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AsRock AB350M PRO4 - SSD Not Detected

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Category: Media&User's Review
Forum Name: AMD Motherboards
Forum Description: ASRock AMD Motherboards
Printed Date: 14 Feb 2025 at 5:17pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.04 -

Topic: AsRock AB350M PRO4 - SSD Not Detected
Posted By: bombidoms27
Subject: AsRock AB350M PRO4 - SSD Not Detected
Date Posted: 21 Sep 2018 at 8:44pm
Hi All,

I just build a rig and i am currently having issue with my AB350M Pro4 not detecting my SSD Samsung Evo 860 256gb (windows bootable) and my brand new Baracuda HHD 1TB. I followed few things on this forums but unfortunately nothing works.

I've noticed there is a lot of post that asrock is having compatibility issue with SSD and M.2 drives. In my case it is totally not detecting my SSD.

RIG Specs:

Motherboard: AsRock AB350M Pro4 (FW: P4.70)
CPU: Ryzen 5 1600
GPU: RX 570 Gaming X 4gb
RAM: Trident Z 2400 mhz
PSU: 850 watts Corsair 80 Plus Bronze

I tried below.

Boot Tab > CSM = Enabled > Launch Storage OpROM Policy = Enabled

Then restart.

Selected BOOT OPTION #1 = UEFI: "Windows Media", Partition 1.

Then restarted and let the windows to start installer. However whenever i get to select drive or partion its not showing any available drive. Mind you my ssd samsung evo 860 256gb is connected to SATA 1(windows 10 installed already and i am trying to make it as a bootable) and Baracudda HDD 1 TB is connected to SATA 2(storage). I understand that there is a post regarding this matter but it did not work on my case.

I am hoping that someone can help me out regarding this issue.

Thank you in advance guys

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