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AB350 PRO 4 acting weird

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Category: Gaming Zone
Forum Name: Gaming PC Build Advice
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Printed Date: 15 Feb 2025 at 5:38pm
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Topic: AB350 PRO 4 acting weird
Posted By: Vlugge Japie
Subject: AB350 PRO 4 acting weird
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2018 at 11:43pm
Hello all,

A few days ago I finished my build with the following components:

Cpu: AMD ryzen 5 2600
Gpu: Gtx 960 4gb
Mobo: ASrock AB350 Pro4 (already has the new Bios update.)
Power supply: Corsair vs650
Ram: Hyperx Fury 8gb (2x)

At first I didn't get it to start but it eventually did, I got to the boot, installed windows and shut it down, I also updated my GPU drivers to the latest version.

Today I powered it on again and it didn't work, I tried the boot key [Del] and [F12], didn't do it. I also tried putting one RAM drive in A2, I tried a different keyboard, I let the power 'leak' out before trying again, I tried plugging the keyboard in every USB port I have. Everytime my monitors got [no signal]. I really do not know what to do now. The weirdest thing is that it has already worked. I really hope someone can help me out.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Posted By: Xaltar
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2018 at 1:37pm
" rel="nofollow - What happens when you power the system on? Is it power cycling (turns on for a short time then turns off and back on again endlessly)?

Have you tried leaving the system powered on for 10mins to see if it eventually posts?


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