I have just bought an ASRock Z170 Extreme 6, a pair of GSkill DDR4 2400 (8+8GB) a Samsung 850Pro 512GB. Use the video signal from intel 5 6600K via DVI cable. First I cloned a Windows 10 installation (on other motherboard) I tried to update/replace INF and drivers but the system crashed. Thus I format again the SSD, installed a DVDRW an place the Windows 7 installation disk to start again from zero. Even while installing Windows 7 I got a couple of crashes with Blue Screens. And then when I could enter Windows (mouse did not work in any connection USB 2/3 of Antec case) I tried to install updates, averytiem it installed a few or just one, it crashed with a Blue Screen, it has happened many times, repeatedly. even opening Internet Explorer or doing a search crashed down the PC. I tried also to install some drivers LAN, USB from the mobo CD, needed to try 2/3 times as it crashed again and again. I have also tried to update the UEFI Bios and it hang up at 98% the 2 times I have tried. Finally I have clear the CMOS, even removed the battery, used the Bios2 and later copied it to Bios1 without result. The motherborad (the system) is quite unstable and crashes all the time even checking the Windows version. I even get errors trying to install some Windows updates (SP1,...) Blue screens: Most frequent error: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT Stop 0x0000001A Others: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA Stop 0x00000050 IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Stop 0x0000000A CACHE_MANAGER Stop 0x00000034
Please let me know if the mobo is faulty to exchange it ASAP. Thanks in advance