed, I use Sapphire trixx - but once set, I do not have to start or run it as it keeps the profile. I also run corsairs program for my cooler. To note, prior to installing either of those with this new build, I did try GSkills software first and same thing. Works fine in A1/B1 just not A2/B2.  So it does not appear to be an RGB conflict at this time.

Again, I am not the only one or first one with the issue. Seems more common than one can imagine. I am only seeking help here as GSkill seems to put it partially on mobo manufacturers and their bios - and then they cover themselves with the whole "this is only beta software". In short, they are selling a production product that really should be in early beta or even alpha testing determined by the number of issues that are coming up.

No offense, but you have three different types of RGB software potentially running at the same time?

It's a miracle that any of it works at all! RGB is the Wild West at this time, anything goes and every component for itself. I wonder how long it will take before RGB gets a standard, and all the currently manufactured RGB products are no longer supported, and can't be used with the new standard?

RGB controlled DIMMs really scares me. Imagine how it must work. The RGB control commands must somehow be injected into the data sent to the memory, which then must be filtered out by something constantly looking for it. So there must be more to it in the DIMMs then simply LEDs. Fascinating how it must work, but consider how it must be implemented for control of LEDs in DIMMs, RGB control data mixed in with our regular data?

The G.SKILL reps have no idea how or why it works, and you no doubt know more about it than they do. Given some of the G.SKILL rep's comments in Newegg reviews, I doubt if most of them ever built a PC in their lives!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: nangu
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2017 at 11:52am
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

No offense, but you have three different types of RGB software potentially running at the same time?

It's a miracle that any of it works at all! RGB is the Wild West at this time, anything goes and every component for itself. I wonder how long it will take before RGB gets a standard, and all the currently manufactured RGB products are no longer supported, and can't be used with the new standard?

RGB controlled DIMMs really scares me. Imagine how it must work. The RGB control commands must somehow be injected into the data sent to the memory, which then must be filtered out by something constantly looking for it. So there must be more to it in the DIMMs then simply LEDs. Fascinating how it must work, but consider how it must be implemented for control of LEDs in DIMMs, RGB control data mixed in with our regular data?

The G.SKILL reps have no idea how or why it works, and you no doubt know more about it than they do. Given some of the G.SKILL rep's comments in Newegg reviews, I doubt if most of them ever built a PC in their lives!

Well, infact there was a big problem with Gskill memories RGB Leds and the Asus Aura software, in which if you used that software to change led's colours, potentially SPD corruption would occur rendering the whole memory stick unusable.

I can understand all this RGB craze, because I sometimes like a bit of it, but embeding it in the SPD chip inside the memory, where all the important data to drive the stick is stored, and releasing a beta product to manage it, potentially corrupting that data, it's a bit borderline IMO.   

R7 1700 @3.90 1.25v - GSkill TridentZ 3200c16 Hynix MFR @2933 14-16-16-32 - Fatal1ty Gaming X370 K4 - Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 - WD 256 Black M2 Nvme as Windows 10 boot drive - EVGA Gold 650W

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2017 at 12:04pm
A BETA program that hasn't seen updates in months and months.

Posted By: Jhelms
Date Posted: 20 Sep 2017 at 11:02pm
Parsec, no offense taken :) But you missed the part where I have even tried a fresh install with NO other RGB software and same thing. Works in A1 / B1 but not A2 / B2.

Wardog - much appreciated!

Gskill is piggybacked off asus aura which was somewhat cool in concept but has so many issues like SPD corruption or conflicts as everyone is trying to do their own thing. I really cannot stand the way Gskill implemented it though, in a way that a program starts and assigns the color profile at every boot. It should have had a tiny amount of non volatile memory in which you could assign the profile and it was set for the life of the ram or until you manually loaded a new profile. That would axe all this compatibility nonsense. Anyways - is what it is and GSkill has pretty much gone dark on it as they know they have a royal mess on their hands.

I am only here as this appears to be partially bios since for whatever reason, A2 B2 seem to be hidden. But it could be a million things like their "Beta" software that has not seen an update in many months.

