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AB350 gaming K4 - BIOS

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Category: Media&User's Review
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: ASRock AMD Motherboards
Printed Date: 14 Feb 2025 at 9:36pm
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Topic: AB350 gaming K4 - BIOS
Posted By: DrSpooks13
Subject: AB350 gaming K4 - BIOS
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2018 at 12:55pm
" rel="nofollow - I currently have the BIOS Version 1.3 and I'm trying to update it. It says I need to update to the Version 3.0 in DOS mode and I have formatted my thumb drive and loaded the BIOS onto it. But, when I try do step 4 it has me looking in the C: drive (my SSD and only other drive) when I need to be in the E: drive (my thumb drive). So I type E: in the directory and it tells me that it is an invalid drive. If anyone has any idea why it says my thumb drive is invalid and how to fix it please comment.

This is the guide I am following -

Posted By: DrSpooks13
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2018 at 12:59pm
Sorry for putting this in the wrong forum section

Posted By: ket
Date Posted: 20 Apr 2018 at 9:44pm
The files available are for use from Windows or Instant Flash you don't need to make the USB stick bootable just make sure it is formatted to FAT file system.

Step by step:

Place BIOS 3.4 on the USB stick along with BIOS 4.7.
Restart, enter the BIOS (referred to as the UEFI now)
Find the option for Instant Flash in the UEFI and enter it
Select your USB drive and select the 3.4 firmware file (you MUST flash this firmware first!!)
Once the update is complete the system will restart automatically
Now enter the UEFI again and head back to Instant Flash, select firmware 4.7
After the update and restart you are done

Posted By: ErmaHuitt
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2021 at 5:21pm
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