The hardest stutter to troubleshoot
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Category: Technical Support
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: Question about ASRock AMD motherboards
Printed Date: 27 Dec 2024 at 10:47am Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -
Topic: The hardest stutter to troubleshoot
Posted By: mpw90
Subject: The hardest stutter to troubleshoot
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2018 at 7:05pm
I'm essentially encountering stuttering in games and some applications, despite my temperatures being fine and low usage of the components.
Prior to all of this, I have had difficulties with the system since I purchased the parts, and built it. I have had 3 motherboard replacements due to hard freezing, which appears to have been a PCIe lane problem from PCIe Gen 3 on the board. This is now resolved.
I have also had a problem with my GPU throttling due to heat problems, this was replaced and considered a faulty part.
Description of Problem On every setup I have tried, games will encounter some form of short micro stutter. This lasts a short amount of time, and occurs at seemingly unknown* intervals. It can happen in a series of stutters, or not happen for over one hour. Once it begins, it is very noticable and prominent. The stutter will last approximately between 250ms to 1 second. I observe that the frametime will often spike, but not always.
This was tested on both Linux and Windows 10, on separate drives, with fresh installs, over multiple disks. This has been tested under 'diagnostic' conditions, whereby I have installed and updated my drivers, and disabled anything that is not required, nor unrelated to the task at hand.
There are no overclocks, though I have tested with stock speeds at higher voltage. And tested with overclocks. If anything, an overclock will help. Though, I am keeping it removed. This began before any overclocking took place.
I have attempted the following
* Replaced components * Reinstalling the OS (and trying Linux, on different HDD's/SSD's, and removing them when other drive is in use) * Flashing BIOS * AMD chipset drivers * Updating Nvidia drivers (and removing old ones with DDU) * Reseating components * Removing peripherals and components until the bare essentials * Resetting CMOS * Reducing GPU power target * Checking VRM temps * Disabling drivers, and keeping the bare esential drivers required to run * Checking LatencyMon -- sometimes ntoskrnl will spike, sometimes it wont. Sometimes I will have a high ISR latency, sometimes I wont. * Monitoring voltage * 3 different monitors, cables and display interfaces (DVI, HDMI and displayport) * Disabled and uninstalled monitoring software * Reduced graphics settings in both Nvidia Control Panel and games themselves (remember, it happens in some applications, too) -- VSync off and on * Using Prime95 for stability at stock settings -- passes all torture tests * Tried different power plans, with different CPU % settings * Purchased a PSU tester, and it passes all the tests.
I also disable unnecessary services and processes on both operating systems. I've replaced the board, the GPU, and almost every other component. I've removed the network card and disabled the wifi and bluetooth drivers. My temperatures are good. To the point where Prime95 will max out around 78C on the test that produces the most heat. The GPU rarely goes above 70C unless in stress testing, and averages at around 61C during load. CPU averages around 58C during load.
There appears to be no throttling, or no obvious sign in monitoring software when this takes place.
The voltages appear to be fine, and hit the target voltages.
I do not know what to monitor anymore. I am kind of at a loss for where to look.
Clearing 'Standby Memory' on Windows appears to help for a short period of time, so I would have assumed disk/ram. Though, yesterday when I 'undervolted' (reduced power target) my GPU, it also helped for a long period of time. This does not always work, though. Sometimes I can remove the stanby memory and it will still happen, just less so. I cannot find the cause.
Component List
CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4-2400 Memory (2 x 8GB) (16GB)
Storage: Crucial - MX300 275GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB SC GAMING Video Card
Case: Thermaltake - Core V21 MicroATX Mini Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair - TXM Gold 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
Wireless Network Adapter: Gigabyte - GC-WB867D-I PCI-Express x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter
Monitors: Acer - XF240H 24.0" 1920x1080 144Hz Monitor x 2" rel="nofollow -
Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2018 at 7:22pm
" rel="nofollow -
as mad as it sounds
i would try a sensible overclock
say 3.8ghz all core at 1.35v fixed (leaving global states enabled will allow it the down volt on idle) AND set manual ram timings using the ryzen ram calculator for you ram even at 2400 (the calculators settings will be different to the ones the board and ram are setting) also bump the ram to 1.375 for testing and then after testing and hopefully issue dropped tweak the cpu and ram voltages lower as you go
have you also tested using just one monitor ?
