Yes, the error can occur with an unstable GPU OC too, like I said it is caused by a very broad number of issues. I wish Microsoft wouldn't simplify the error reporting so much, I much prefer specific error codes that need to be looked up over these new (since win 7) more blanket errors. Even apps like bluescreenview don't pick up any additional data on problems like this, in fact because it does not cause a BSOD these apps find nothing at all. Give me BSODs with specific codes any day.
Fault finding has become a major headache over the last 10 years or so given the ever increasing complexity of the hardware and MS propensity to dumb things down for the end user.
Sorry about the rant but I have had a ton of issues with TDRs myself, to the point I RMAd my GPU 3 times, changed motherboards, RAM, PSU and flashed to every possible VBIOS in combination with every driver since the release of my GPU. Eventually I went nuts and performed a "clean slate" installation of all my parts and software and have been mostly error free since. I still am not certain what fixed the issue and I have been in this business since the 90s..... It may be the driver I installed along with the fresh install as it was released around the same time. Even now however, some particular games still give me random TDRs, yes, even the games themselves can cause this issue.
This is such a well known problem there are literally hundreds of articles, threads and forum posts about it, all with different advice and potential "fixes". Part of my problem turned out to be a particular game I used to play a lot, a patch was released for it and the TDRs stopped.
I think the most annoying thing about this error is the fact that it could be a hardware fault. If it was a given that it was only caused by software or drivers it would simply be a case of finding the right driver/software combination to get your system stable but knowing it could be an indicator of a bad GPU makes you constantly stress until you can resolve it. Fortunately, the likelihood of it being a bad GPU is remote and easy to ascertain. If underclocking/volting the GPU resolves it, the factory OC and or Boost of the card is not stable and the GPU should be RMAd. I wish I had learned this little tidbit before 3 RMAs and weeks of frustration.