Posted By: Jhelms
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2017 at 11:22pm
Checking back in sir! :)  Was out your way this week wardog, cruising Canyon Lake :)

Posted By: apatch
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2017 at 1:57am
Same problem here, no G.Skill memory found by program, I can't even switch off those f...cking rainbow lightening, all the RGB staff is a mess, ASRock mainboard RGB works only with older AsrRgbLedSetup(v1.0.24) version, (v1.0.27) immediately hangs and restarts the system, A-Tuning don't work at all.

ASRock X399 Taichi/X670E Pro RS
AMD Threadripper 1920X/Ryzen 7 7700X
Samsung 960EVO,970Pro/980Pro
MSI GeForce GTX 1050/Asus GeForce RTX 3080TUF

Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2017 at 2:01am
embrace the LGBT rainbows Hug


3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2017 at 10:09am
Originally posted by nangu nangu wrote:

" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

No offense, but you have three different types of RGB software potentially running at the same time?

It's a miracle that any of it works at all! RGB is the Wild West at this time, anything goes and every component for itself. I wonder how long it will take before RGB gets a standard, and all the currently manufactured RGB products are no longer supported, and can't be used with the new standard?

RGB controlled DIMMs really scares me. Imagine how it must work. The RGB control commands must somehow be injected into the data sent to the memory, which then must be filtered out by something constantly looking for it. So there must be more to it in the DIMMs then simply LEDs. Fascinating how it must work, but consider how it must be implemented for control of LEDs in DIMMs, RGB control data mixed in with our regular data?

The G.SKILL reps have no idea how or why it works, and you no doubt know more about it than they do. Given some of the G.SKILL rep's comments in Newegg reviews, I doubt if most of them ever built a PC in their lives!

Well, infact there was a big problem with Gskill memories RGB Leds and the Asus Aura software, in which if you used that software to change led's colours, potentially SPD corruption would occur rendering the whole memory stick unusable.

I can understand all this RGB craze, because I sometimes like a bit of it, but embeding it in the SPD chip inside the memory, where all the important data to drive the stick is stored, and releasing a beta product to manage it, potentially corrupting that data, it's a bit borderline IMO.   

Borderline is being very generous, IMO it is plain crazy! Wacko

Corrupted SPD data can cause errors in standard data. We won't know it happened until the SPD data is read for use after it is corrupted. SPD data includes the timing settings/data for the memory, and XMP profile(s). We risk corrupting the data used by running programs so we can have pretty lights on our DIMMs?!?! Outrageous is the term I would use! Does the SPD standards organization approve of this extra use of the SPD implementation?

I would not use memory with RGB control implemented like this under any circumstances. It brings an entirely new problem to PCs, RGB control of DRAM memory data corruption. How many issues will occur that we won't know the source of the cause... except we do, but how to prove it, how do we know when and if it occurs?

This is a horrible situation for people that diagnose PC problems. Any strange data related issues, including BSODs, could be caused by corrupted data in memory. The main target of blame for odd problems is always the mother board, when it is too difficult to determine the issue easily. The RGB control program cannot find the memory in different DIMM slots, and the board is blamed. Sorry, not the board's problem, it's the memory and its RGB software. New features in a component must adapt to the existing components, unless the new feature is a defined, approved standard used by the industry.

Now when I see RGB memory models in a build, it will immediately become suspect for the cause of unusual problems. That is, until such time that it is known to be benign. If that is ever possible.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: nangu
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2017 at 12:38am
Completely agree with you @parsec. I discarded RGB memory kits when searching parts for my build because I can't stand it fiddling with the SPD data on the stick.

The term "borderline" was used to try to not offend anybody, but as you said, with all the troubleshooting needed to get memory working fast on Ryzen, all we don't need is to add another problematic factor into the equation.


R7 1700 @3.90 1.25v - GSkill TridentZ 3200c16 Hynix MFR @2933 14-16-16-32 - Fatal1ty Gaming X370 K4 - Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 - WD 256 Black M2 Nvme as Windows 10 boot drive - EVGA Gold 650W

Posted By: apatch
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2017 at 12:59am
The thing is I really always hated RGB lights, but assembling new rig wanna try something new, almost all the reviews of threadripper has mentioned G.Skill RGB memory ram sticks as reliable and most tested, some gurus said: hay you hate RGB lights , you can always switch it off, same with AIO cooling, mainboard, gfx, case ... 