------------- [url=][/url]
3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 28 Aug 2018 at 9:26pm
datonyb wrote:
" rel="nofollow -
as mad as it sounds
i would try a sensible overclock
say 3.8ghz all core at 1.35v fixed (leaving global states enabled will allow it the down volt on idle) AND set manual ram timings using the ryzen ram calculator for you ram even at 2400 (the calculators settings will be different to the ones the board and ram are setting) also bump the ram to 1.375 for testing and then after testing and hopefully issue dropped tweak the cpu and ram voltages lower as you go
have you also tested using just one monitor ?
So, I think we're thinking along the same lines. I did actually do this already. I was previously at a set 3.8ghz, 1.35, and I tried 1.375, too. OC here did not help.
I have tried 1.35v and 1.4v for the RAM. I haven't used the calculator yet, but I was running 2800mhz for a week to test, and it didn't help.
Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2018 at 2:00am
" rel="nofollow - the calculator really is not just good but great at getting ram right
it may just be that
who knows ?
------------- [url=][/url]
3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2018 at 2:36am
The problem is I don't know why die my RAM uses, and the information isn't readily available.
Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2018 at 4:10am
well its NOT samsung b die (as its cl16) run thiaphoon it tells you what dies and you need this info anyway for the calc.
------------- [url=][/url]
3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold
Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2018 at 4:12am
heres the calc. and a video instruction how to use it and to run thiaphoon first" rel="nofollow -
------------- [url=][/url]
3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2018 at 6:28am
datonyb wrote:
heres the calc. and a video instruction how to use it and to run thiaphoon first" rel="nofollow -
Interesting! I believed I had a matched pair but apparently not. Two different die manufacturers. I suspect something odd has gone on at Amazon. Should I return this memory?
Either way, I'd like to note that this problem existed before I had two sticks. I initially had a spare stick from a friend, that was a 3000Mhz Vengeance LPX -- I liked it (as much as you can like RAM) so I bought a 'matched pair', but obviously the prices shot up.
Should I proceed?
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2018 at 7:09am
Amazon have been great. They've just agreed to a return, so I will try some new memory. I will of course try this first.
Posted By: datonyb
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2018 at 12:36am
well ever since dinosaurs roamed the earth ,and i started out with pc's
mis-matched ram has always caused some form of issue...............
id suggest going forward
get a matched pair of ram ,run the ram calculator and report back
------------- [url=][/url]
3800X, powercolor reddevil vega64, gskill tridentz3866, taichix370, evga750watt gold
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2018 at 3:05am
datonyb wrote:
well ever since dinosaurs roamed the earth ,and i started out with pc's
mis-matched ram has always caused some form of issue...............
id suggest going forward
get a matched pair of ram ,run the ram calculator and report back
I just pulled one stick of RAM and it still did it, though. So I don't really know if it is RAM that will be the problem here (as in unmatched pair).
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2018 at 5:48am
datonyb wrote:
well ever since dinosaurs roamed the earth ,and i started out with pc's
mis-matched ram has always caused some form of issue...............
id suggest going forward
get a matched pair of ram ,run the ram calculator and report back
Here is a screenshot of the spikes (bottom graph, frametime ms). Every time there is a spike, the frametime shoots up. Please note: this happens with or without the monitoring software. Also when it is not installed." rel="nofollow -
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2018 at 9:27am
" rel="nofollow - UPDATEI secured the GPU in PCIe Gen 2 slot x16. Not the main PCIe Gen 3 slot. I loaded CS:GO and at splash screen, I noticed an increase of 120 fps (yes, I am not joking, what the hell?) I was hitting around 550-580 fps, when usually it is the low 400s. Even when I loaded the game, it reduced, but significantly higher in FPS.
YET, the stutters occured, and then I had a huge sequence of them and the system hard locked. This is exactly the same symptom I had with this board previously but with the PCIe Gen 3 slot. Previously, the Gen 2 slot was the only slot that would work.
