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Fatality AB350 ITX/ac voltage monitoring .

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Printed Date: 07 Mar 2025 at 10:58am
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Topic: Fatality AB350 ITX/ac voltage monitoring .
Posted By: ALB92
Subject: Fatality AB350 ITX/ac voltage monitoring .
Date Posted: 27 May 2018 at 9:27am
Hello guys , since there is no LLC options on this board i decided to do some direct voltage measuremens with a multimeter (from behind the CPU socket ) in order to identify if LLC is realy needed and if software monitoring tools ( HW info in my case ) are accurate or not.My results are the following :

Stressed the CPU with Prime95 small ffts . Since i used a random ground point on the board there could be as much as 20mV difference so you have to keep that in mind .

1) Stock voltage 1.237V ( R5 1600 )
-HWinfo SVI2 : 1,214V
-HWinfo VCore: 1, 232V
-Multimeter : 1, 255V ( -20mV ) = 1,235V

2) Manual voltage 1.35V
-HWinfo SVI2 : 1,287V
-HWinfo VCore: 1,312V
-Multimeter : 1,364V (-20mV ) = 1,344V

3) Stock Soc Voltage for RAM at 3000Mhz
HWinfo     : 1,087V
Multimeter : 1,094V (-20mV ) = 1,074V

So what we can learn from those numbers is that
there is about 10mV Vdroop for the core voltage at 1,35V although considering the difference compared to a proper ground point is in the 10-20mV range (i used worst case scenarion in my numbers ) this could be within the margin of error.So all considered i believe theres no real need for LLC options .

About the software monitoring as far as this model goes ( on other models it could be different ) i would trust more VCore rather than SVI2 although even VCore seems to be off by about 30mV to 40mV.

All this being said it would be nice if someone else could do some test and possibly confirm or contradict my observations.


Posted By: WinWiz
Date Posted: 12 Sep 2018 at 4:20am
Thanks for using your time measuring and posting this information Smile
" rel="nofollow -

I believe real voltages would be higher than measurements done with a "bad" ground, so you shouldn't detract but add 20mV.
Or maybe my logic is somehow wrong?

Posted By: mattyp78
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2018 at 1:43am
You need to check the reviews and customer experience of the users for a better idea and always buy genuine products

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