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AB350 itx Voltage and CPU frequency not applying.

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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 16 Feb 2025 at 11:03pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: AB350 itx Voltage and CPU frequency not applying.
Posted By: ApocPony
Subject: AB350 itx Voltage and CPU frequency not applying.
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2018 at 11:03pm
" rel="nofollow - [URL=][/URL]Hi all new to the forum and AMD community.Completed a build recently with the 2200g paired with the ab350 itx and Corsair vengeance @ 3200 bios 4.6. So rig is stable runs great, ram runs at rated 3200mhz as per xmp profile.

My issue is I'm trying to undervolt the chip, I can apply a -100 offset to the CPU core. But when I try to manually adjust CPU frequency's and Voltage it saves in bios but does not carry over after boot to OS. I'm pretty stumped as it seems pretty straight forward. Voltage is upping to 1.25 during testing. I can drop the frequency to 3000 and that also changes nothing. What have I missed?

Cheers and thanks for your feedback.

Posted By: WinWiz
Date Posted: 15 Jul 2018 at 6:53am
" rel="nofollow - I have similar problem, trying to use Pstate to undervolt my Ryzen 2400G. Currently my system is stable at 3.6hz 1.2V. I would like to test lower Vcore but the BIOS (Beta L4.51D) seems to ignore Pstate VID's under 1.2V (HEX 38). Lower frequency Pstates enables lower VID's -If I enter higher frequency the BIOS seems to automatically increase Vcore...
Is thee any BIOS setting I need to change to enforce the lower Vcores?

Regarding frequency I think you need to disable core boost if you want to run at manual settings.

Posted By: dspcmn
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2018 at 4:35pm
" rel="nofollow -
Originally posted by ApocPony ApocPony wrote:

But when I try to manually adjust CPU frequency's and Voltage it saves in bios but does not carry over after boot to OS. I'm pretty stumped as it seems pretty straight forward. Voltage is upping to 1.25 during testing. I can drop the frequency to 3000 and that also changes nothing. What have I missed?

I think another user reported a similar bug , the current beta BIOS solved that issue but broke something else (USB ports?).

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