Now, I am pretty convinced it is still the board. I have seen so many other horror stories about this board, and this is my 4th board after 3 RMA's in 6 months. Even after them asking me to change CPU (which I did), changing my GPU 3 times (1 time due to EVGA confirming a fault, and another testing an AMD GPU), and trying single sticks of RAM, etc.
Is it best to use Occam's Razor here and return this board for a final time, and change manufacturer? There is a chance it is the CPU.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2018 at 5:30am
Changed RAM, changed SSD. Same motherboard. Far more stable, less stuttering, but it still exists. I cloned the SSD (so, it's not entirely foolproof plan).
I plan to next test the motherboard. If it is not the motherboard, then it is either the PSU or the CPU.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2018 at 9:59pm
As can be seen here:" rel="nofollow - -- the spikes are still happening, but to a lesser degree. This is after a new SSD and new RAM.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 04 Sep 2018 at 11:48pm
As per this thread: " rel="nofollow -  ; -- I have attempted to run the kill ryzen script to detect hardware faults. I do not know if there are false positives with this, but I do get the error.
C:\Users\mpw90\Desktop\Stutter Solving\kill-ryzen-win-master>bin\x64\Release\kill-ryzen-win || exit /b
Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: FAIL
at kill_ryzen_win.Program.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<Main>b__0(Int32 x) in C:\Users\mpw90\Desktop\Stutter Solving\kill-ryzen-win-master\Program.cs:line 43
at System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.<>c__DisplayClass17_0`1.<ForWorker>b__1()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvokeWithArg(Task childTask)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c__DisplayClass176_0.<ExecuteSelfReplicating>b__0(Object )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForWorker[TLocal](Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Action`1 body, Action`2 bodyWithState, Func`4 bodyWithLocal, Func`1 localInit, Action`1 localFinally)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, Action`1 body)
at kill_ryzen_win.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\mpw90\Desktop\Stutter Solving\kill-ryzen-win-master\Program.cs:line 51
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2018 at 5:47am
Okay, as much as it pains me to say, I don't think it's the ASRock AB350m Pro4. Though, thankfully it's not. After 4 RMA's!
I tried the Gigabyte AB350M-DS3H and the stutters were still occurring.
New motherboard frametime spikes 1 -" rel="nofollow - New motherboard frametime spieks 2 -" rel="nofollow -
So, I am beginning to think this *is* the CPU.
So, I am at a loss still.. This CPU was manufactured in Malysia week 42 of 2017.
If indeed this is an AMD issue, I would actually be kind of furious. This has been 6 months of struggling to find the cause. Whilst I would be relieved to discover it is indeed the cause (what else can it be at this point), it would be my second CPU, 4th motherboard, 3rd lot of RAM, 2nd GPU, 2nd SSD, and 4 or 5 installation of Windows, and maybe 3rd installation of Linux.
Not to mention all the time consumed updating drivers, BIOS, disabling services, plugging and unplugging cables, and using the screw driver, and thermal paste, etc.
Posted By: wino
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2018 at 9:09pm
" rel="nofollow - Which BIOS version do you have?
------------- AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac 10.31 BIOS | Ryzen 5 5600 | G.Skill Flare X 2x8GB @ 3466 14-14-14-28 | Zotac GTX 1050 Ti | Kingston KC3000 1 TB M.2 | SilentiumPC Supremo M2 Gold 550W V2 | Plywood case 24x22x21 cm
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2018 at 9:21pm
wino wrote:
" rel="nofollow - Which BIOS version do you have?
Currently, 4.90. Though, all of this testing has been performed on several versions, and 2 different motherboards.
Posted By: wino
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2018 at 9:54pm
1. Make sure that the CPU-Z shows agesa 1004.
2. If you use WiFi, try to use LAN and additionally turn off WiFi in BIOS. 3. Disconnect the second hard disk.
------------- AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac 10.31 BIOS | Ryzen 5 5600 | G.Skill Flare X 2x8GB @ 3466 14-14-14-28 | Zotac GTX 1050 Ti | Kingston KC3000 1 TB M.2 | SilentiumPC Supremo M2 Gold 550W V2 | Plywood case 24x22x21 cm
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2018 at 10:16pm
wino wrote:
1. Make sure that the CPU-Z shows agesa 1004.
2. If you use WiFi, try to use LAN and additionally turn off WiFi in BIOS. 3. Disconnect the second hard disk. |
CPU-Z does show agesa 1004. I don't use Wifi, and I dont actually see this option in the BIOS. I have disconnected the second hard disk when diagnosing. I have also tried the opposite way with the SSD disconnected.
