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Re:My Motherboard from AMD & ASRock!

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Category: Media&User's Review
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: ASRock AMD Motherboards
Printed Date: 13 Feb 2025 at 7:58pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: Re:My Motherboard from AMD & ASRock!
Posted By: Asrockboy
Subject: Re:My Motherboard from AMD & ASRock!
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2015 at 7:55am



The sole purpose I chose Asrock over other offerings was because it seemed to be more trustworthy after all I did hear majority of the time about Asrock and some of their products in the past, knowing that they support AMD strongly in terms of CPU architecture and with a lower budget I had to choose an Asrock 970 motherboard over an Intel variation. Loyal fan aside after getting an Asrock 970 board I though of using it to overclock, however that was not possible with the voltage it has and possibly frying the MOBO in a matter of seconds so I though ''hey why not purchase a 990F motherboard to replace it afterwards I realized I had OEM Windows but I managed to get a retail key a week ago so I'm OK. Then I though of speeding my pc up in terms of booting through the windows logo and that's when I saw turbo boost a useful tool no need of those overrated SSDS. Picking Asrock over the others was my own choice considering it was more user friendly and possibly having overclocking a freedom set on the board makes thing a bit interesting with basic setup for saving your current profile and then having accessibility of many other features. That is after I did some certain research that Asrock used to be part of Asus or one of their divisions?!All the necessary stuff was done to get the board when I got the MOBO I couldn't wait to install it in my PC that's how excited I was back then. Now having an Asrock product I might purchase another one when AMD Zen comes out and lets not forget if I win this contest I would be so happy screaming with joy of having an overclock able MOBO.  

Posted By: Asrockboy
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2015 at 7:57am
Shocked If anyone wants to say something go ahead and do so I'll let people win the cpu but the mobo will be my goal for now

Posted By: ASRock_News
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2015 at 12:11pm
Nice work!!
Why not name a more appealing topic for this thread? It might attract more people to reply :) 

Posted By: Asrockboy
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2015 at 6:59pm
I just did check the name and you'll see the difference

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