After reading your post, I can agree with a point or two made. Mainly "...context issues, not to mention cultural differences in this being a global forum and misunderstandings happen."
Absolute agreement there.
By the way, historically speaking, a forum allows
all exchanges/challenges to be brought to the forum that a Moderator and the participants agree to. - Historically speaking. Today of course that would not allow foul language, ethnic slurs, gender slurs and the like. But would allow statements or views that may be viewed as criticism that is unfair or unjust. Again, just historically speaking.
I disagree that a moderator(for example in a school debate, college debate, political debate or otherwise) can have their 'trigger' pulled so as to allow themselves to 'sink' to an ugly level. I believe they should always 'rise above that'. Again, just my thoughts.
I also disagree with "...we are not Tech Support". Yes, Xaltar (and other Mods) you are, and more. Much more. You are just not the TSD(AsRock Tech Support Department).
I know you mentioned "... lets put this to bed and move on". I find that incredible as it is in opposition to what a forum is. A setting for continued issues, yes issues that arise again and again because it is dealing with...humans. The same issues arise yearly because each year we are still...humans. What complicates things in this forum is that the issues that a customer has can be belittled, dismissed or ignored by the TSD. So a customer choses the only other option they believe that they have... to make their voice heard in a forum. Do you have a better direction for a customer to have their issues heard? A complaints department? A name, email or address to write to? If so, I myself will jump on that today!
Edited by Kevin A - 16 May 2017 at 1:05am