Sadly, it persists.
Posted By: wino
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2018 at 5:09pm
" rel="nofollow - I have one more idea - change the power plan in windows to performance :)
This guy has also good tip: It's for Ryzen 2 and his GPU, but i think that fixed frequency can help to strange downclocking in our Ryzen 1 CPU (I have also strange stuttering sometimes).
Good luck :)
------------- AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac 10.31 BIOS | Ryzen 5 5600 | G.Skill Flare X 2x8GB @ 3466 14-14-14-28 | Zotac GTX 1050 Ti | Kingston KC3000 1 TB M.2 | SilentiumPC Supremo M2 Gold 550W V2 | Plywood case 24x22x21 cm
Posted By: gizmic
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2018 at 5:42pm
do you have a video on the stutter and what game
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2018 at 6:08pm
wino wrote:
" rel="nofollow - I have one more idea - change the power plan in windows to performance :)
This guy has also good tip: It's for Ryzen 2 and his GPU, but i think that fixed frequency can help to strange downclocking in our Ryzen 1 CPU (I have also strange stuttering sometimes).
Good luck :)
Hi, I had already seen this video, but thank you for linking it.
I have already tried a fixed multiplier, and 100% min and max in the power plan. I've also tried stock, with the 100% min max, and 90% min and 100% max. This doesn't solve the issue, I'm afraid.
If you don't mind me asking, when did you purchase your CPU? It's potentially faulty.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2018 at 6:15pm
" rel="nofollow -
gizmic wrote:
do you have a video on the stutter and what game |
I don't, but I can create some videos hopefully this evening.
It is similar to this -- -- but significantly worse stutter. Clearing Standby Memory helps, but doesn't fully solve it. Also, it happens on Linux, too, using OpenGL. So, I have come to the conclusion after changing nearly every component that it is hardware.
I play CS:GO, League of Legends, Overwatch. But it's happened on Fortnite, WoW, Realm Royale, and more.
Posted By: wino
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2018 at 10:33pm
" rel="nofollow -
mpw90 wrote:
If you don't mind me asking, when did you purchase your CPU? It's potentially faulty.
a year ago - 16.08.2017.
------------- AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac 10.31 BIOS | Ryzen 5 5600 | G.Skill Flare X 2x8GB @ 3466 14-14-14-28 | Zotac GTX 1050 Ti | Kingston KC3000 1 TB M.2 | SilentiumPC Supremo M2 Gold 550W V2 | Plywood case 24x22x21 cm
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 06 Sep 2018 at 11:01pm
wino wrote:
" rel="nofollow -
mpw90 wrote:
If you don't mind me asking, when did you purchase your CPU? It's potentially faulty.
a year ago - 16.08.2017. |
if you're bothered, I would check the UA number. I have seen a lot of chips reported as faulty or buggy due to manufacturing defects. A lot from Malaysia.
Mine is from Malaysia, and that is why I suspect that it is faulty, as I have checked every other component, and reinstalled so many times, replaced everything, different operating systems, etc.
I think I have actually replaced every single item, except the CPU.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2018 at 8:50pm
I have replaced my CPU with AMD. I will be testing this further this evening to determine whether or not the stutter still occurs.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2018 at 8:35pm
" rel="nofollow - It still happens. - This is a clip I recorded in game of it happening, but for a very short amount of time. I noticed that, actually, the FPS *do* drop. They drop down to 89 from around 250-300fps. This is when the issues happens.
Posted By: Reinvented
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2018 at 2:55am
" rel="nofollow - Are you playing in Fullscreen or Borderless Window? Are you also attempting to run 144 Hz on BOTH monitors?
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2018 at 5:33am
Reinvented wrote:
" rel="nofollow - Are you playing in Fullscreen or Borderless Window? Are you also attempting to run 144 Hz on BOTH monitors? |
Fullscreen. Yes.
