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ASRock Z690 PG Velotica wont post bios

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B00MSL4NG View Drop Down

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    Posted: 09 Feb 2024 at 6:04am
Hello to anyone that may be able to help me solve this issue. But I just recently like a week ago got a new Velocita Z690 Intel board and DDR5 Ram. I noticed after purchase of the Ram it was clocked for 6400Mhz and the board supposedly said that this was supported in reading I had done. Got my first bios post after a bios flash to the latest bios firmware 19.02 I believe it was. Unfortunately I didnt test bios before a flash as I read many places support for a 14th gen Intel would most likely need a flash. And being tech savvy I did it before trying to start my rig for the first time even. I didnt ever find out which model of bios was on it before a flash. But it wouldnt matter as I flashed proper and got my first post since the new build.

After that I went and found my RAM had clocked to 4400 instead of 6400mhz like they were rated for. My mistake was trying to change this in bios and now the pc wont post and just runs, lights up and so fourth all seems to work. Just wont display anything but a black screen. Im tech smart enough to have tried clearing cmos, removing the cmos battery, tried similar method ASRock support gave me which instructed I unplug the AC power to my rig remove cmos battery for 3 mins and press clear cmos button 8 times in a row. Still nothing has been reset in bios. I even went and reflashed bios again in hopes it would wipe the ram clock adjustment I did.

In 10 years of messing with my old Asus Crosshair V I have never had an issue like this getting my bios to clear back to defualts. I have overclocked RAM and CPU in that board before with stable clocks, and messed up and had to reset or clear cmos before on that noard it was as simple as hitting the clear cmos button. Im not sure what im doing wrong maybe my board has a dead clear cmos button? And now Im bricked? Idk what to do. Didnt wanna have to return the board to newegg and wait. But I figured I havent done irreversible dmg to the board. It just doesnt seem to want to load back to defualts. Maybe the clear cmos button doesnt work and I should RMA it before I have future issues overclocking with it?

Maybe Im wrong and it does work but I just havent done the method of clearing cmos properly. Figured id ask here if anyone else has had such a hard time resetting bios to a workable model after attempting to boost RAM clock speed? It could be im just preforming these functions not the proper way an ASRock board needed. But with how many pcs ive built this has stumped me. And Id love to hear any ideas someome may have on helping fix the issue. I have like 24 or so days I can process a return on the board to newegg. But I dont think I bricked the mobo and dont believe Ive done damage to it. Id hate to return it just because I wasnt doing something right. And ive cleared this non boot issue from overcloking before with my old mobo too many times to count by just clearing cmos with the button on the back. Id love to try out an ASRock board it looks dope and it packed with features. But maybe it does have a bad Cmos clear button. Idk. Any and all help appreciated thanks for your time if you decide to try and help me trouble shoot.

Btw I didnt like how tech support from ASRock had the initial idea of me just giving up and reccomending I return the board to seller, thats kinda the cheap way out of not helping people trouble shoot. To just right off bat tell me to return and RMA the board. Idk how many people yall deal with a day in the support department. But its bad to just first thing tell a customer thier stuff is broken or not compatible (when I did research on compatibility with parts) and to return it when it doesnt appear to be done for and I have also had this problem with other motherboards and solved it rather quick hitting the cmos clear button and reset bios no issue. All that aside maybe a different ASRock tech support may be willing to help me actually solve this issue and not just point me immediately to a return to seller. Id love for this new setup to work if anyone knows what to do.
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Cat13600 View Drop Down

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I don't read that the diagnostic LED shows an error, so it may be just the monitor / GPU output and therefore a coincidence.

I would try to replug the monitor or manually change the input after a boot, try hdmi bs. displayport, try another cable or monitor, ...
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B00MSL4NG View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote B00MSL4NG Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 Feb 2024 at 8:05pm
I did try a couple of different monitors and hdmi cables. I did end up figuring out the issue and am gonna post my findings here on why and how it went wrong for me, hoping it may bring light to this issue for ASRock to solve it and may help others trying to setup this board that may have the same problems I did. Im glad I was able to figure the issue out no thanks to ASRock support. Sorry to call them out here but bios needs a fix in this motherboard. Its glitched out hard.

