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AGESA 1002a

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
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Topic: AGESA 1002a
Posted By: paarsand
Subject: AGESA 1002a
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 2:01am
" rel="nofollow - Hey Asrock, please check out the performance-difference for APU's like 2200g and 2400g.

Really looking forward to this update to my ab350m-pro4!

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 2:43am
It is explained here:" rel="nofollow -

I reported these issues almost a full month ago, and some people said I was wrong and some admitted the problems you can search the forum here for the threads where I explained the issue lies in the AGESA power managment code part of it, and part of it in the SMU engine firmware.
Well hopefully ASRock releases the UEFI's with in the near future


Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: paarsand
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 2:45am
Yeah, noticed that article my self. 

Though 1002a is brand new, so it will probably be a moment before it arrives.

I would guess that AMD's pushing hard, since this is basically fixing the whole platform of cpus.

Posted By: paarsand
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 4:38am
I Created a support ticket asking if there was any thoughts about this. 

Guessing asrock's support maybe is not so fast, but i'll update here if i get an answer. :)

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 4:59am
No need for support ticket, the UEFI's are in the making, should release this month or early next month, they should come with many bug fixes also. Its just the waiting that kills :))


Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: paarsand
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 5:00am
" rel="nofollow - How do you know? Are asrock usually that fast?

Posted By: freestaler
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 7:43pm
" rel="nofollow - Hopefully Asrock fix on Tachi X370 the Memory Bandwidth Problem (25% loss with L.4.41,P4.6,L4.61 compare to P4.40) and fix Profilesaving (Profile not include AMD CBS Settings). 

Yes, Asrock Support say is an AMD Bug, but why hasnt the other Plattforms liks Asus and MSI Boards with the same AGESA and newer this bug? I hoppe asrock fix. Otherwise its slowly time to think about an other Board and a RMA. Other manufactor could fix Spectre V2 without loss of Memory Bandwidth on Ryzen 1xxxx.

Looks for Information:

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 8:43pm
The loss in bandwidth is due to AMD changing the 2nd and 3rd order default timings settings for the memory controller, some memory kits do not behave as well as other, keep in mind UEFI's in the 4.xx range are designed for Pinnacle Ridge/Raven Ridge not that much for Summit Ridge.
What memory kit do you use? I use a Corsair Veangance LPX RED 2400MHz kit and I can push it to 3333MHz with 1.4V with no problems, my bandwidth is still in the 50-51GB/s range with my 2400G, with latest 4.51 Beta bios, its still lower by about 3-4GB/s than with 4.40 but that is due to AMD's AGESA code, ASRock currently uses, latest maybe fixes the problem, but again its focused on fixing the Power Management bugs for Raven Ridge and offer new options and improved memory speeds for both Pinnacle Ridge and Raven Ridge, there is a user with 2700X that managed to push 4000MHz for memory with
It does happen on most platforms its an AGESA issue but you need to compare same memory Kit to know but it does happen on other manufactures as well

Take a look here

There are many other bugs that need fixing on ASRock boards, I reported at least 11 bugs to ASRock support a month ago and they confirmed all of them, they are surely working on UEFI's with and will release them in the coming weeks, I estimate somewhere between the Windows Sping Creators update release, thats when AMD will release Adrenaline drivers for Raven Ridge also. 
Almost all bugs in current UEFI are mostly due to AGESA and SMU firmware bugs, but ASRock has 3-4 bugs that are their fault, like FAN Control bugs, and thins like M.2 slot priority vs SATA ports, bad naming for SATA ports, you cannot disable SATA/LAN controller and things like that, but they dont affect performance and stability, just usability.

here is a screen with latest UEFI and 3333MHz memory, all default timings


Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 8:45pm
Originally posted by paarsand paarsand wrote:

" rel="nofollow - How do you know? Are asrock usually that fast?
Asus and Biostar already released UEFI's with, Gigabyte and MSI I thing have betas already available, ASRock is the last one without so it should come, usually ASRock is the fastest in releasing UEFI's but X370 UEFI development was slowed down by X470 boards, if you check the FTP server you will see they released about 10-15 UEFI's for X470 boards in the last 2 weeks, X370 comes next

Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: freestaler
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 9:04pm
" rel="nofollow - @Cristy6100, may you had a look at this results" rel="nofollow -  . I cant believe that just "my" GSkill Smasung B-Die had only an Asrock a AMD Bug. Again, this loss of bandwithd had the other vendor allready fix. And not with 1002a Update. Befor. So i really hope, asrock will fix it in the next bios version.