However, this problem has existed with different monitors. Single monitors. No 144hz. It's not the monitors.
This existed far before having 144hz monitors, or even dual monitors.
Posted By: Reinvented
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2018 at 7:29am
You aren't running Freesync, so turn it down to 60 Hz, and try with only one monitor again. Use DisplayPort this time around ONLY. Retest in Borderless Window.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2018 at 6:04pm
" rel="nofollow -
Reinvented wrote:
You aren't running Freesync, so turn it down to 60 Hz, and try with only one monitor again. Use DisplayPort this time around ONLY. Retest in Borderless Window. |
I don't want to be rude here, but are we not reading, and just writing? I appreciate your attempt at helping me, but I feel that you didn't bother to read what I have written through this post.
Posted By: xhue
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 3:29am
" rel="nofollow - OP, did you run ?
You'll see some spikes in DPC or other odd behavior in this app, when your stuttering occurs. The app will tell you which module is causing this. Then, you can continue further.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 3:53am
xhue wrote:
" rel="nofollow - OP, did you run ?
You'll see some spikes in DPC or other odd behavior in this app, when your stuttering occurs. The app will tell you which module is causing this. Then, you can continue further.
Hi, I have previously and ntoskrnl or nvidia drivers would often pop up. However, after trying *every* driver under the sun, I thought that maybe it's something that is processing the driver.
I will do it again right now and reply.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 4:17am
xhue wrote:
" rel="nofollow - OP, did you run ?
You'll see some spikes in DPC or other odd behavior in this app, when your stuttering occurs. The app will tell you which module is causing this. Then, you can continue further.
Please see attached images: -- it's worth noting that the largest peak on DPC when when loading the game, and when I tried to restart it again and alt tabbed to do so.
It *did* happen during this test, but only once.
Posted By: xhue
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 5:45am
" rel="nofollow - Odd. I really don't like that GPU. Can others with nvidia check their numbers?
To me it boils down to HW and/or FW, since you're having the stutter under both Win & Lin.
Can you please write down the detailed chronolgy of HW swaps you made? Something is fishy here. If I read it all correctly you didn't swap the GPU at all?
Also, could you hook up 2 monitors. Let latencymon run on one of them and try playing on the second. Check what spikes when the stuttering appears.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 6:51am
xhue wrote:
" rel="nofollow - Odd. I really don't like that GPU. Can others with nvidia check their numbers? |
The current GPU is EVGA Superclocked Nvidia GeForce 1060 GTX 6GB. I will explain...
xhue wrote:
To me it boils down to HW and/or FW, since you're having the stutter under both Win & Lin.
xhue wrote:
Also, could you hook up 2 monitors. Let latencymon run on one of them and try playing on the second. Check what spikes when the stuttering appears. |
This is what I was doing already. The spikes just appear as I'm playing. No firing, etc. Just running around.
xhue wrote:
Can you please write down the detailed chronolgy of HW swaps you made? Something is fishy here. If I read it all correctly you didn't swap the GPU at all? |
I can. Let's go... (I've done this many times, but I think I need to clarify again for pure detail).
In January 2018, I purchased every single part and assembled this myself.
The parts list included (swaps included in list):
CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor (Replaced one time with vendor as per request of ASRock, and then once more last week with AMD - total of 2 CPU replacements, same chip)
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (Replaced 1 time with eBuyer due to hard freezing, and 3 times with ASRock due to hard freezing) -> I purchased a Gigabyte AB350M-DS3H, too. I tried on this motherboard, yet the problems still existed. The current ASRock board seems stable. No freezing. BIOS is 4.90. Yet to try the 5.0.
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4-2400 Memory (2 x 8GB) (16GB) -> Changed to G Skill 3200mhz CL14 DDR4, running at 3200mhz.
Storage: Crucial - MX300 275GB 2.5" Solid State Drive -> Changed to MX500 500GB SSD.
Storage: Seagate - BarraCuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive -> Only used for external storage and diagnosing. Installed with and without. Tried Windows on it, too. Tried Linux. Tried it unplugged.