I found the problem finally and I guess everytime the bios is reset on this morherboard it reverts or deletes core video display drivers I assume. I ended up getting the black screen after turning on my pc when I had originally changed a bios setting the first time I got in bios that one single time after the fresh build. After changing RAM clock speeds this board wouldnt boot. Which is fine. I messed with clock speeds the pc didnt like it and therefore was in a normal non boot state because of whack RAM clock speeds it didnt like. Normally when this happened on any other motherboard Ive tried changing voltages on you hit the clear cmos button and set bios to defualts. It works every time and you get back to bios and leave the setting you messed up and try a different one. Needless to say when you do that on this motherboard to clear cmos it destroys or wipes video display selections or base drivers needed to view bios.

Literally booted the board numerous times to a black screen but found no dr debug codes so the board was working fine. Then after that test I tried hitting the del key after a reboot and it read the same code over and over. Code "Ab" for At bios - awaiting user input. Now from here I was like ok the boards working its getting into bios just not displaying it. So the core issue was display drivers. On a whim I was like maybe this board favors AMD video driver outputs for the inital setup bios phase. I took out my 2060 Nvidia Super clocked and dusted off an 8 year old AMD GPU and wallah! Swapping video cards to an old school AMD Gpu got my display back to showing and appearing each boot. I kept this old dusty card in the pc and installed windows, set boot priorities and downloaded every driver needed and windows updates. Then after all that was said and done I removed this ancient gpu from my rig and put back in my Nvidia 2060 super clocked and have been gaming and booting fine ever since.

Its horendous that this issue hasnt been patched yet or got caught before this version of bios was released to the public. I had 48 hours of trouble shooting this board to find out it wipes display drivers everytime I revert bios to defualts. Because guess what. I went back to bios changed fan speeds on the wrong fan (This was after installing windows and drivers and getting past the zero display black screen after boot issue) and was like well might as well test the theroy. I went ahead and reset bios to defualts again. What do you know.... it went right back to giving me a black display no signal output to my monitor. Whatever is going on bios basically locks you out of your current video display use and you have to revert to an older model graphics card to reset the bios boot priorities and save it. Then swap back to your newer video card.

Honestly most normal people building a pc the first time ever would have returned this board thinking it was broken. Its absurd I wasted 48 hours trouble shooting to find out I need to boot off an old school video card to make my newer age one recognize the bios display output. Buggy as hell. And it even paranoid me so hard after not finding a solution I panicked and bought more DDR5 RAM thinking I fried it clocking the speed higher. But nah its fine and works still no problem the culprit is a buggy or glitchy bios. And if I cant revert bios settings to defualt without having to take my video card out and swap it with another how in the hell am I supposed to use any of the cool overclocking features built and programmed into this board? Simple answer is overclocking is not possible without stress testing possibilities and having a chance of messing up and then oh well ya mess up and revert bios. But now theres an extra step involved and you best hope you have a spare video card on deck. With generic drivers. Otherwise yeah right overclocking anything is an outright joke with this board till bugs are fixed in bios. Thankfully suppprt for the newer 14th gen Intel I threw in it isnt messed up. And its working blazingly fast I shouldnt have a need to overclock for a few years. Which by that time I hope the bios is patched >_<

Might as well tell ASRock while im here that the buggy bios models are 19.02 and 18.05 (Didnt test others because no supoort for 14th gen intel prior). Both of those bios models Ive used and exeperienced the same display output drop or loss after a bios revert to defualt settings. And its happened twice to me now (Once hitting clear cmos button, and once manually resetting bios to defualts within bios). Im just gonna not bother with bios at all after getting it set this second fime now. Gonna also keep this spare gpu in case I need to revert it again. On a side note Im not upset with this board. Just upset with the lack of testing on bios for a remdial setting that should always work proper on a board meant for overclocking and being sold with overclocking features. Test your sh*t before releasing a bugged bios ASRock. Hopefully my post here doesnt go unread and I hear about a bios patch so I can use all of these cool overclocking features that are pointless without being able accidentally revert display drivers just simply reverting to bios defualts.

But I left this post to more so help anyone who doesnt know how to trouble shoot this stuff hope it doesnt cause more headaches for someone else. Good board works mighty fast just buggy bios.
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wildcatdave View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote wildcatdave Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 Mar 2025 at 5:16am
I know this is a year later, but I was having POST issues with a brand new build with an NVidia 4060 & Intel i7-14700KF. I would get the "A0" code on the board, and if I tapped the "Del" key at power-on I would get the "Ab" code. So I swapped in an old GeForce 6600 and same thing. Then I moved the 6600 to the 2nd PCIe slot and it POSTed just fine. The shipped BIOS version was 16.xx and they currently have 21.xx. I updated the BIOS and now the 4060 works in the 1st PCIe slot. So the old BIOS was having trouble initializing any video card in PCIe slot 1. Hope this helps someone...
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