Your test arent with Ryzen 1xxx and not with the taichi. Are you shure, that your mainboard, the x370 ITX has the same issue with the Ryen 1xxxx? The "save" CBS settings in Profile should aso one error whiches was on all Asrock, but now should fixes, but on taichi it isnt (JZ did test the other Mainbaords, mybe you know him).

And by honest, iam arround 42000 with 3466-16 and you are around 49000 with 3333-16. i would clame about loss 2 or 3 % but i do loss more as 25% with the new bios. 

Look at this result. for me it look like a asrock "bug" or and amd bug and all other vendor has found a workaround:

Asrock other Board:




Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 23 Apr 2018 at 9:53pm
" rel="nofollow - Yes as have, the problem seems to lie in the AGESA code, the change from to seems to have affected some memory kits more than other, I have Hynx chips in my Corsair, it seems, Samsung B dies are affected, I only lost 3-4GB/s, should wait on see if the new will fix the problems, do you have the possibility to test with another memory kit?
The main AGESA and SMU code is shared among all AM4 boards, so only minor differences should be present in Taichi as opposed to Fatal1ty UEFI's.
Your best bet for the moment is to wait for the new UEFI's, and if the issues will not be fixed with I don't think they ever will unfortunately, I would stay with 4.40 for the moment and you should send ASRock a message with the memory P/N and report the issue.
But you should wait until the new UEFI arrive, not that much waiting, I am also waiting for them because of other bugs in, its been a long one month of waiting


Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: freestaler
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2018 at 2:34am
A other User from has done some Benchsmark. Now with Ryzen 2700X. It looks like the Drop happens only if CPU will be overclocked." rel="nofollow -

Thats one again, sound not like a AGESA Problem. Other Boards hasnt this error so what i could see. So that a Bug from Asrock. And dont say, OC isnt supported. Thats just a joke on a Baord like the Taichi. And we dont had to talk about Samsung B-Die, we know that the works on all other Boards. Maybe someone has contact with Asrock and could check if the work on it?

Posted By: _Mael_
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2018 at 2:47am
[URL=][/URL]ASRock when agesa 1002a

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2018 at 3:17am
Here is a screenshot of my Corsair @ 3200MHz with Ryzen Timings calculator all else left to default after a UEFI reset, maybe it helps you, maybe you can ask on the forum for someone with a 1xxx Ryzen or even 2xxx and an Asus or MSI X370 to test this.
I expect this behaviour to be fixed in but not take my word for it, maybe it has something to do with ASRock in particular when OC'ing it loads some relaxed timings to improve stability at the cost of brute performance from the memory controller. It might be or it might not

Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: freestaler
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2018 at 4:42am
" rel="nofollow - Look again at my newest post on I did some more test. Just dont touch CPU Mutliper in Bios. Change it after in AMD MAster Tool. -> Full Memory Bandwidth.

I hop Asrock fix that. i mean, with L4_61 you wont get better oc result as witrh P4_40, so the Timmings losing doesnt help. and you could see on my screenshot, Asrock doenst change a Ram Timming wiches you could see in Ryzen Timing Checker.

At last, Asrock are you hear and someone can check with Tech. or should i open a case, for all each other Boards aso?

Posted By: paarsand
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2018 at 4:44am
You managed to get this post right off track quite fast. 

Posted By: cristy6100
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2018 at 5:04am
" rel="nofollow - I checked and replied in the other thread :)
To get the thread back on track, where were we? :))
Oh yes, the dreaded problems with the 2200/2400G
You can read about the bugs I found here:

and here:

here also:

And lastly:

Maybe you can replicate some of them with your 2200G and B350 Pro4?

Main Rig: AMD Ryzen 2400G | ASRock Fatality X370 ITX/ac UEFI 4.90 | Corsair LPX DDR4 2400@3200 1.35V | Corsair RM650i PSU | CM ML120L AiO Cooler

Posted By: paarsand
Date Posted: 27 Apr 2018 at 5:02am
I got this from support..

Saying nothing about what the schedule is though. :| lol." rel="nofollow -

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