So thats how now I have unconsciously deadly combination of : G.Skill, ASRock, Asus Aura, NZXT Kraken x62

ASRock X399 Taichi/X670E Pro RS
AMD Threadripper 1920X/Ryzen 7 7700X
Samsung 960EVO,970Pro/980Pro
MSI GeForce GTX 1050/Asus GeForce RTX 3080TUF

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2017 at 3:27am
Originally posted by Jhelms Jhelms wrote:

Checking in boss :)

Sorry for the delay. Family issue.

My guy comes back from vacation this Monday. He's acknowledged my email and will attend to this on his return

Posted By: apatch
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2017 at 4:16pm
Tried all possible of my Ram sticks configurations, G.Skill/Aura software without success, but finally made A-Tuning software to work at least with 1.7 Bios, seems that Ultra Fast Boot needs to be disabled in UEFI. 

ASRock X399 Taichi/X670E Pro RS
AMD Threadripper 1920X/Ryzen 7 7700X
Samsung 960EVO,970Pro/980Pro
MSI GeForce GTX 1050/Asus GeForce RTX 3080TUF

Posted By: DickieIam
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2017 at 5:45am
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by apatch apatch wrote:

Tried all possible of my Ram sticks configurations, G.Skill/Aura software without success, but finally made A-Tuning software to work at least with 1.7 Bios, seems that Ultra Fast Boot needs to be disabled in UEFI.?

So wait, you're having to back flash the bios to 1.7 to even get the a-tuning to work? And only with the ultra fast boot disabled are you getting the RGB controller to work?

R. Tucker

Posted By: apatch
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2017 at 2:09pm
< ="text/" ="" ="/B1D671CF-E532-4481-99AA-19F420D90332etdefender/huidhui.js?0=0&0=0&0=0">
Originally posted by DickieIam DickieIam wrote:" rel="nofollow -  
Originally posted by apatch apatch wrote:

Tried all possible of my Ram sticks configurations, G.Skill/Aura software without success, but finally made A-Tuning software to work at least with 1.7 Bios, seems that Ultra Fast Boot needs to be disabled in UEFI.?

So wait, you're having to back flash the bios to 1.7 to even get the a-tuning to work? And only with the ultra fast boot disabled are you getting the RGB controller to work?

No, I'm just saying that in my configuration A-Tuning for sure works with 1.7 BIOS with Ultra Fast Boot disabled, upgrading from 1.5 to 1.7 just discovered it after automatic bios settings resetting.

Not intending to go back to 1.5 bios for now, RGB problems are not connected still not resolved, just like  a lot other issues.

ASRock X399 Taichi/X670E Pro RS
AMD Threadripper 1920X/Ryzen 7 7700X
Samsung 960EVO,970Pro/980Pro
MSI GeForce GTX 1050/Asus GeForce RTX 3080TUF

Posted By: wardog
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2017 at 6:15am
Originally posted by wardog wardog wrote:

Originally posted by Jhelms Jhelms wrote:

Checking in boss :)

Sorry for the delay. Family issue.

My guy comes back from vacation this Monday. He's acknowledged my email and will attend to this on his return

Hmmm, nor reply here yet or to me via email..................

Posted By: peejinator
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2017 at 12:18am
" rel="nofollow - Any news? Still interested in how I can use slots 2 and 4 for oc and still get rgb to work on my trident z with b350m pro4.

Posted By: apatch
Date Posted: 17 Nov 2017 at 4:56pm
One step further, sometimes newest Asus Aura sees G.Skill ram sticks, but still cannot control it." rel="nofollow -


Anyone ready to test new version ?

"Originally Posted by Changelog
- Added AMD X399, Intel Z370 support.
- All LED lighting groups can now be independently controlled."

Some says it works, but it breaks my previous config : Aura GFX/G.Sklll , so got to use system restore to work it again, which btw breaks some other programs, so will not test it again.

ASRock X399 Taichi/X670E Pro RS
AMD Threadripper 1920X/Ryzen 7 7700X
Samsung 960EVO,970Pro/980Pro
MSI GeForce GTX 1050/Asus GeForce RTX 3080TUF

Posted By: fishman922
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2017 at 7:11am
" rel="nofollow - Any news? I also have a B350M Pro4, cannot detect it in slots A2&B2. I have the 3000mhz 16gb kit with 15ms timings... Runs really nicely except my rainbow colors.

