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Vision Haswell Motherboard

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    Posted: 13 Jun 2017 at 6:42pm

The Last weekend there is a voltage peak at my home, and the motherboard of mi visionXx haswell burn out.

I send a E-mail to Asrock for buy and pay for another motherboard and the answer to it was a only "NO". With no more explanations

There is no way that Asrock don't have a Spare parts of their own products.

Can anyone help me to Know the way to Asrock you provide me another motherboard to fix my computer. I obviously paying for it. I love my htpc.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote parsec Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15 Jun 2017 at 11:52am
Originally posted by ROTOR ROTOR wrote:


The Last weekend there is a voltage peak at my home, and the motherboard of mi visionXx haswell burn out.

I send a E-mail to Asrock for buy and pay for another motherboard and the answer to it was a only "NO". With no more explanations

There is no way that Asrock don't have a Spare parts of their own products.

Can anyone help me to Know the way to Asrock you provide me another motherboard to fix my computer. I obviously paying for it. I love my htpc.


I'm sorry, but it is true that ASRock cannot replace the mother board for one of the Vision HT (Haswell) series all in one PCs. There are several reasons for that.

Did you tell ASRock which model of Vision HT (Haswell) Series PC you have?

There are three ASRock Vision HT (Haswell) Series PC models, 400D, 420D, and 421D, which are models first sold in 2013, and have not been sold by ASRock for about three years.

The mother board used in this PC was only used in this series of PCs, and never sold as product by itself. This board is not used in any other PC made by ASRock. It uses an Intel 4th Generation processor and chipset. Intel is currently selling the 7th Generation processors and chipsets, which are not compatible with 4th Generation hardware. Most Intel 4th Generation processors are no longer made by Intel, and are classified as EOL, End Of Life.

I'm sorry, but you cannot know whether or not any company keeps spare parts in stock for a product that has not been sold or used for three years.

How do you know it is only the mother board that is broken?

Do you know if the CPU/processor in the PC is working or not? Or if the DDR3 memory is working or not?

Do you know if the AC/DC adapter power supply is working or not?

Any or all of these parts could be damaged from a voltage peak. Even if you could get a replacement mother board, could you move the processor and memory to the new board? What would you do if the PC did not work after you replaced only the mother board?

Even if you could get the mother board, with CPU and memory already in it, all of that would probably cost $400.

A new mother board may not fix the PC, even if you could get one. If you took the PC to a shop, they would also tell you they cannot get parts for it. If ASRock told you they don't have a replacement board for this PC, then there is nothing else you can do, sorry to say.

The best thing you could do is try to find a used ASRock Vision HT (Haswell) Series PC at eBay.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ROTOR Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15 Jun 2017 at 9:03pm

I have the serial number and the the full data and I give it to Asrock, I have a second mail from RMA form Asrock and I waiting for the answer.

I have Test every other parts in my laptop, CPU, RAM, MXM vga, psu with multimeter and more, It is the motherboard.

And I ready find in Ebay, there is no one, And i dont know where more to try to find one, I love my HTCP and any actual nuc can even approach the performance of an AMD MXM GPU, only the new magnus zocat are equal to this but the price is too high, I prefer to repair the mine.


I'm sorry, but you cannot know whether or not any company keeps spare parts in stock for a product that has not been sold or used for three years.

And what happen whit this parts? Asrock throw it to the garbage? I don't think so.
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