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB SC GAMING Video Card -> Used to be a 3GB but had thermal problems. Now 6GB, thanks to the lovely EVGA chaps.
Case: Thermaltake - Core V21 MicroATX Mini Tower Case - Never changed.
Power Supply: Corsair - TXM Gold 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply - Never changed. PSU meter shows it's in good working order. Never any power failure.
Wireless Network Adapter: Gigabyte - GC-WB867D-I PCI-Express x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Adapter - Currently removed. Been removed for months.
Monitors: Acer - XF240H 24.0" 1920x1080 144Hz Monitor x 2 - Used to be BenQ old 75hz LED. Also tried TV with HDMI. Changed all cables many times.
I also use a USB soundcard, which I have tried to test with and without, sadly without any notable changes. Focusrite Scarlett 6i6.
My mouse is a Microsoft Intellimouse 1.1.
Each time I have changed a component, I have attempted to be methodical about how I go about testing. I have disabled a lot of Microsoft services since my latest install. I am still sadly experiencing the stutter. Though, I feel I am in a better position to diagnose the issue as so much software has been removed from the equation.
OH! It might be worth mentioning that I have tried with and without GPU monitoring software installed. I have also removed BIOS overclocks to my CPU and run at stock. I have also tried to disable SMT (Simultaneous Multithreading). My temperatures are good (30-50 at load), and never seem to exceed 78C when stress testing with Prime95 under the heat stress.
I have tried various chipset updates, network, audio, and ATA/ATAPI drivers. I have obviously disabled a looot of stuff.
But, obviously, if it exists under Linux, it would point to hardware.
I hope this helps. Any further questions, please ask.
Posted By: LurkerLito
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 7:28am
" rel="nofollow - A weird stuttering in games? I had a similar issue and after a lot of searching I solved it by disabling the HPET (High Precision Event Timer). There are 2 ways to go about this:
- Disable it in the bios (on the x399 Fatality I think it was under ACPI)
- Disable it in windows with BCDEdit. Open a Admin command prompt and type:
bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock then reboot the computer.
This is a supposedly known issue when using a AMD motherboard with an Nvidia graphics card.
------------- AMD 1950x; ASRock X399 Fatal1ty V2.00; 64GB(4x16GB) G.Skill Trident Z DDR4 3200 CL14 (running 3066); EVGA 1080Ti SC2 Hybrid; Enermax TR4 360 AIO
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 7:55am
LurkerLito wrote:
" rel="nofollow - A weird stuttering in games? I had a similar issue and after a lot of searching I solved it by disabling the HPET (High Precision Event Timer). There are 2 ways to go about this:
- Disable it in the bios (on the x399 Fatality I think it was under ACPI)
- Disable it in windows with BCDEdit. Open a Admin command prompt and type:
bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock then reboot the computer.
This is a supposedly known issue when using a AMD motherboard with an Nvidia graphics card.
Sadly, I had already tried this. But appreciate the reply.
Posted By: ssateneth
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 2:25pm
" rel="nofollow - I have no idea if this is the same stuttering you get.
Specs in sig. ASUS MG279Q 1440p 144hz freesync IPS monitor. I have 3 of them.
Back on win10 1709, when starting up the system, I would get 3 distinct "stutters" that each lasted about a second each when loading into the desktop (the mouse cursor would freeze, then play catchup 3 times). It also stuttered once when opening certain apps, such as a picture viewer for a jpg file, or opening a video with media player classic.
I found that less attached monitors caused less on bootup stutters. Windows 7 did not eliminate the stutters but they were a little shorter in length. Windows 10 1803 moved the stutters to between OS load screen and desktop login screen (usually hanging on a black screen or spinning pinwheel from OS load for a little time).
I tried a different NVIDIA video card (I think it was a 1060 6GB instead of the 1080 ti I have installed) and the stutters were the same.
The other paths I have yet to confirm is A: Try an AMD video card and B: Try different monitors. I can't do A as I sold my last AMD card but I may be able to squire another one soon. B is possible to try, but it's a pain to set up physically. Let me know if you have any feedback on my similar (?) situation.
