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7700k + z170 gaming k6 issues

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    Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 2:04pm
Hi, recently I upgraded from a 6600k to a 7700k and I am having nothing but issues. Before the upgrade everything was running smoothly but now I am getting constant microstutter, and often flat out lag in games, and the desktop as well as browser often stutters or downright lags as well. I have also noticed random temp spikes while games are loading despite low cpu usage, while at other times I notice high usage when there probably shouldn't be. Everything in the bios is default and I have made no changes to the pc other than swapping the cpu. I have also noticed extremely high latency.

I have run intels processor diagnostic tool, realbench, cinebench, occt, and numerous game benchmarks and everything is in line, and yet overall performance is very inconsistent with the above mention issues when actually gaming or using the pc.

Is it possible that despite a bios update making the gaming k6 compatible with kabylake that there are simply compatibility issues? Any advice would be appreciated as it is very upsetting having gone from being excited about an upgrade to having a recently perfectly working pc suddenly performing terribly after said upgrade.

My specs are
7700k/cryorig h7(not the best but temps are reasonable)
z170 gaming k6
r9 390
16g 2400 ddr4
750w evga b2

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 2:15pm
Welcome to the forums.

I would try the following:

1. Clear CMOS
2. Reinstall Intel Management Engine
3. Reinstall Intel INF utility
4. Boot into safe mode then shut down and boot back up normally

Clearing CMOS (if you have not already) will get rid of any eroneous settings potentially left over from the 6600k, reinstalling intel's ME and INF utilities will refresh drivers and booting into safe mode will force windows to detect and correctly identify your new CPU.

In addition, what BIOS version are you running? 
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7.2 which happens to be the most recent as well as the only one available for kabylake support.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 2:24pm
Great, that't the one you want. Try the things I suggested above, if that does not sort you out then you can try using the battery removal technique and clear your CMOS more thoroughly (gets rid of RTC settings and a few others that the jumper does not).

Let us know how it goes. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 2:25pm    (copy paste link)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mrobscura Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 3:20pm
[URL=][/URL]Ok, I've done what you have suggested. I'll use the pc a bit and see what happens.

Oh, one thing I have noticed as I said was a high latency. When running the basic latencymon test everything seems fine except for the hard page faults, but from what I've read those aren't an issue. But when running the in depth tight loop test. Numerous cores show a latency in the red. With realtek audio manager enabled core one was hitting 900 something and other where in the 500s. With it disabled I'm still getting numerous cores in the red with most around 150 and the highest at 200. I also noticed if I use the igpu with my amd drivers uninstalled and realtek disabled all of the cores stay in the teens. Admittedly I'm not too sure what all that means but its just something I've come across in my effort to troubleshoot. Actually there's one other thing as well, since the upgrade my mouse occasional scrolls slightly on it's own, which it did not do until the 7700k was installed. I don't know if it's related, but...

Edit:Already a quick update. Things still seem to be off, when I click on something on the desktop in lags. As I've said all the hardware seems to be performing as it should be individually when stress tested or benchmarked. So I really don't know what's going on. Could a fresh windows install help? This sucks since I only have a few days left to return the 7700k but I'd like to get it working correctly and keep it.

Edited by Mrobscura - 20 Mar 2017 at 3:33pm
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 3:46pm
That behavior is very odd. I would try a fresh OS install, it could be causing the issues. I never encountered issues like this on my Z170 Pro4s when swapping between the 6600k and 7600k but the 7600k doesn't have hyperthreading. 

Before you do a fresh install, disable hyperthreading in the UEFI and see if the system works normally (as it did with the 6600k). If it does then go ahead and do a fresh windows install, that would mean windows is the likely culprit. If it still causes issues send back the CPU, it could be defective. As I said, I had no issues swapping between the 6600k and the 7600k in my Pro4s and that was done multiple times for a review I was working on. The Z170 Gaming K6 should not behave any differently. If the 6600k worked flawlessly then the 7700k should too, there is no compatibility issue with Kaby Lake and 100 series boards. Skylake and Kaby Lake are almost identical architecturally with the only differences being some optimization and decoding features added to Kaby Lake, nothing that would cause incompatibility.
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The tight loop test still shows high(250us) latency with hyperthreading disabled(but like I said, if i uninstall my amd drivers, that's no longer the case).

Anyway, would a cpu benchmark in line and pass stress tests and Intel's diagnostic tool if it was defective? This is actually the 2nd 7700k I've tried because the first one was getting way to hot and I know intel was having quality control issues with the tim and attaching the heat spreader.

You know, when I first built the rig with the 6600k a year ago, I had similar issues at the beginning and did a bunch of troubleshooting, but I don't know what corrected them. I did reinstall windows once and there where numerous bio updates released since my board was manufactured(it shipped with the first public bios) so I updated the bios as well. Could it be an issue with asrocks current gaming k6 bios? If that's a possibility I'm thinking about just going with a 6700k and rolling back the bios.

Edited by Mrobscura - 20 Mar 2017 at 4:24pm
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Xaltar Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 4:34pm
There are so many possible causes and I have never run into this issue before which makes things tricky to diagnose. That said, if the CPU is working correctly without the AMD drivers then it is most likely software/driver related. I don't see how the BIOS could be causing an issue with the AMD drivers + CPU unless the drivers are forcing a resource allocation that conflicts with the CPU somehow.

Have you used DDU (Display driver uninstaller) on the system? If not I would do that then download and install the very latest AMD drivers for your GPU. You may also want to uninstall intel and nvidia drivers with DDU while you are at it (even if they were never installed). While this would all be taken care of with a fresh install, that is a lot of effort to go to only to have the same issue. If these more simple steps fail then try a clean install. 

You could also try the Beta BIOS for your board, it states improved compatibility. It is older than the 7.2 version but may be more stable for you. Worth a shot.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mrobscura Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 20 Mar 2017 at 4:43pm
Yeah, I've uninstalled the amd drivers with ddu and reinstalled them. Weird thing, even going back to the 6600k, my 390 got worse performance with the newer drivers. And there is a known issue with amds new relive drivers and the 390 series.

Anyway, I don't have any nvida drivers on my machine, but I was unaware of the beta bios, I'll give that a try. Thanks. Oh, one more thing, is it normal for cpu usage to sky rocket as games load? I never paid attention until now, so I'm not sure.
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