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Best board for overclocking Skylake

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Category: OverClocking(OC) Zone
Forum Name: OC Technical Discussion
Forum Description: OC enthusiast's tech talk
Printed Date: 15 Feb 2025 at 10:07pm
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Topic: Best board for overclocking Skylake
Posted By: No1Spank
Subject: Best board for overclocking Skylake
Date Posted: 03 Sep 2015 at 11:00pm
I've not had an Asrock board for a few years and when I did they were low end models which although reliable weren't suitable for more than running anything much over stock speeds.

Since then I've learn't quite a lot of overclocking techniques on socket AM3, AM3+ and 1150 but always with Asus boards.

When I move onto the new Skylake platform I'm considering a change but will I see similar performance with Asrock as I would if I stick with Asus?  My last board was an Asus Hero which is what I will choose again if I stick with them.  I'm after serious benchmark scores as I want to move up the HWbot league and think about entering competitions so even minor performance increases matter.

Which would be the best Asrock board to go for if they are in the same league?  I'm also considering a Gigabyte (which seemed good on socket AM3+) and MSI.  

Too many rigs to mention

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2015 at 12:51am
Check" rel="nofollow - this out. ASRock have done very well in the pro overclocking world of late, snagging quite a few records along the way with their OC formula series. Not only are they good for overclocking but they tend to cost significantly less than ASUS or Gigabyte boards of the same specification which will allow you to feel more confident going into things as the replacement costs are not as high. 

Overclocking is an artform that requires both knowledge and a pair of brass ones. I pushed my G3258 past 5ghz where I would have balked at even 4.8 on a more expensive i7. Take a look at the OC formula series, they are designed from the ground up for exactly what you are after, offering ultra high quality voltage delivery and even offer a LN2 mode for extreme liquid nitrogen cooling.

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