------------- MB: X399 Taichi, UEFI L3.32 VGA: EVGA 1080 Ti FTW3 PSU: Seasonic PRIME 1300 W PLATINUM CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X MEM: 4x16GB, 3600MHz G.Skill Trident Z F4-3600C17Q-64GTZKW
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2018 at 6:17pm
ssateneth wrote:
" rel="nofollow - I have no idea if this is the same stuttering you get.
Specs in sig. ASUS MG279Q 1440p 144hz freesync IPS monitor. I have 3 of them.
Back on win10 1709, when starting up the system, I would get 3 distinct "stutters" that each lasted about a second each when loading into the desktop (the mouse cursor would freeze, then play catchup 3 times). It also stuttered once when opening certain apps, such as a picture viewer for a jpg file, or opening a video with media player classic.
I found that less attached monitors caused less on bootup stutters. Windows 7 did not eliminate the stutters but they were a little shorter in length. Windows 10 1803 moved the stutters to between OS load screen and desktop login screen (usually hanging on a black screen or spinning pinwheel from OS load for a little time).
I tried a different NVIDIA video card (I think it was a 1060 6GB instead of the 1080 ti I have installed) and the stutters were the same.
The other paths I have yet to confirm is A: Try an AMD video card and B: Try different monitors. I can't do A as I sold my last AMD card but I may be able to squire another one soon. B is possible to try, but it's a pain to set up physically. Let me know if you have any feedback on my similar (?) situation. |
Good morning. I'm not sure if all of this is related to the problem I am encountering, I can confirm that I experience a similar phenomenon as you.
I've already tried B. The stutter happens in games, but I don't know if the login issue is resolved in this setup. Here's what I have noticed, though. Try booting your machine, with monitors on, and do not login for something like 3-4 minutes.
Then when you go to login, I think you'll notice there is no hang or stutter. Which makes me think that it's NT Authority/System user logons that are causing the boot problem. Hope that helps.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2018 at 3:36am
One thing I have noticed: when I limit my FPS to 60, there is no stutter in the two tests I performed.
Posted By: xhue
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2018 at 6:09am
My say is dump that GPU. Get a 580 and call it a day. 580 are dirt cheap now with all the crypto hype dead.
My 1700X is driving my 580 Nitro+ just fine. More so, my Ryzen is also from the 'bad' Malaysian batch, but I have 0 issues with it, even under Linux (I crunch & compile stuff).
Plus, as one of the chaps above said, some nvidias are having bad times running on Ryzens.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2018 at 7:40am
" rel="nofollow -
xhue wrote:
My say is dump that GPU. Get a 580 and call it a day. 580 are dirt cheap now with all the crypto hype dead.
My 1700X is driving my 580 Nitro+ just fine. More so, my Ryzen is also from the 'bad' Malaysian batch, but I have 0 issues with it, even under Linux (I crunch & compile stuff).
Plus, as one of the chaps above said, some nvidias are having bad times running on Ryzens.
Weird that you didn't get the compiler error. I had a Malaysian post-week 25 chip and it didn't compile. This one is from China, so I just assume that it works.
I have considered it. I need to get another similar quality card to fully test.
Posted By: xhue
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2018 at 3:31am
mpw90 wrote:
" rel="nofollow -
xhue wrote:
My say is dump that GPU. Get a 580 and call it a day. 580 are dirt cheap now with all the crypto hype dead.
My 1700X is driving my 580 Nitro+ just fine. More so, my Ryzen is also from the 'bad' Malaysian batch, but I have 0 issues with it, even under Linux (I crunch & compile stuff).
Plus, as one of the chaps above said, some nvidias are having bad times running on Ryzens.
Weird that you didn't get the compiler error. I had a Malaysian post-week 25 chip and it didn't compile. This one is from China, so I just assume that it works.
Well, I did get these errors initially, but as soon as I started RMA process, the mofos @ AMD dropped a fix in the new AGESA and the issues stopped. I had no ground for RMA afterwards. I just needed a few more days before this new AGESA...
On your issue, I strongly advise you to try with another GPU, an AMD one preferably.
Posted By: mpw90
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2018 at 5:46am
Update: 580 didn't solve the issue, and had terrible coil whine.
Tried using Gen 2.0 PCI slot and didn't solve it either (for both cards).