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Dead Z77 Extreme4 Need Photos

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: Intel Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock Intel Motherboards
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Topic: Dead Z77 Extreme4 Need Photos
Posted By: iamdarkyoshi
Subject: Dead Z77 Extreme4 Need Photos
Date Posted: 04 May 2015 at 5:27am
Hello everyone. My Z77 Extreme4 failed due to a faulty DVI cable on the onboard graphics. I was trying to figure out why my graphics cards occasionally didnt work. Now, a component next to the optical audio port has released the magic blue smoke from plugging in the faulty cable. can anyone read or get a photo of the ID on this component? When it failed, it obscured the part number. This photo is someone elses photo who tried to help me on the linus tech tips forums but couldnt get a clear enough photo. I am going to fix the board myself as customer support was not terribly helpful. Thanks!

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 04 May 2015 at 11:15am
OMGosh, a photo of that part would require a macro lens on a digital SLR camera.

Using a high power magnifying glass and two lights I was able to see the markings, clearly after several attempts. It is:

LNW 22

The 22 is rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise relative to the LNW. This part is labeled D8 on the board, so apparently is a diode.

You'll need better luck than I had reading that part, trying to replace it IMO. You must have experience with surface mount devices as well as the tools to work with them.

Good luck with this project!

Posted By: iamdarkyoshi
Date Posted: 04 May 2015 at 11:23am
Originally posted by parsec parsec wrote:

OMGosh, a photo of that part would require a macro lens on a digital SLR camera.

Using a high power magnifying glass and two lights I was able to see the markings, clearly after several attempts. It is:

LNW 22

The 22 is rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise relative to the LNW. This part is labeled D8 on the board, so apparently is a diode.

You'll need better luck than I had reading that part, trying to replace it IMO. You must have experience with surface mount devices as well as the tools to work with them.

Good luck with this project!

Thank you VERY much! I have done plenty of surface mount before, so this shouldnt be too hard. Also high end cameras? Try a cell phone with a magnifying glass taped on the camera: lol
I tend to call it low tech macro mode.
Also this is what is left of the cable after I got even with it using a 500A transformer:

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 04 May 2015 at 12:18pm
I like your picture! It would have worked for you if that part was not damaged. You can see the 'L' on the left, but that's all.

Lucky for you I have a Z77 Extreme4 in its box, so I could get close enough to see it.

That part is large compared to the resistors and capacitors around it, I can't imagine soldering those parts and I've done regular soldering many times.

Good luck with your fix, let us know how it goes!

Posted By: iamdarkyoshi
Date Posted: 08 May 2015 at 10:14pm
Hey guys, it works!! Thanks!

Posted By: parsec
Date Posted: 09 May 2015 at 2:21pm
That's great, I'm impressed!!

If I ever need work on one of my boards, I'm calling you!

So you could find the right part with the code I read? It seemed like not much, but obviously was good enough.

Posted By: iamdarkyoshi
Date Posted: 09 May 2015 at 8:36pm
I got a fair bit of help from the EEVBlog forums identifying the part. It did turn out to be a mosfet, and I desoldered a mosfet with similar specs from an old pentium 4 motherboard, put it on my component tester to double-check that it worked, and soldered it on my board. Thanks for the help!

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