I do have RGB lights on one of the headers, but I don't use the RGB software as it only actually works like 1 out of 20 times. The bios is the best way to change it... P.S. the red channel died...

Edit: I just tried A1 & B1 and they are detected and work. The speed is limited to 2800mhz though. Running latest bios.

Posted By: Mc-T-Dogg
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2017 at 5:04pm
" rel="nofollow - Hello, 

i have the same issue. No option in the BIOS to set the LED Color of the RAM Modules.

Could you send a pic of the Bios Option and one of the Ram Modules runnig with other light than the RGB wave?

Would be great.


Posted By: urkal
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2017 at 8:13pm
" rel="nofollow - When is Asrock going to release a statement about this issue? Asus and Gigabyte support these Trident Z RGB modules directly from their own software. And I'd imagine other manufacturers allow for users to enable SPD Write in the bios so they can use Gskill software.

Either enable SPD write in bios or make your own software support it.

Posted By: fishman922
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2017 at 1:14pm
" rel="nofollow - Forgive the bit of a cabling mess. My 240 rad died and I Haven't fixed all the cabling yet.

Google drive link for pic (couldn't get the forum to cooperate?):

Posted By: justinv
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2018 at 11:54pm
" rel="nofollow - Any news on this? Mine still isn't working.
Asrock AB350 Pro4
G.SKILL TridentZ RGB Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4 3000
Ryzen 7 1700X

I got it to run at 3000, no issues with booting, but still don't have any control over the RGB lighting. It just does it's random rainbow thing. It'd be cool if it would match the LED light strips i have running. 

Posted By: zlobster
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2018 at 12:26am
" rel="nofollow - AFAIK both G.Skill and mobo manufacturers ceased efforts to fix this. It's a known issue but maybe it can't be fixed?

1700X ZP-B1 (stock); X370 Taichi (UEFI 3.10); 16GB F4-3200C14-8GFX XMP; 256GB 960 EVO; RX 580 NITRO+ 8GB

Posted By: justinv
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2018 at 2:04am
Well that would be a shame. Cry

Posted By: zlobster
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2018 at 2:25am
Originally posted by justinv justinv wrote:

Well that would be a shame. Cry

But it definitely won't be a first. Something tells me it won't be a last either.

1700X ZP-B1 (stock); X370 Taichi (UEFI 3.10); 16GB F4-3200C14-8GFX XMP; 256GB 960 EVO; RX 580 NITRO+ 8GB

Posted By: kerberos_20
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2018 at 5:32am" rel="nofollow -
so why this site says gskill rbg is supported while it obviously isnt?

Posted By: apatch
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2018 at 9:48pm
" rel="nofollow - I have no hope for this anymore.

G.Skill is now actively blocking all not positive comments about their RGB Ram failure sticks, including blocking forum accounts like mine, I cannot prove it, all my explanations was polite and helpful.

Suprising that in every place where there is comment that some configuration is not possible to work, suddenly some sock puppets appear that just say it is working for them, without any precise explanation how to achieve it.

Go find it for yourself and good luck.

ASRock X399 Taichi/X670E Pro RS
AMD Threadripper 1920X/Ryzen 7 7700X
Samsung 960EVO,970Pro/980Pro
MSI GeForce GTX 1050/Asus GeForce RTX 3080TUF

Posted By: Monyx
Date Posted: 10 Jan 2018 at 4:18am
Just wanted to bump this..

Same issue as OP

A2-B2 sticks aren't detected and stuck with rainbow, but I can overclock ram to 3200
A1-B1 sticks are detected and can change colors, clocks limited to 2133

Posted By: Rockin_Zombie
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2018 at 5:19am
Just wanted to add that I have the same issue. A1/B1 works, A2/B2 I am stuck with Rainbow (I don't mind it that much actually but would like to configure it to be something different). I am on X399 Taichi, so this is probably with all Ryzen boards. 

Contacted both ASRock and G.Skill support. 

Posted By: zlobster
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2018 at 7:36pm
Originally posted by Rockin_Zombie Rockin_Zombie wrote:

Contacted both ASRock and G.Skill support. 

Thanks for this!

1700X ZP-B1 (stock); X370 Taichi (UEFI 3.10); 16GB F4-3200C14-8GFX XMP; 256GB 960 EVO; RX 580 NITRO+ 8GB

Posted By: urkal
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2018 at 10:51pm
Asrock doesn't communicate anything to their customers. Typical chinese company.

Posted By: Monyx
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2018 at 7:27am
Just wanted to bump this since this constant rainbow is really annoying. I found a post where a user was overclocking his Trident Z ram on a Gaming K6 board and successfully overclocked on both the A2/B2 channels as well as A1/B2. I couldn't replicate his success - using slots A1/B1 I get boot errors and stuck at 2133MHz.

Posted By: Monyx
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2018 at 7:28am
" rel="nofollow - Meant to post the link to the forum -

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2018 at 7:54am
" rel="nofollow - My suggestion would be to return the RAM and buy some non RGB stuff, or choose some RAM with just one permanent color if you really need the bling, this issue will not be fixed anytime soon this is clear, many motherboards don't have the trace lines that link to the memory flash RX/TX, some have this only on 1-2 slots as seems to be the case here, until recently with this RGB craze production motherboards did not require access to program the RAM controller chip (alongside the RAM firmware G-Skill added the RGB code) this seems to be a most stupid move because in case of a crash/power outage you end up with a "dead" memory stick ( you can revive it with a memory programmer, but who has those things and the original memory firmware...?).
Maybe I am wrong but as far as I know only Corsair used a separate flash for RGB data, but that too is accessed using the same pins?
Regardless, if the motherboards allows access to the "debug" pins, a good implementation of this can exist, these seems mostly G-Skill's fault for the bad implementation, but its weird that it works on 2 slots and the other 2 not.
Also all of this should only affect the RGB stuff, but if you say you can plug in first channel and it works at rated speed, but in the 2nd channel it doesn't, make all of this very weird, the memory channels on the CPU could be damaged, or the memory slots with dust in them, because from a semiconductor/physical standpoint both channels are the same just doubled.
So the culprits here can be:
a. a bad memory channel inside the CPU (damaged silicone)
b. bad traces that lead to the socket from said memory channel/slot
c. dust/dirty memory slot

Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: kerberos_20
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2018 at 5:39pm
" rel="nofollow - sometime ago ive managed to wipe spd eeprom on one of mine ram in notebook
as i was trying to change something in my led panel (edid eeprom)
as both resided on 0x50 adress, just on different controller

well that ram was fixed later, i hooked that ram to dvi (yes video output xD) and reflashed it from its i2c controller

anyway..that spd should be readable , otherwise your pc wouldnt know what your ram got

did u guys enable i2c controllers in uefi?
as far as i know i2c can send write protect(on/off) on sda signal
and asrock seems to have bunch of i2c unnamed controllers to enable in uefi

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow - userbenchmark

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 22 Apr 2018 at 7:02pm
Yes if its i2c it can can both r/w on the same line, I check now the DDR4 pinout and it has SCL on pin 118 and SDA on pin 238, after a bit of thinking my guess its the problem lies in the G/Skill memory, maybe the Ryzen memory controller assigns 2 different I2C addresses for the channels but the G-Skill module is expecting just one for all 4 sticks, regardless of channel. But this again is just a guess, I am no expert regarding this, what bugs me is not to inability for the utility to detect the modules in channel B and change colors, its the inability of the modules to work at the full speed in channel B, this should not happen at all, they should works in both channels at 3200MHz as the poster said 

Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: Monyx
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 8:24am
Not entirely sure how this would affect someone on the lga1151 equivalent of the gaming K6 board. 

Posted By: unclebob
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2018 at 5:34am
I am having almost the same problem,
using the asrock PolychromeRGB(v1.0.11) software I cant control the TridentZ RGB but I can control the addressable.
when using the aura software I can control the ram but not the addressable:(
Im using the x470 master sli/AC

Posted By: gizmic
Date Posted: 12 Jul 2018 at 12:36pm
i'd like to help but RGB control on my setup been working since day 1 only problem with mine is that it doesn't retain ram RGB settings after restart 


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